copyright tag


  • 中文名:著作權
  • 外文名:copyright tag
  • copyrigh:著作權
  • 著作權:作品的作者對其作品享有的權利


copyright tag:著作權、著作權、著作權所有標籤。通常指網站的著作權標籤,以申明網站著作權或著作權的所有人!


Form of Notice for Visually Perceptible Copies
1. The symbol© (the letter C in a circle), or the word “Copyright,” or the abbreviation “Copr.”; and
2. 符號©(字母C外加一個圓),或者單詞“Copyright”著作權,或者縮寫“Copr.”以及
3. The year of first publication of the work. In the case of compilations or derivative works incorporating previously published material, the year date of first publication of the compilation or derivative work is sufficient. The year date may be omitted where a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work, with accompanying textual matter, if any, is reproduced in or on greeting cards, postcards, stationery, jewelry, dolls, toys, or any useful article; and
4. 作品初次公開發表的年份。如果是之前發表材料的編輯或者衍生(編輯比如:文選,衍生比如:翻譯或者編劇),有權利使用編輯或者衍生作品的最初發表年份。畫報,繪畫或者雕塑複製在賀卡,明信片,文具,珠寶,玩偶,玩具或者其他有用的物品上,如果有伴隨的文本材料時,年份可以省略。以及
5. The name of the owner of copyright in the work, or an abbreviation by which the name can be recognized, or a generally known alternative designation of the owner.
6. 作品的著作權擁護者名稱,或者可識別的擁有者名稱縮寫,或者是擁有者的其他為公眾知曉的名稱。
7. Example: ©2006 John Doe
The “C in a circle” notice is used only on “visually perceptible copies.” Certain kinds of works—for example, musical, dramatic, and literary works—may be fixed not in “copies” but by means of sound in an audio recording. Since audio recordings such as audio tapes and phonograph disks are “phonorecords” and not “copies,” the “C in a circle” notice is not used to indicate protection of the underlying musical, dramatic, or literary work that is recorded.
8. 圓圈一個字母C的標誌只能使用在“可視化的拷貝”。某類作品,比如音樂,戲劇和文學作品,可能沒有在拷貝中,而是出現在音頻記錄中的聲音。音位音頻記錄比如音頻磁帶和留聲機磁碟等,是唱片,而不是拷貝,圓圈中C的標誌不被用來表明對記錄在這裡的音樂,戲劇和文學作品的保護。
9. 從法律角度看,加入了伯爾尼公約的國家,著作權保護是隨著作品(無論是文字,還是圖片)的問世的即刻就得到著作權的保護的,並不是必須要聲明。但是作為慣例,這一小行文字還是有很好加強意識,提醒瀏覽者,所觀看的內容是受到著作權保護的。
10. 正確的格式應該是:Copyright [dates] by [author/owner]
© 通常可以代替Copyright, 但是不可以用(c)。 All Rights Reserved 在某些國家曾經是必須的,但是現在在大多數國家,都不是法律上必須有的字樣。


1. ©1995-2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
2. ©2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3. Copyright © 2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
4. ©1995-2004 Eric A. and Kathryn S. Meyer. All Rights Reserved.


