Glitter and dust

《Glitter and dust》是由齊豫演唱的歌曲,收錄在1993年發行的專輯《藏愛的女人》中。


  • 中文名:Glitter and dust
  • 民族:漢
  • 演唱::齊豫
  • 類型:歌曲



once she would dance on center stage
while he was blinded by the light
she sang and danced,
danced her glitter dreams for them
while he, he waited out of sight
but he won't wait there forever more
he told her so
she didn't believe his words
so she would dance in those glitter dreams
she did not know he would leave
so she would dance his life away
cause she was blinded by the lights
and when he left,
left her glitter dreams behind
she danced, she danced into the night
but without love waiting in the wings
she would dance for him
she could not believe he'd gone
so now she dance her dusty dreams
now the glitter's gone
now the glitter's turned into dust
she dance on...
now without love waiting in the wings
she will dance for him
she does not believe he's gone
and now she dances her dusty dreams
the glitter's gone
now the glitter's turned into dust
on, on and on she dances all alone
she dances just for him
she sings come back,
sings to him from center stage
but now the light is growing dim
turned to dust...


曾經 她舞於台上當台下的他為燈光所迷惑她忘情的為人們舞出絢麗的夢而他 在她看不見的一旁 靜待然而 他不會無止境的等待下去他對她說過了的 她卻未加理會於是她忘情的舞在自己絢麗的夢境之中她不以為他會離去於是 她將他的生命舞出了自己的生活因為她為燈光所蒙蔽當他離去 離開了她那絢麗的夢境她舞著 忘情地舞進了黑夜沒有了一旁等待的愛她仍然為他舞著 不相信他已離她而去於是她舞入一個布滿塵埃的夢裡如今絢麗已盡絢麗已化做了塵土她仍婷的舞著.......如今沒有了一旁等待的愛她為他舞著 仍然不相信他的離去如今她舞在一個布滿塵埃的夢裡絢麗已遠絢麗早化做了塵土她就這么不停的 孤單的舞著就只為了他她高唱:回來吧舞台中央向他高唱著然而此時燈光已漸漸暗了一切都化為塵土了.....塵土了


齊豫(Chyi Yu)(1958年10月17日),台灣著名女歌手,被譽為“天籟之音”。祖籍山東,籍貫台灣。母親為滿族.生於台灣台中,歌手齊秦為其弟。1978年出道。國立台灣大學人類學學士,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校人類學碩士


