Helen Palmer

Helen Palmer

Helen Palmer是一位女性作者。


簡介,About Helen Palmer,關於海倫·帕爾默,


中文譯名:海倫·帕爾默 也常被譯為 海倫·帕瑪
相信讀過《九型人格》一書的人都熟悉這個名字,而對於這個令人感到尊敬的作者,卻只在書的尾頁做了簡單的介紹———“九型人格的一代宗師。 鑽研九型人格已超過三十年,是九型人格理論的世界權威專家, 著有多本‘九型人格’著作,包括全球最暢銷書《九型人格》(The Enneagram) 及《工作和戀愛中的九型人格》(The Enneagram in Love & Work), 現已有二十二個國家的譯本。”

About Helen Palmer

Helen Palmer is an internationally recognized teacher of intuition, and the best-selling author of five works in the human consciousness sector. Her two books, The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life and The Enneagram in Love and Work: Understanding Your Intimate and Business Relationships are perennial best-sellers, currently in 28 languages.
She is the co-founder of Enneagram Worldwide and the Enneagram Professional Training Program offered by Enneagram Worldwide. Helen co-chaired the 1994 first International Enneagram Conference held at Stanford University, and is a founding director of the International Enneagram Association.
Helen’s work with the Enneagram was the subject of a 2003 PBS documentary entitled, Breaking Out of the Box: Discovering the Enneagram. She has also presented in a wide range of academic, business and spiritual institutions, establishing Enneagram scholarship in the United States, England, Ireland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Finland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Australia, Thailand, and most recently, China. She has taught at John F. Kennedy University, Loyola of Chicago, the California School of Professional Psychology, and the California Institute of Integral Studies, and has been the Scholar-in-Residence at the Esalen Institute. In addition to being a Fellow of the Noetic Sciences Institute, Helen has been recognized with numerous academic awards. The most recent honor was bestowed by the prestigious Waldzell Institute of Vienna, Austria, where she was a presenter at the Institutes 2004 annual international conference. In attendance were recognized leaders in various fields, including three Nobel Laureates.


海倫在以九型人格為主題的2003年在公共電視網上播放的紀錄片工作, 突破重圍:發現九型人格 。她還在廣泛的將其運用在學術,商業和精神等領域,建立九型人格的獎學金在美國,英格蘭,愛爾蘭,德國,法國,瑞士,芬蘭荷蘭,捷克共和國,巴西,澳大利亞,泰國,以及最近中國。她曾任教於約翰甘迺迪大學,芝加哥羅耀拉大學,加州大學心理學專業,以及加州理工學院綜合研究,並在Esalen研究所研究學習。 除了作為研究員在思維科學研究所工作,海倫已獲得眾多的學術獎。最近她被維也納奧地利Waldzell學院被授予榮譽獎項,在那裡,她參與舉辦了2004年度國際會議。 出席會議的領導人都是各個領域的權威人士,其中包括3名諾貝爾獎獲得者。


