everything has changed(Firo原創歌曲)

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  • 中文名稱:everything has changed
  • 歌曲原唱:Pierce Firo Yue 
  • 填詞:Pierce Firo Yue 
  • 譜曲:Pierce Firo Yue 
  • 編曲:Pierce Firo Yue 


這歌寫的都快發霉了... 歷時256天的醞釀才做好TAT 昨天半夜錄歌還被鄰居吐槽 毫無經驗的孩紙嘔心瀝血做伴奏錄乾音做後期... QAQ 致命的是我的小電容被我做成了地攤麥一樣的效果 音準有點不好 發音有點中國 歌詞有點低級 伴奏有點單聲道 還有不會寫和聲 T^T 請原諒我這個明天就要去上高一還要住宿的孩紙... -3- 這首歌是給一個人寫的,不知道你會不會來。謝謝你,對不起。I still remember the happy times you gave to me, yes I loved you, but now they have all gone. It came to be a memory, and we may never meet any more, thank you. 本來還想再修改修改,但是覺得,就這樣吧。


名稱:Everything Has Changed(Official Ver.)
everything has changed
演唱:Pierce Firo Yue
作詞:Pierce Firo Yue
作曲:Pierce Firo Yue
編曲:Pierce Firo Yue
混縮:Pierce Firo Yue


  • Everything Has Changed
    Verse 1
    It’s a pain in my heart
    No one knows it, no one feels it
    I got lost in a common day
    Just like a dream I dreamt
    Verse 2
    To you, I’m invisible, only peering you out
    You were a sweet, I couldn’t wake up
    Everything has changed, I’ll leave you behind
    Everything has changed, I’ll live for myself
    The whole world is not as what you think
    And never come back to the past
    Oh I won’t be the same
    I’ll be standing tall again
    Verse 3
    Your face is still in my mind
    It’s nothing I’ll erase it
    I’m wide awake, to break the illusion
    Can I escape from the confusion
    Verse 4
    To me, you’re abstruse, so I can’t read you
    You never loved me I’ve been seen it through
    Who cared me, I don't believe
    No one ever noticed me
    But even if I cried. the sun still shine
    Cause I knew something would never be mine


