spinning chain

SPINNING CHAIN was originally formed in 2005 and consists of core founders and producer/songwriters Todd “Taz” Anthony and Jimi Scott Mancille.
SPINNING CHAIN is a visceral experience, each song a dispatch from a dark place between the shadow and the soul- a place we have all been before and are certain to return to again.
Their distinct sound and style is an ode to the ever-constant struggle to stay head above water, a confrontation that relentlessly drives the skeletons from the closet and out into every lyric and line.
Based in Austin, TX, SPINNING CHAIN’S driving music and intense live shows are developing a loyal following in the Live Music Capitol of the World as the new hard rock phenomenon.
Jimi Scott Mancille -- Lead vocals
Taz -- GuitarsBobby Sheehan -- Drums
spinning chain
Chris Pistorio -- Bass
My Insanity
已經沒有任何理由來形容Spinning Chain這支樂團了,新專輯差不多已經有二年沒有發布,發布就讓人眼前一亮的感覺,樂團這二年加入了新的成員而且在新作中扮演著重要的角色,這張專輯包容了Spinning Chain這二年生活的寫照,突出了樂團鮮為人知的另類生活,幾首曲子的詞編寫頗佳,有王者之氣,希望樂團在今後的道路發展的更好。
Too Far Gone
spinning chain
Fallin In
End of my Rope
Pain I Feel
Get Out
Who I am
Let It Ride
I Have Become


