

QQ國際版(QQ International)可以說是一款簡化了的無廣告QQ,主要面向的是國外用戶。英文、法文、日文三種較多人使用的語言界面為國外用戶使用QQ消除了語言障礙。與QQ國內版的功能相差不大,並且添加了許多適合國外用戶使用的功能模組,極大的方便的外國人的使用。


  • 軟體名稱:QQ國際版
  • 開發商騰訊
  • 軟體平台PC安卓、ios 
  • 更新時間:2014年1月22日、7月7日、4月18日 
  • 軟體語言:超過50種 


讓世界了解中國City Weekend(城市周刊)是一本提供給在中國生活與工作的外國人閱讀的雜誌,主要包含了北京、上海、廣州三個城市的工作生活等資訊新聞。騰訊將其集成到了QQ國際版中,讓國外用戶可以輕鬆的獲取相關的資訊內容,更好的了解中國。QQ國際版的主界面與QQ國內版的相差不大,只是在側邊欄中多了幾個工具,快速啟動欄里的工具也有不同。QQ國際版同樣支持快捷的更換皮膚操作,並自帶了多款與QQ國內版不同的皮膚界面。QQ國際版在登入後同樣會默認顯示“迷你首頁(我的資訊)”,與QQ國內版不同的是,QQ國際版的“迷你首頁”里的資訊內容全都是英文版的,而且資訊內容也是給國外用戶特別定製的。相關資訊面板分別是“QQ International(QQ國際版相關內容)”、“ChinaDaily(中國新聞相關內容)”、“QQi Personals(QQi交友)”、“City Weekend(城市周刊)”、“eChinaCities(中國城市資訊)”、“Ctrip(攜程網)”。豐富的資訊內容使得這個迷你首頁也較為實用起來,與QQ國內版迷你首頁不同的是,QQ國際版用戶可以在迷你首頁右下角選擇在5天內不自動彈出迷你首頁。QQ國際版的聊天對話框與QQ國內版的差不多,視頻/音頻聊天、檔案傳輸(離線傳輸)、遠程協助、傳送圖片、QQ表情等實用聊天功能一應俱全,最大的不同在於QQ國際版的聊天對話框中沒有任何廣告,這不知道是騰訊還沒打算對QQ國際版進行“招商引資”,還是騰訊對外國用戶特別照顧。 而QQ國際版的群聊視窗精簡了多少功能,只保留了基本的群設定按鈕,實用的群共享、群相冊等功能都沒有加入。QQ國際版的迷你資料卡中只保留了用戶暱稱、QQ號碼、個性簽名、級別的信息,好友印象及某些網友很喜歡的QQ服務圖示則都沒有顯示。
和外國人聊天,難免會遇上不認識的外文,而外國人和你聊天也難免遇上不認識的中文,這時,翻譯工具作為溝通的橋樑就顯得格外重要了。QQ國際版自帶了3款不同的翻譯工具,分別是 QQ自己提供的“QQ Translator”工具、WordReference提供的“Dictionaries”工具、Nciku提供的“手寫翻譯”工具,有了這些翻譯工具的幫忙,與外國人溝通起來也就會更順暢一些。
QQ國際版的側邊欄中有個獨立的“Groups”工具,點擊進去裡邊是各種英文分類的QQ聊天群,默認劃分為了(個人、夜生活、旅行、商業、語言、團體、音樂)這七大分類,各分類下是網友們所建立的聊天群。用戶需要加入的話,只需要點擊各聊天群下邊的“Join now”按鈕,然後就可以像加入普通群那樣提交入群申請了。
茫茫網海中如何找到一個與自己趣味相投的網友呢?許多網友選擇了在各種各樣的交友網站中尋找。QQ國際版自帶了一個QQi交友工具,用戶可以根據“語言、居住地、年齡、性別”這幾個條件來篩選查找適合自己的網友,可惜的是搜尋條件中沒有“興趣 愛好”等的搜尋條件。
不用計算 國際時間來幫忙
與國外的網友聊天,可要注意一下他們所在的時區,可別犯了人家那邊是晚上,你卻和他說“Good morning”的尷尬。QQ國際版為用戶提供了世界時鐘,用戶可以自由定義添加任意國家或者地區的時鐘顯示,方便用戶查看與對照世界各地不同城市或地區的準確時間,這樣就不必總是心算著對方那邊是啥時辰了。
美股 港股實時知
此外,QQ國際版還提供了許多附加功能模組,用戶可以在界面管理器(UI Manger)中自行添加或刪除功能模組,這裡就不一一介紹了。留意到其中還有日文的功能模組,可惜筆者不懂日文。


Windows版本:Windows XP , Windows Vista , Windows 7
Last Update: 2013.08.27
Version 2.0
Size: 52.8M
Mac版本:Mac OSX
Last Update: 2013.04.28
Version 2.4.0
Size: 36.6M
  1. Improved user interface: easier to use and better looking.
  2. Broadcast video clips or webcam feeds to Groups or Discussions.
  3. Record and send audio notes to your contacts.
  4. New File Manager and improved offline transfers management.
  5. Share files across QQ clients on different platforms with the Mobile Link function.
QQ International 1.61 What's new:
  1. Safer online experience with the "Report Malicious Users" function.
  2. Bundled "Advanced SystemCare Ultimate" installation (optional).
    捆綁”Advanced SystemCare終極“安裝(可選)。
  3. Minor bug fixes.
QQ International 1.6 What's new:
  1. Create a chat group directly from the QQ client instead of link to the webpage.
  2. Add/remove/re-arrange shortcuts in the header and footer of the Main Panel.
  3. Translate button in the chat window moved next to Send button.
  4. Minor bug fixes.
QQ International 1.5 What's new:
  1. QQ Disk: 1GB free and secure cloud storage accessible anytime from any computer with QQ installed.
  2. InstaViewer App: Browse your personalized Instagram feed as well as other popular photos.
  3. Daily Poster App: Gallery of all posters from QQi Today window. You can like a poster and share it on Facebook.
  4. Push Notifications: Deliver important product announcement.
  5. Interface enhancements and bug fixes for non-English versions.
QQ International 1.4 What's new:
  1. New App: Post Wall offers you a public space to introduce yourself to fellow QQi users; or if you like someone's post, give out a flower to befriend him/her.
  2. New App: Web Directory is a regularly updated directory of popular China-focused websites and other top visited global websites.
  3. Qzone App is pre-installed. Just right click on your contact's name to access his/her Qzone page.
  4. Pre-installed Apps can be removed from My App Tab
QQ International 1.3 What's new:
  1. Find Friends - Don't have a lot of friends on QQ International? Try "Find Friends" feature to receive new friends recommendations based on common friends or similar interests, or simply search our database for matching friend profiles.
  2. App Box - Revamped App Box with many more new Apps for your entertainment, lifestyle and knowledge needs.
  3. Video Conference - Video conference call enables you to have face-to-face chat with up to 20 people at a time. Great for group discussion.
  4. Popular Websites - Popular Websites feature delivers carefully selected website favourites. You may know some of those already, but there're many cool trending sites worth checking out. We will continue to update the list.
  5. Skins - Dress up your QQ Panel with a large selection of new Skins. To be truly unique, upload a picture and create your own!
QQ International 1.2 What's new:
  1. Tencent Weibo tab is added for quick access. Talk to the World in 140 characters with Tencent Weibo.
  2. Our inline translator is getting even better with two-way translation capability! Incoming messages can be instantly translated and shared on Tencent Weibo.
  3. Build your QQi network with our smart User Wizard. Find friends with those who have similar interests with you. Start building your network now.
  4. App Box is revamped. Every App you add will make your QQi do even more. Try our new Apps.
  5. A shortcut button for App Box is added for your quick access to browse and download Apps.
  6. With new App Box, you can browse by categories such as the App of the Day, Favourite and All Apps.
  7. Share your chat messages on Tencent Weibo with our smart share function. Try it, you will be impressed!
  8. Create your own unique profile picture with our DIY your Avatar function. Try it, you will be amazed how good you look on your profile picture.
QQ International 1.1 What's new:
  1. Chat with people in any language with the brilliant inline real-time translator! Try it out and you will be impressed!
  2. QQ International launches three new languages for our Spanish, Korean and German users.
  3. Discover the fun, interactive, and useful QQ International mini-apps in the new AppBox.
  4. A shortcut button for Qzone is added for your quick access to the most popular social network in China.
  5. Draw and send graffiti with the new Paint Editor from your chat window: be creative and have fun!
  6. Like emoticons? Get more by clicking on the link in lower left corner of the Emoticon pop-up window.
  7. With the new Tencent micro blog shortcut enabled, you can now have access to real-time news updates from your contacts.
  8. Keep track of your active days on QQ and how many days remain until your next QQ Level upgrade.
  9. Send nudges to your contacts when they don’t respond to your messages.
  10. Know when your contact is typing in your chat window with the new typing status notice.
  11. Pop-up tips to help you make the best use of QQ International 1.1 when you log in for the first time.
2014年7月又進行了比較大的功能更新,引入了 VoIP 通話功能,手機版 QQ International(iOS/Android)用戶,可以直接撥打全球的手機號碼和固定電話,但僅限于海外(IP 地址)用戶
手機版 QQ International 的 VoIP 電話功能並不是免費的,而是提供一定時間的免費通話,隨後就需要進行充值付費了,但整體核算下來,比打國際長途划算不少。除了多國語言翻譯、VoIp 通過功能外,QQ International 的整個設計風格更加簡潔,也去掉了很多所謂的 VIP 功能,如不支持貼圖表情、不支持遊戲和閱讀,也沒有引入服務中心。


