F.R. David



他的這首不朽佳作——“Words”(千言萬語) 1982征服了歐洲、日本等10幾個國家的排行冠軍電子舞曲,1983年更是榮登英國金榜冠軍,全球銷售量突破800萬張。20年後的2004年又再度成為偶像劇《流星花園》的主題曲 ,再次風靡全球。


words ...
don't come easy to me
how can i find a way
to make you see i love you?
words don't come easy
words ...
don't come easy to me
this is the only way
for me to say i love you
words don't come easy
well i'm just a music man
melody's so far my best friend
but my words are coming out wrong and i ...
i reveal my heart to you and
hope that you believe it's true cause
words ...
don't come easy to me
how can i find a way
to make you see i love you?
words don't come easy
this is just a simple song
that i've made for you on my own
there's no hidden meaning you know when i ...
when i say i love you honey
please believe i really do .... cause
words ...
don't come easy to me
how can i find a way
to make you see i love you?
words don't come easy
don't come easy to me
this is the only way
for me to say i love you
words don't come easy


