Light a light

《Light a light》是齊豫演唱的歌曲,所屬專輯《2:46》。


  • 外文名稱:Light a light
  • 所屬專輯:《Stories》
  • 歌曲時長:2:46
  • 歌曲原唱:齊豫


light a light


i hear your voice in every corridor
i see your face in every picture frame
i feel your eyes in every starry sky
lover,am i coming hone again
now am i humble,
who once was proud ?
now am i silent ,
who once was loud ?
now am i waiting for the sound of your saying
lover,am i coming hone again?
when you're gone ,
the sun don't shine light a light,
light a light for me
bring me back home again
and how we loved
till the years were days
how we laughed
all our tears away
and now the time begins to fade
lover, am i coming home again ?
theres a wisdom in the teachings
of the old familiar songs
and a sorrow in repeating
all the old familiar wrongs
and a lesson to be learned
thought i've known all along
lover, am i coming home again
light a light, light a light for me
light a light, light a light for me
light a light, light a light for me
bring me back home again
bring me back home again


齊豫(Chyi Yu)(1958年10月17日),台灣著名女歌手,被譽為“天籟之音”。祖籍山東,籍貫台灣。母親為滿族.生於台灣台中歌手齊秦為其弟。1978年出道。國立台灣大學人類學學士,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校人類學碩士


