



  • 書名:京劇交響曲
  • 作者:鮑元愷
  • ISBN:9787103035689、7103035687
  • 頁數: 124頁
  • 出版社人民音樂出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年12月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝


鮑元愷(1944——)作曲家、音樂教育家。1967年畢業於中央音樂學院作曲系,1973年到天津音樂學院任教。現任天津音樂學院教授、廈門大學藝術研究所所長。歷任中國音樂家協會創作委員會副主任、《音樂研究》編委、金鐘獎音樂作品評審。是首批獲得國務院特殊津貼的專家,2005年獲區永熙優秀音樂教育獎,2012年獲廈門大學最高獎“南強獎”。作有《炎黃風情——中國民歌主題24首管弦樂曲》(1991)、《華夏弦韻》室內樂集(2001)、六部交響曲:《紀念》(2004)、《台灣音畫》(1996 / 2000 / 2006)、《京劇》(2006)、《廈門》(2008)、《禹王》(2009)、《燕趙》(2012)以及童聲合唱套曲《四季》(1980)、《景頗童謠》(1981)等。作品多次在海峽兩岸各大城市和亞洲、大洋洲、南北美洲、東西歐洲和南非,由國內外交響樂團演出,並由DGEMI、PHILIPS、DECCA、雨果等多家機構出版唱片。
Professor BAO Yuankai
(1944—--),composer and music educator, graduated from Beijing Central Conservatory of Music in 1967. He has been working at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music since 1973. He also serves as the deputy director of the Composition Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association, the director of Institute of Arts at Xiamen University. He was member of Music Research(one of the major academic journals in the country) as well as a member of the panel of judges for the composition competition “Golden Bell Awards”. In recognition of his dedication and achievements towards music education and composition, Prof. Bao was one of the first music educators to receive the special grant from the Chinese State Council and the“Outstanding Music Educator” award from the Chinese Ministry of Culture.
Prof. Bao's compositions include
Chinese Sights and Sounds, 24 Pieces on Chinese Folk tunes for Orchestra (1991)
Chinese Melody of the Strings, Quartet Series Arranged by Chinese traditional music (2001)
Symphony No.1, Commemoration (2004)
Symphony No.2, Sketches of Taiwan (1996 / 2000 / 2006)
Symphony No.3, Peking Opera (2006)
Symphony No.4, Amoy (2008)
Symphony No.5, The King Yu (2009)
Symphony No.6, Yan Zhao (2012)
Children's Chorus The Seasons (1980) and Jingpo Nationality Children's Folk Rhyme (1981).
His recordings have been released by DG, EMI,PHILIPS, DECCA,and HUGO.


鮑元愷第三交響曲——京劇,Bao Yuankai Symphony No.3,Peking Opera,2006,雙管交響樂團。2006年5月在北京試演。2006年9月2日譚利華指揮北京交響樂團在北京中山音樂堂首演。2007年3月EMI發行發行唱片。2008年人民音樂出版社出版總譜。41:45。
第一樂章 崑曲,悲壯的行板 Ⅰ-Jing -“The Painted face”
a Solemn Andante using Kun-Qu music 12:01
第二樂章 曲牌,詼諧的急板 Ⅱ-Chou -“The Comedian”
a Humorous Presto using Qu-Pai music 5:06
第三樂章 二黃,深沉的慢板 Ⅲ-Dan -“The Lady”
a Profound Largo using Er-Huang music 12:00
第四樂章 西皮,輝煌的快板 Ⅳ-Sheng -“The Man”
a Splendour Allegro using Xi-Pi Music 12:37
第四樂章。輝煌的快板。生。西皮。以打擊樂為主,高揚生行之神采。煌煌大度,氣魄絕凡,能縱橫俾合,傲立世間。揮灑自如,鎮定坦然。亦睿智,亦果敢,躊躇滿志,談笑陣前,縱論人生,立地頂天。 《京劇交響曲》反映當代中國專業音樂創作成就和整體發展水平,以西方交響樂的創作手法深刻表現出中華民族特有的精神世界。並在書後附音頻光碟。
China’s traditional opera is an ancient drama form. which blends the different elements of literature, music, dance, visual arts, martial arts, acrobatics and other forms of performance art. Peking opera, which is named after the capital of China, is the most influential and popular of this family of localized drama forms. Bao Yuan-Kai’s third symphony “Peking Opera” employs the various roles and musical styles found in the drama form. and attempts to display the profound and rich spiritual world of the Chinese through the western art form. of the symphony.
The roles in Peking Opera are divided into four categories:Sheng- The Male,Dan- the Female,Jing- the Painted Face, which is a forceful character in the drama, andChou- the Comedian.
The music of Peking Opera is usually a combination of stand alone percussion sequences and four musical styles:Xi-Pi,Er-Huang(these two are usually used for sung passages),Qu-Pai(which means fixed tuned music and usually is in the form. of instrumental passages which are used as background music) andKun-Qu(borrowed from another drama form. popular in the Eastern regions of China).
A typical symphony is composed of four movements with different speeds, tempos and character. A symphonic orchestra consists of four sections: strings, woodwind, brass and percussion.
Hence the composer has produced his music as follows:
Movement 1:Jing– The Painted Face, A solemnAndanteusingKun-Qumusic.This movement showcases the brass section, with the motif adapted from General Guan Yu’sKun-Qustyled aria “On and on the great river flows, racing eastwards” in the play “The Lone Broadsword”.
Movement 2:Chou– The Comedian, A humorousPrestousingQu-Paimusic.This movement showcases the woodwinds. The introduction to theScherzoand the main melody of the middle section comes from the Peking OperaQu-Paiof “The green willow lady” and the 3/4 timeBasso ostinatofound at the beginning and end of the movement comes from theQu-Pai“Walking Strings” which is usually used as the background music when a Peking Opera character moves around the stage.
Movement 3:Dan– The Lady, A profoundLargousingEr-Huangmusic.This movement employs only the strings. The main theme comes from the plaintive but lovely passage sung by the main female role of the play “The Legend of Lady White Snake” when she had to part with her son.
Movement 4:Sheng– The Man, A splendorAllegrousingXi-Pimusic.This movement emphasizes the use of the percussion instruments and employs the varied combinations of different sections of the orchestra in a fast paced Sonata form. conclusion to the symphony. The principal theme comes from aXi-Pitune and the secondary theme comes from a famous passage sung by the wise military advisorZhu-Ge Liangin the play “The Empty Castle Trick”
This symphony was commissioned by the Beijing Symphony Orchestra and premiered on 23rd day May 2006 by conductor Tan Lihua in Beijing..
Translated by: Tan Ke-Yang


