


  • 書名:世界文學名著•歐亨利短篇小說集
  • 作者:亨利 (O.Henry)
  • 出版社:中國出版集團,中國對外翻譯出版公司
  • 頁數:195頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:中國對外翻譯出版公司
  • 外文名:The Essential O.Henry Collection
  • 類型:文學
  • 出版日期:2009年5月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787500122579





歐·亨利,生於1862年,美國著名批判現實主義作家,世界三大短篇小說大師之一。曾被評論界譽為曼哈頓桂冠散文作家和美國現代短篇小說之父。1910年死於肝硬化,他的葬禮在紐約舉行,他被葬於北卡羅來納州阿什維爾。1927年,他的女兒瑪格麗特·沃斯·波特(Margaret Worth Poter)去世,與他合葬在一起。


A Newspaper Story
After Twenty Years
Buried Treasure
Confessions of a Humorist
Hearts and Hands
The Cactus
The Cop and the Anthem
The Detective Detector
The Furnished Room
The Gift of the Magi
The Green Door
The Last Leaf
The Marry Month of May
The Pimienta Pancakes
The Princess and the Puma
The Romance of a Busy Broker
The Skylight Room
A Blackjack Bargainer
A Technical Error
He Also Serves
One Dollar's Worth
Seats Of The Haughty
To Him Who Waits


Littlefield went to the clerk of the court and looked over therecords with him. They decided that the letter might have been sent byMexico Sam, a half-breed border desperado who had been imprisonedfor manslaughter four years before. Then official duties crowded thematter from his mind, and the rattle of the revengeful serpent wasforgotten.
Court was in session at Brownsville. Most of the cases to be triedwere charges of smuggling, counterfeiting, post-office robberies, andviolations of Federal laws along the border. One case was that of ayoung Mexican, Rafael Ortiz, who had been rounded up by a cleverdeputy marshal in the act of passing a counterfeit silver dollar. He hadbeen suspected of many such deviations from rectitude, but this wasthe first time that anything provable had been fixed upon him. Ortizlanguished cozily in jail, smoking brown cigarettes and waiting fortrial. Kilpatrick, the deputy, brought the counterfeit dollar and handedit to the district attorney in his office in the court-house. The deputyand a reputable druggist were prepared to swear that Ortiz paid fora bottle of medicine with it. The coin was a poor counterfeit, soft,dull-looking, and made principally of lead. It was the day before themoming on which the docket would reach the case of Ortiz, and thedistrict attorney was preparing himself for trial.
"Not much need of having in high-priced experts to prove thecoin's queer, is there, Kil?" smiled Littlefield, as he thumped the dollardown upon the table, where it fell with no more ring than would havecome from a lump of putty.




