Boats And Birds

Boats And Birds

Boats And Birds是美國 Meredith Godreau 創作的一首歌曲,歌曲溫暖而明亮,收錄在 專輯Gregory and the hawk 下


  • 中文名稱:鳥和船 
  • 外文名稱:boats and birds 
  • 專輯語言:英語
  • 專輯歌手: Gregory and the hawk  
  • 專輯時長:02:45
  • 曲目數量:05
  • 發行時間:2006
  • 音樂風格:吉他、鄉村,清新、隨性
  • 唱片公司:FatCat Records
  • 製作人:Meredith Godreau
  • 發行地區:美國,紐約


由Gregory and the hawk所創作的專輯,共收錄了5首歌曲。


Boats And Birds - Gregory And The Hawk
If you be my star
ll be your sky
You can hide underneath me and come out at night
When I turn jet black
And you show off your light
I live to let you shine
I live to let you shine
But you can skyrocket away from me
And never come back if you find another galaxy
Far from here with more room to fly
遠離這裡 有更大的空間可以飛翔
Just leave me your stardust to remember you by
只給我留下你的點點星塵 記得你曾經在過
If you be my boat
I'll be your sea
A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
Ebbing and flowing
And pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free
I live to make you free
But you can set sail to the west if you want to
And pass the horizon "til I can't even see you
Far from here
Where the beaches are wide
Just leave me your wake to remember you by
只給我留下你的航跡 記得你曾經在過
If you'll be my star
I'll be your sky
You can hide underneath me and come out at night
When I turn jet black
And you show off your light
I live to let you shine
I live to let you shine
But you can skyrocket away from me
And never come back if you find another galaxy
Far from here with more room to fly
遠離這裡 有更大的空間可以飛翔
Just leave me your stardust to remember you by
只給我留下你的點點星塵 記得你曾經在過
Stardust to remember you by


Meredith Godreau is an American singer-songwriter performing under the pseudonym Gregory and the Hawk (the name being derived from her brother, Gregory, and his imaginary childhood hawk).
A native New Yorker with a captivating voice and a clear gift for songwriting, Meredith began playing both piano and violin from an early age, switching to guitar through high school and college. She began playing solo shows in small venues around New England, and made a few cds to hand out at shows which proved incredibly popular. Word spread fast, and the 2006 heyday of myspace added rocket fuel to the fire. When we talked with her about working together after the Southpaw show, we had no idea that her songs had already sold 15,000 copies, had not seen the 17 pages of cover versions on youtube, and had never been to one of her (more common) solo shows.
The name Gregory And The Hawk was conceived in 2003, initially devised to avoid her being perceived or pigeonholed as a female singer-songwriter (though, perhaps ironically, when pressed for a list of influences Meredith cites Nick Drake, Liz Phair, PJ Harvey). Meredith remained playing alone under that name for a few years, until she met Mike McGuire in New York in 2005. The two played live shows together for several months before teaming up with bassist Jeff Ratner and drummer Adam Christgau (both of New York band Paper And Sand). The four of them recorded the 'Boats And Birds EP', which they self-released in 2006.
Soon after, the four friends moved apart, and so Meredith began playing live with just Jeff on upright bass, and herself on acoustic guitar and vocals. This was how she played most of the shows to support 'In Your Dreams,' the debut album, again self-released in 2007. The only players on 'In Your Dreams' were Meredith, Mike McGuire (who also engineered most of it), and Susan Ambrose. The recording of 'Moenie and Kitchi' was somewhat different; while Mike, Susan and a host of others contributed, many of the instruments were played by the album's producer Adam Pierce (Mice Parade).
The gentle, hook-laden songs of Gregory And The Hawk's mostly solo/acoustic sets have received much of their considerable attention through internet streaming and downloads, resulting in a groundswell of support that belies the fact that up until now, there has been no label, no manager, or indeed any other supportive network to help them on their way. Gregory And The Hawk have but one thing on their side - the ability to craft spellbinding, idiosyncratic pop songs, that sound at once suggestive, familiar, and yet very much of themselves.
‘Moenie and Kitchi’ was released in October 2008, with US and European tours embarked on in support of this.
Gregory and The Hawk are currently writing new material for an album set to be released in 2010. Leche is schedule for release on Nov. 9th in the US and Nov. 15th in the UK.


1.Boats and birds
2.Avalanchel ,oh!Avalanchel
3.In fact
4.A wish
6.Fin song8(orange River Remis).


Meredith Godreau,生長於紐約的布魯克林的吉他演奏家,原音民謠的演繹者,Gregory And The Hawk是她成立於04年的個人solo band,當然其中有她眾多朋友的傾情協作。完全的吉他原音,完全的淺唱低吟,Meredith的聲音,稚嫩,柔軟,充滿彈性的童音氣質。沒有唱片廠牌,沒有眾多的協作樂手,沒有極盡華麗的奢詞繁調,Meredith這個短髮的小女子有任性和天真的孩童氣,在音樂品味的挑選上低調得有些固執,寂寞得有些清高。當真摯的情感力量在音符間恣意流轉時,神經被她輕易地一擊而中,璞玉的流光一霎那照徹人心。溫暖而明亮,瞬間讓人淚流滿面。
這張06年的EP,讓05年發行的同名處女作看起來更像一張demo。重新演繹的《Boars & Birds》《In Fact》《Isabelle》都比以往的版本豐滿而圓潤,褪去了處女專輯中的青澀,這充分說明了Gregory And The Hawk不斷充實精彩的音樂。 Gregory and the Hawk是個人樂隊,Meredith Godreau是其創建者及主要成員,負責主音兼吉他。Boats And Birds是他們2006年的一張唱片小樣(EP),都說他們的音樂是隨性之作,但卻可以如此清新動聽,給人一種遠離塵世喧囂的感覺,或許就是這種距離感才讓他們不為人知吧!


