The Stand 史蒂芬·金

The Stand 史蒂芬·金

《The Stand 史蒂芬·金》是1999年9月由Hodder & Stoughton; Complete Ed edition出版的圖書,作者是Stephen King。


  • 作者:Stephen King
  • ISBN:9780450537370
  • 頁數:1421
  • 定價:60.00元
  • 出版社:Hodder & Stoughton; Complete Ed edition
  • 出版時間:1999-9
  • 裝幀:平裝


Arguably the greatest horror novel ever written by the greatest horror novelist, this is a true Modern Classic that was first published in 1978, and then re-published in 1990, complete and unabridged, with 150,000 words cut from the first edition restored, and now accompanied by unusual and imaginative line art. The total copies for both editions, in hardcover and paperback, exceeds 4 million worldwide.
The Stand is a truly terrifying reading experience, and became a four-part mini-series that memorably brought to life the cast of characters and layers of story from the novel. It is an apocalyptic vision of the world, when a deadly virus runs amok around the globe. But that lethal virus is almost benign compared to the satanic force gathering minions from those still alive to destroy humanity and create a world populated by evil.
Stephen King is a brilliant storyteller who has the uncanny gift of putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, giving readers an experience that chills and thrills on every page. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


史蒂芬·金1947年出生於美國緬因州一貧困家庭。在州立大學學習英國文學。畢業後因工資菲薄而走上寫作之路。70年代中期聲名漸起,被《紐約時報》譽為“現代恐怖小說大師”。自80年代至90年代以來,歷年的美國暢銷書排行榜,他的小說總是名列榜首,久居不下。他是當今世界上讀者最多、聲名最大的美國小說家。他的每一部作品,都成為好萊塢製片商的搶手貨。1979年,在他32歲時,成為全世界作家中首屈一指的億萬富翁。今天,他的每部作品的版稅,均逾千萬美金之巨。 金的作品,超越於傳統的恐怖小說。他不靠具體的意象來獲得恐怖效果,而是通過對事件氣氛的營造來震懾讀者。金用他那魔鬼般的手指一撥,所有緊繃的心弦都為之轟響,在一陣驚悸又一陣心跳中,帶你進入顫慄的深淵。 “對我來說,最佳的效果是讀者在閱讀我的小說時因心臟病發作而死去。


