Hulu Plus

Hulu Plus

《Hulu Plus》是一款其他遊戲類遊戲,支持Android 3.0。


  • 軟體名稱:Hulu Plus
  • 軟體平台:mobile
  • 軟體版本:2.0.200519
  • 運行環境:Android 3.0
  • 軟體類型:其他遊戲類
一款線上視頻播放軟體。Hulu Plus 設定能在網路電視、個人或平板計算機(如iPad)、手機(如 iPhone)、藍光播放器等數字設備中播放電視節目,而且可提供 720 萬像素高解析度的影片。只能在 6 個 Android 設備上使用。Nexus One、Nexus S、HTC Inspire 4G、Motorola Droid II、Motorola Droid X 和 Motorola Atrix 可以率先體驗這個套用。Hulu Plus。Unlimited Instant Streaming (Subscription Required)。Download the app to enjoy unlimited instant streaming of current hit TV shows with your Hulu Plus subscription。New to Hulu Plus?Try it FREE。Hulu Plus supports select phones running Android 2.2+ and select tablets running Android 3.0+ in the United States。See below for a complete list of supported devices。Watch the full current season of popular shows including Modern Family,The Office,Family Guy,and many others Enjoy classic series including Lost and Battlestar Galactica Resume watching from where you left off on your TV or other supported device Watch over WiFi,3G,and 4G Available for $7.99/month with limited advertising Use of Hulu Plus is subject to the Hulu Plus Terms of Service。


