I Need An Angel

I Need An Angel


  • 外文名稱:I Need An Angel
  • 專輯語言:英語
  • 專輯歌手:Ruben Studdard
  • 發行時間:2004年11月23日
  • 唱片公司:J-Records




有如泰迪熊寶寶一般溫暖親和可愛的Ruben Studdard,是在全美已掀起一陣旋風的超級節目American Idol中,另一顆崛起的閃亮實力派新星。首張專輯《Soulful》發行首周即以超過40萬張的瘋狂銷售量登上Billboard專輯榜/R&B Hip Hop專輯榜雙料冠軍寶座,獲得雙白金銷售認證,不但拿下NAACP Image Award,更以初生之犢的姿態,獲得第46屆Grammy Awards提名殊榮,於04年初的頒獎典禮上和R.Kelly、Luther Vandross、Brian McKnight和Tyrese等超實力前輩們爭奪R&B最佳男演唱人獎項,肯定了他接班人的氣勢!
泰迪熊寶寶推出的個人第二張《I Need An Angel》專輯,特請來與福音樂界淵源深厚的製作人Warryn Campbell
(合作對象包括了福音二重唱Mary Mary、Luther Vandross、Brandy等)和Eric Dawkins(Quincy Jones、Tyrese都曾
演唱他的作品)等聯手打造, 學會了節奏控制技巧,聲音表情更加從容而淳厚,Ruben的唱功奠定了整張專輯深厚的根基,
賦予了傳統的福音經典名曲全新的風貌,而Ruben亦共同參與創作了〈Don't You Give Up〉,同門師兄R.Kelly更特別為他寫了首支單曲〈I Need An Angel〉並擔任製作,果然已登上了福音專輯榜冠軍寶座!
It makes a certain amount of sense that Ruben Studdard's second album is a contemporary gospel album. His first album, 2003's Soulful, was pitched toward an urban soul audience, and an urban contemporary gospel album is a natural extension of that attitude, since the basic sound isn't all that far removed: the slow, smooth grooves are an uncanny ringer for the sound of quiet storm, only with a religious spin. Studdard sings songs from and works with many of the major names in contemporary gospel music -- Bill Gaither,Walter Hawkins, Fred Hammond, Marvin Winans, plus R. Kelly -- and while there are a number of cooks in the kitchen, the resulting album, I Need an Angel, winds up being cohesive since it's all coming from the same perspective. It's all easy-rolling, smooth, and polished slow grooves, sometimes easing by on the sound of the record, other times gelling quite nicely thanks to some sturdily written and arranged songs.Ruben sounds considerably better here than he did on Soulful -- the voice doesn't sound rushed or thin, it sounds like he had the time in the studio to concentrate and give good performances. He still isn't blessed with a tremendous amount of on-record charisma, but he sounds nice and grounds the album, giving it a likeable focus when it starts to sound a little samey. So, while it has no standout cuts,on the whole I Need an Angel winds up being a bit more solid than his proper debut and suggests that Studdard may be developing the skills that will given him an actual career outside of the confines of American Idol. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, All Music Guide


1. I Need An Angel
2. Center of My Joy
3. Goin' Up Yonder
4. Fix It Jesus
5. Amazing Grace
6. Shout To The Lord
7. Running Back To You
8. Restoration
9. We Have Not Forgotten
10. I Surrender All
11. Ain't No Need To Worry
12. Don't Give Up


