


2003—2008 博士 加州大學洛杉磯分校 社會學

2003—2005 碩士 加州大學洛杉磯分校 社會學

2000—2003 碩士 北京大學 經濟學

1995—1999 學士 北京大學 經濟學




  • 中文名:齊亞強
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:河北
  • 出生日期:1978年11月
  • 性別:男




2003—2008 博士 加州大學洛杉磯分校 專業:社會學
2003—2005 碩士 加州大學洛杉磯分校 專業:社會學
2000—2003 碩士 北京大學 專業:經濟學
1995—1999 學士 北京大學 專業:經濟學




2007-2008 Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA Graduate Division
2006-2007 Chancellor’s Fellowship, UCLA Department of Sociology
2004 Hewlett Fellowship, California Center for Population Research
2003-2004 Chancellor’s Fellowship, UCLA Department of Sociology
2002 Travel Award, Population Association of America


齊亞強 “第二章:教育”,《中國綜合社會調查報告:2003-2008》,中國社會出版社,2009:37-78.
齊亞強、牛建林 “當前我國完全母乳餵養的性別差異”,《南方人口》2009(2):1-8.
Treiman, Donald, William Mason, Yao Lu, Yi Pan, Yaqiang Qi, and Shige Song. 2005. “Observations on the Design and Implementation of Sample Surveys in China.” Social Transformations in Chinese Society 1: 81-111.
楚軍紅、牛建林、齊亞強 “戶籍限制型人口流動的社會、經濟、政治影響及對策研究”,《公正透明:中國的政府體制改革之路》(茅于軾編),法律出版社,2004:446-474.


Niu, Jianlin, and Yaqiang Qi. 2009. “A Life-Course Study of Educational Stratification in Contemporary China.” Paper Presented at the Spring Meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), Beijing.
Qi, Yaqiang, William M. Mason, and Perry Hu. 2009. “A Comparative Analysis of Self-Rated General Health in Three Developing Countries.” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Detroit.
Qi, Yaqiang. 2008. “Is the Relationship between Income Inequality and Population Health Robust? Evidence from a Multilevel Analysis”. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, New Orleans.
Niu, Jianlin, and Yaqiang Qi. 2006. “Living Opportunity of Girls: A Revisit of Prenatal/Postnatal Gender Disparities in China.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Los Angeles.
Mason, William M., Yaqiang Qi, Yao Lu, and Yi Pan. 2005. “The Impact of China’s 2003 SARS Epidemic on Behavior, Knowledge, and Perceptions of Community Response.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Philadelphia.
Treiman, Donald, Yi Pan, Yaqiang Qi, and Shige Song. 2005. “Lessons from a Pilot Study for a National Probability Sample Survey of Chinese Adults Focusing on Internal Migration.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Philadelphia.
Niu, Jianlin, and Yaqiang Qi. 2005. “A Case Study of Contemporary Fertility and Family Limitation in Rural China.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Population Society, London, Ontario, Canada.
Qi, Yaqiang, and Junhong Chu. 2002. “Low Fertility and High Sex Ratio at Birth in Rural China: An Inevitable Tradeoff?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Atlanta.


Treiman, Donald J., Yao Lu, Yaqiang Qi. 2009. “New Approaches to Demographic Data Collection.” Working Paper PWP-CCPR-2009-022, California Center for Population Research, UCLA.
Qi, Yaqiang, and William M. Mason. 2005. “Prenatal Sex-Selective Abortion and High Sex Ratio at Birth in Rural China: A Case Study in Henan Province.” Working Paper CCPR-057-05, California Center for Population Research, UCLA.
Mason, William M., Donald J. Treiman, Yaqiang Qi, Yao Lu, and Yi Pan. 2005. “Behavioral Response to China’s 2002-2003 SARS Epidemic.” Working Paper CCPR-059-05, California Center for Population Research, UCLA.


