All That She Wants

《All That She Wants 》是瑞典樂隊Ace of Base的著名英文歌曲,該歌被香港歌手湯寶如翻唱改編成粵語的歌曲《哭泣瑪莉》。


  • 中文名:All That She Wants
  • :UlfEkberg
  • 歌手:瑞典樂隊AceofBase
  • 語言:英語


歌名:All That She Wants
歌手:瑞典樂隊Ace of Base
曲:Jonas Berggren
詞:Ulf Ekberg


All that she wants 她只想要
She leads a lonely life 她離群索居
She leads a lonely life 她離群索居
When she woke up late in the morning 她早上很晚醒來
Light and the day had just begun 她的一天剛剛開始
She opened up her eyes and thought 她睜開睡眼在想
O’ what a morning 啊,多好的早晨
It’s not a day for work 今天不用幹活
It’s a day for catching tan 今天把皮膚再曬黑一點
Just laying on the beach and having fun 躺在沙灘上自由自
在She’s going to get you 她會把你捉到手
All that she wants is another baby 她只是想再要個寶貝
She’s gone tomorrow boy 明天的男孩要注意,她出發了
All that she wants is another baby 她只是想再要個寶貝
All that she wants is another baby 她只是想再要個寶貝
She’s gone tomorrow boy 明天的男孩要注意, 她出發了
All that she wants is another baby 她只是想再要個寶貝
All that she wants - all that she wants 她只想要 - 她只想要
So if you are in sight and the day is right 如果你被她看到,活該你倒霉
She’s a hunter you’re the fox 她就獵人, 你成了狐狸
The gentle voice that talks to you 對你的輕聲細語
Won’t talk forever 不會持久
It’s a night for passion 那只是一個激情的夜晚
But the morning means goodbye 因為清晨就是永別
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes 注意她眼睛裡的閃爍之光
She’s going to get you 她會把你捉到手
All that she wants... 她只想要...


