The Bridge(小說)

The Bridge(小說)

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  • 書名:橋
  • 又名:the bridge
  • 作者:Leonard W·Miller
  • 定價:未知
小說:The Bridge
其是Leonard W·Miller創作的關於Archie系列小說中的第一本。
小說的內容: The book tells the story of an urban black man’s(Archie) successful climb in the “world of work”. Archie, a former wino, becomes a plant foreman and a successful family man.
Archie;McNair;Ralph; Slippery Fingers;Shirley
Aw, man, why don’t you cut that out. If you don’t want to sit down with me, that’s all right. Just keep out of my way. I am sick of you, Big Deck. You have been crying the blues about something ever since I met you ten years ago. You don’t want to get ahead , all you want to do is drink and feel sorry for yourself. I used to care about you like a brother. I wanted you to make it, but you don’t ever have enough sense to do anything for yourself. Any man who doesn’t want to help himself should be ashamed to look in the mirror.
Well, maybe your father thinks the same way I do. Black people have been suffering too long. We have been poor too long. If you give up now and go back to drinking and day work, you blow the whole deal. Your life and your kids lives will be ruined.


