Triple Grow Industrial Ltd

Triple Grow Industrial Ltd


  • 中文名:香港成泰實業有限公司
  • 外文名:Triple Grow Industrial Ltd
  • 成立:西元2010年
  • 性質:綜合電子商品貿易商


TRIPLE GROW INDUSTRIAL LIMITED (香港成泰實業有限公司),成立於西元2010年,為一綜合電子商品貿易商,自辦進口、批發及零售各式關鍵電子元件及消費性電子商品及周邊,近積極布局未來的綠色科技產品。
公司的團隊從事電子貿易及關鍵零組件(Memory IC , Memory Module, Flash IC , USB-Disk )的代理業務,已達十年之久,故公司的採購網路是非常正規及規範,以確保每一個客戶需求及產品質量上的保障。
隨著 Android的套用產品普及於市場,Triple Grow 團隊也自行開發Android相關消費型各式產品(如:平板電腦,手機…等),由於Triple Grow團隊於2002年協助韓國半導體廠及手機照相模組於中國設廠生產,故在產品的品質要求上,自我有相當的經驗及要求,唯有優良品質的服務,才是企業的生財之道。
Triple Grow現正積極發展綠色科技的推廣,如LED照明等相關產業,不止是單一推動此產業鏈的需求,更是讓自己多為地球盡一份力,建設更美好的世界,讓我們子孫能更舒服的生活在地球上。


電腦及零組件(Computer & Component)
>記憶體晶片(Memory IC)
>記憶體模組(Memory Module)
>NAND Flash
手機及零組件(Mobile & Component)
>手機記憶卡(T-Flash Card)
綠能產品(Green Product)
>LED晶片 (LED chip)
>LED射燈(LED Spotlight)
>LED球泡燈(LED Bulb)


Triple Grow Industrial Ltd.堅持誠信的經營,並以人才及技術為基礎做為發展的根本,誠信是生意的心,為有遵守基本的倫理來經營,公司未來的路才是正道。
Triple Grow Industrial Ltd. insists honesty business operations and a talent & technology as development basis. Credibility is business foundation and the right way to the future development.
Creativity is the existing law of the enterprises in this rapidly developing society; Triple Grow will forecast the society requirement and keep the longer development and make the success


Triple Grow Industrial Ltd.不斷的創新及穩健的經營,同時結合台灣,韓國,日本等高科技的產品技術及管理模式,進而降低商品的成本,提供給客戶所需。
同時,愛護環保及地球是現在生活在地球上的每一個人需盡的義務,更是企業主的責任;在企業發展的同時,在企業有能力幫助他人時,應多關懷社會上的弱勢團體,這些人生活在這個與我們相同的世界,但由於上天的等等安排,讓他們與我們的起跑點不同,但不是他們自己願意的,同樣生活在世界上,應在企業的能力範圍內多關心周遭的弱勢團體,讓這個社會更和諧,這是Triple Grow Industrial Ltd.需更加努力的動力及使命。
Triple Grow Industrial Ltd. keeps creating and steady management, integrates high-tech product technology and management mode of Tai Wan, Korea & Japan to reduce the cost and satisfy customer requirements.
Meanwhile, protecting earth is a compulsory duty for everyone lived in this earth, and responsibility of every enterprise owners; while this enterprise is developing and we have the ability to help others, we should care for vulnerable groups of society who live with us on the same world, but stand at the different starting point; attention to the social vulnerable groups and establishment of the harmonious society are Triple Grow Company’s development power and mission.
TRIPLE GROW INDUSTRIAL LIMITED is a trading company which was established 2010 and specializes in self-importing and selling various key electronic components, consumer electronics and peripheral products, and green-tech products in the future.
Our goal is to utilize Hong Kong superior trading and financial environment, further to integrate customer and market resources in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China mainland, to offer most reliable service, best-quality products, most competitive price & safe, on-time delivery time, to realize all-in-one idea and quality from customer sample confirmation à shipping à import & export -à customer.
Our group engaged in electronics trading and key components sale (memory IC, memory module, flash IC, USB-Disk) for ten years, our purchasing network is very formal to confirm customer’s inquiry and guarantee products quality.
As Android products market is growing rapidly, our group also self-develops various related consumer products (e.g.: tablet PC, mobile phone, etc.). Our group had supported Korea semiconductor and camera module manufactures to establish China factories in 2002, so we have good and rich experience in quality. The good quality and service are the only gate to riches.
Now Triple Grow is developing actively the green technology, such as LED lighting, we are not just to push the demand of this industry chain, but to make contribution to the earth, make the world more beautiful and let the future generations live more comfortably.


