Production possibility frontier

Production possibility frontier

生產可能性邊界,簡稱PPF(或是production-possibility boundary)。用來表示經濟社會在既定資源和技術條件下所能生產的各種商品最大數量的組合,反映了資源稀缺性與選擇性的經濟學特徵。通常為兩種商品的生產可能性比較。在坐標軸上表示出的圖形為生產可能性曲線,也可稱為轉換線。


  • 中文名:生產可能性邊界
  • 外文名:Production possibility frontier


In economics, a production possibilities frontier (PPF) or “transformation curve” is a graph that shows the different quantities of two goods that an economy (or agent) could efficiently produce with limited productive resources. Points along the curve describe the trade-off between the two goods, that is, the opportunity cost. Opportunity cost here measures how much an additional unit of one good costs in units forgone of the other good. The curve illustrates that increasing production of one good reduces maximum production of the other good as resources are transferred away from the other good.
Production possibility frontier
When the production of both goods (X and Y) increased, the PPF will shift out (parallel shift). This is a way to represent economic growth graphically.
What causes the PPF shift?
1. Technological advance
2. More resource
3. Better resource
4. Government policies
5. Trade with other countries
Three basic assumptions underlie the production possibilities frontier model"
1. Fixed resources
2.Fully employed resources.
3.Technology unchanged.


(1)商品市場和生產要素市場完全競爭; (2)商品的生產技術條件既定且規模收益不變; (3)生產要素總供給固定不變; (4)生產要素可在各部門間自由流動; (5)生產要素都充分利用; (6)經濟活動中不存在外在性(externality)。


