Office Girl

Office Girl


  • 書名:Office Girl
  • 作者: Meno, Joe
  • 頁數:224
  • 定價: 16.89美元
  • 出版社: Akashic Books
No one dies in "Office Girl." Nobody talks about the international political situation. There is no mention of any economic collapse. Nothing takes place during a World War. Instead, this novel is about young people doing interesting things in the final moments of the last century. Odile is a lovely twenty-three-year-old art-school dropout, a minor vandal, and a hopeless dreamer.
Jack is a twenty-five-year-old shirker who's most happy capturing the endless noises of the city on his out-of-date tape recorder. Together they decide to start their own art movement in defiance of a contemporary culture made dull by both the tedious and the obvious.


