right here right now(歌舞青春3歌曲)

right here right now(歌舞青春3歌曲)

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這是歌舞青春3:畢業季 里收錄的一首歌,時長3:58,Walt Disney出品,由Troy(扎克.埃夫隆)和Gabriella(凡妮莎·哈金斯)演唱。二人在Troy的樹屋上唱出對即將到來的畢業很惆悵並不捨與對方分開的心情。


  • 中文名稱:right here right now
  • 所屬專輯:歌舞青春3:畢業季
  • 填詞:Jamie Houston
  • 譜曲:Jamie Houston
  • 編曲:Jamie Houston


Can You imagine?
What would happen?
If we could have any dream
I'd wish this moment
Was ours to own it
And that it would never leave
Then i would thank that star
That made our wish come true
(come true) oh yeah
Cause he knows that
Where you are is where
I should be too
Right here, Right now
I'm looking at you and
My Heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything
Right Here, I'll promise you Somehow that tomorrow
Can wait for some other
Day to be (to be)
But right now there's you and me
If this was forever,
What could be better?
We already proved it was
But that two thousand one hundred
twenty three hours,
Blend in the universe
Gonna make everything
In our whole world change
(it's our change, yeah)
And you know that
Where we are
will never be the same oh no
Right here, Right now
I'm looking at you and
My Heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything
Right Here, I'll promise you Somehow that tomorrow
Can wait for some other
Day to be (to be)
But right now there's you and me
Oh we know it's coming
And it's coming fast
(As long as there's
You and me)
(Oh yeah)
So lets make the our
Second last, make it last!
Right here, Right now
I'm looking at you and
My Heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything
Right Here, I'll promise you Somehow that tomorrow
Can wait for some other
Day to be (to be)
But right now there's you and me
(you and me)
Ohh you and me
But right now there's you and me


樂曲內容在電影版本中,凡妮莎.哈金斯演唱了“"Then I would thank that star, that made our wish come true,"這句歌詞還有部分第二段的歌詞。但是在迪士尼放出的單曲中,扎克.埃夫隆演唱了那幾句,而凡妮莎只是演唱了"come true" 的部分。
該單曲連續六周在 Top 30 Countdown榜單的第二名,之後正式登錄iTunes


