




  • 外文名:survey
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈsəːveɪ]
  • 美式音標:[ˈsɝˌve]


名詞 n.


定量研究 Quantitative research
  • Survey methodology, a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population 一種方法,用於收集在一個群體中定量有關下列內容的信息項目
  • Paid computer, a method that companies use to collect consumer opinions about a product by paying consumers for participating in the computer games 公司使用的方法收集消費者的意見,有關產品的支付方面,讓消費者都參與的電腦遊戲
  • Surveying, the technique and science of measuring positions and distances on Earth 在地球上的位置和距離測量的技術和科學
  • Aerial survey, a method of collecting information using aerial photography 利用航空攝影收集信息的方法
  • Cadastral survey, used to document land ownership, by the production of documents, diagrams, plats, and maps 用於土地所有權檔案,檔案,圖表,制地圖,地圖的生產
  • Dominion Land Survey, the method used to divide most of Western Canada into one-square-mile sections for agricultural and other purposes 劃分加拿大西部一平方英里的部分農業及其他用途所採用的方法
  • Public Land Survey System, a method used in the United States to survey and identify land parcels 在美國使用並確定地塊的調查方法
  • Survey township, a square unit of land, six miles (~9.7 km) on a side, used by the U.S. Public Land Survey System 由美國公共土地測量系統制定的標準,一個平方單位的土地上,有6英里(約9.7公里)的一個側面
地球科學Earth sciences
  • Geological survey, an investigation of the subsurface of the ground to create a geological map or model 地面調查中創建一個地質圖或模型的地下
  • Geophysical survey, the systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies 系統地收集地球物理數據空間研究
  • Soil survey, the mapping of the properties and varieties of soil in a given area 在一個給定的區域內,土壤的性質和品種的映射
  • Hydrographic survey, the gathering of information about navigable waters for the purposes of safe navigation of vessels 收集有關通航水域船舶安全航行的目的
  • Cave survey, the three-dimensional mapping of underground caverns; the resulting map is also referred to as a survey 地下洞室三維映射;生成的地圖也被稱為作為survey
建築業和採礦業Construction and mining
  • Construction surveying, the locating of structures relative to a reference line, used in the construction of buildings, roads, mines, and tunnels 定位和隧道的結構相對於參考線,用於建築物,道路,礦山建設,
  • Deviation survey, used in the oil industry to measure a borehole's departure from the vertical 在石油工業中使用測量的鑽孔偏離垂直
  • Archaeological field survey, the collection of information by archaeologists prior to excavation 考古工作者開挖之前收集信息
  • Astronomical survey, imaging or mapping regions of the sky 成像或映射區域的天空
  • Durchmusterung, a German word for a systematic survey of objects or data, generally used in astronomy 一個德國字為一個系統的調查對象或數據,一般用在天文學
  • Redshift survey, an astronomical survey of a section of the sky to calculate the distance of objects from Earth 一節的天空的天文測量,計算出物體從地球的距離
  • Survey article, a scholarly publication to summarize an area of research 總結的研究領域的學術刊物
  • The Institut Géographique National, a French state establishment which produces and maintains geographical information for France and its territories 一個法國國家建立生產和維護法國和其領土的地理信息
  • The Survey of India, India's central agency in charge of mapping and surveying 印度的中央機構,負責測繪和測量
  • The Zoological Survey of India studies the fauna of India 研究印度動物的機構
  • The British Geological Survey, a body which carries out geological survey and monitoring of the UK landmass 英國大陸進行地質調查和監測的一個機構
  • The Ordnance Survey, national mapping agency for Great Britain 英國國家測繪局
  • The British Antarctic Survey, conducts scientific research in and around Antarctica for the United Kingdom 英國進行科學研究和南極洲周圍的機構
  • The United States Geological Survey, government scientific research agency which studies the landscape of the United States 政府科研機構研究美國景觀的機構
  • The U.S. National Geodetic Survey, performs geographic surveys as part of the U.S. Department of Commerce 美國商務部進行地理調查的一部分
  • The Survey, a publication of Survey Associates, Inc., in New York in the 20th century 在20世紀紐約的出版物的調查公司


