there to be


there to be 的用法,1) 用作動詞的複合賓語。,2) 用在It be + adj. for...的結構中,there being 的用法,1) 用作介詞後的複合賓語,2) 作狀語用的獨立結構,
there to be的使用和前面的動詞有關,比如:
I did not expect there to be so many flowers.
There to be 和 there being 的用法
There+be是一種常見的“表示存在”的句型。 There+be後可接名詞或動名詞
There must be rules for the changes. 這些變化一定是有規則的。
There is no knowing what may happen. 誰也不知道將要發生什麼事
下面就there to be 和 there being 的用法做一簡要介紹。

there to be 的用法

1) 用作動詞的複合賓語。

Would you like there to be a picture on the wall? 你喜歡牆壁上掛一張畫嗎?
We don't want there to be any comrade lagging behind. 我們不希望有一個同志掉隊。
I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us.我不希望我們之間有什麼誤會。

2) 用在It be + adj. for...的結構中

It is impossible for there to be any more chance. 不可能再有機會了。
It was too late for there to be any buses. 時間太晚,不會有汽車了。
We waited for there to be another opportunity. 我們期待著還有下一次機會。

there being 的用法

1) 用作介詞後的複合賓語

I never dreamed of there being a picture on the wall. 我從未想到牆壁上有幅畫。
I was wrong about there being some misunderstanding between us.認為我們之間有誤解是我的錯誤。

2) 作狀語用的獨立結構

There being nothing to do, we went home. 因為沒有什麼事要辦,我們就回家了。
There being nobody else at hand, I had to do it by myself.由於身邊沒有別人,我只得自己幹了


