Between the sheets(The Isley Brothers演唱歌曲)

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《Between the sheets》是The Isley Brothers演唱的一首歌曲。


  • 外文名稱:《Between the sheets》
  • 歌曲原唱The Isley Brothers
  • 音樂風格FUNK
  • 歌曲語言:英文


早在五零年代早期就已經成軍的The Isley Brothers可說是史上少數能同時橫跨流行音樂、靈魂歌曲、摩城音樂,甚至是放客音樂的先驅重量級團體。尤其是自他們出道以來直到現在就一直是最具影響力的黑人靈魂團體之一。不僅後來披頭四亦翻唱他們的歌曲〈Twist And Shout〉,就連現今還是有許多靈魂、節奏藍調的歌手均是受到他們頗深的影響。  艾斯里兄弟原本出身自美國俄亥俄州的音樂家庭里,由於父母親均從事與音樂演唱有關的行業,因此自小四兄弟就一直受到家裡的鼓勵與支持,此外早年因多年沉浸在教堂福音歌曲的薰陶下,所以在一開始四兄弟Ronald、Rudolph、O’Kelly和Vernon Isley便是以濃厚的福音歌曲風格起家,然而不幸的在1955年小弟Vernon Isley卻因車禍意外死亡後,原本四人組就只好改成三人組的型態繼續演唱下去。
冠軍專輯的首發單曲〝What Would You Do?″一出,理所當然成為熱門電台點播單曲,更於Billboard R&B/Hip-hop、流行單曲榜上迅速竄升。這首單曲連同多數專輯金曲皆由節奏藍調創作全才R.Kelly包辦詞曲創作、編曲、製作工作,更獻聲合聲,烘托著Ronald Isley歷久彌堅的詮釋功力更添動感聲韻。而老搭擋Tim And Bob、嘻哈大老Sonnp Dogg也分別援製作、嘻哈新聲女將Lil' Kim悍聲應援專輯同名單曲〝Body Kiss″。另外,於前作中擔任合音的Johnson Sisters則正式收Ronald Isley旗下成軍JS,獻聲一曲〝Busted″,為專輯更添新意。而屹立於流行音樂潮流多年而歷久彌新的Isley Brothers也正是以如此揉合古今旋律節奏聲線的恢弘音樂觀點,方能在音樂上屢創新格局、再攀高峰。


Hey, girl, ain’t no mystery
At least as far as I can see
I wanna keep you here layin’ next to me
Sharin’ our love between the sheets, baby
I feel your love surrounding me, baby
Makin’ love between the sheets
Ooh, girl, let me hold you tight
And you know I’ll make you feel alright
Oh, baby girl, just cling to me and let your mind be free
While makin’ love between the sheets
Ooh, girl, I’ll love you all night long
And I know you felt it comin’ on
Ooh, darlin’ just taste my love, ooh you taste so sweet
Sharin’ our love between the sheets, baby
I feel your love surrounding me, baby
We’re makin’ love between the sheets
Hey, girl, what’s your fantasy
I’ll take you there to that ecstasy
Ooh, girl, you blow my mind, I’ll always be your freak
Let’s make sweet love between the sheets, baby
I feel your love surrounding me, baby
Makin’ love between the sheets, baby
Feel your love surrounding me, baby
Makin’ love between the sheets
Enough of the singin’, let’s make love
In between the sheets
Oh, I like the way you receive me (Receive me, receive me)
Girl, I love the way you relieve me
I’m comin’ on, comin’ on strong (Comin’ on strong)
{Sweet darlin’} In between the sheets
Oh, I like the way you receive me (Receive me, receive me)
Girl, I love the way you relieve me
Comin’ on, comin’ on strong (Comin’ on strong)
{Sweet darlin’} In between the sheets
You got me moanin’
Girl, you got me groanin’
I’m comin’, comin’ on strong
{Sweet darlin’} In between the sheets
Let’s get all the way down
Turn it over
I’m comin’, comin’, comin’, comin’ on strong
{Sweet darlin’} In between the sheets
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da


