
現任廣州市“人體數據科學”重點實驗室副主任、廣州市“智慧型無損探測”工程技術研究中心副主任(2012)。當選中國醫學超聲工程學會儀器專項開發委員會委員(2012)、廣東省醫學超聲工程學會理事(2012)、廣東省圖像圖形學會副秘書長/理事(2013)。獲邀擔任40多個SCI、EI和中文核心期刊審稿人、國際SCI期刊Current Medical Imaging Reviews之專題特刊“Current Research and Clinical Application of Ultrasound Imaging in Musculoskeletal System”唯一客座主編(Guest Editor)、International Journal of Radiology編委(Editorial Board Memeber),以及2013第四屆中國雲計算學術大會組委會副主席及10多個國際學術會議技委會(TPC)成員。


  • 中文名:黃慶華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:黑龍江大慶
  • 出生日期:1976年11月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中國科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:自動控制
  • 職務:教授、博士生導師


黃慶華,男,博士、教授。1976年11月出生於黑龍江大慶市。華南理工大學電子與信息學院教授、博士生導師。 學習工作1994年考入中國科學技術大學自動化系(五年制本科),於1999年和2002年分別在該系獲得自動控制專業工學學士學位和模式識別與智慧型系統專業工學碩士學位。2002年9月進入香港理工大學賽馬會復康科技中心任研究助理。2007年於香港理工大學醫療科技及資訊學系獲生物醫學工程專業哲學博士學位(Ph.D.),並獲頒香港理工大學“傑出博士論文獎”。2007年3月任香港城市大學電子工程系博士後研究員。2008年任電子與信息學院副教授,2014年1月破格晉升教授。現任廣州市“人體數據科學”重點實驗室副主任、廣州市“智慧型無損探測”工程技術研究中心副主任(2012)。當選中國醫學超聲工程學會儀器專項開發委員會委員(2012)、廣東省醫學超聲工程學會理事(2012)、廣東省圖像圖形學會副秘書長/理事(2013)。獲邀擔任40多個SCI、EI和中文核心期刊審稿人、國際SCI期刊Current Medical Imaging Reviews之專題特刊“Current Research and Clinical Application of Ultrasound Imaging in Musculoskeletal System”唯一客座主編(Guest Editor)、International Journal of Radiology編委(Editorial Board Memeber),以及2013第四屆中國雲計算學術大會組委會副主席及10多個國際學術會議技委會(TPC)成員。




從事醫學成像與分析、模式識別理論與套用等領域的研究工作,重點研究醫學超聲成像與分析技術、機器學習與數據挖掘算法與套用、計算機輔助診斷技術、並行信息處理、大數據分析等。主持包括3 項國家自然科學基金在內的10多項科研項目。發表學術論文超過110 篇(其中10 余篇IEEE/ACM彙刊論文,50 余篇為SCI收錄),三大索引論文近百篇,獲授權/公開專利36 件及軟體著作權1件。2004年獲第七屆亞洲生物醫學超聲大會JSUM獎,2007年獲香港理工大學“傑出博士論文獎”,2012年獲廣東省科技進步一等獎;入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才”(2009)、華南理工大學“百人計畫”(2008)和“傑出人才培養計畫”(2012)、廣東省“千百十”人才培養計畫(2012)等。


2.入選2009年度教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,編號:NCET-10-0363, 項目主持人。


[1]. Huang QH, Xie B, Ye PF, and Chen ZH. Quasi-Static 3-D Ultrasound Elastography with Linear Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 62(2): 392-400, 2015.
[2]. Huang QH, Huang YP, Hu W, and Li XL. Bezier Interpolation for 3D freehand ultrasound systems. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 45(3): 385-392, 2015.
[3]. Huang QH, Wang T, Tao DC, and Li XL. Biclustering learning of trading rules. IEEE transactions on Cybernetics (原名:IEEE transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B-Cybernetics) (20139月投稿,20149月錄用)
[4]. Li YS, Huang QH (通信作者), Xie WX, and Li XL. Fuzzy Visual Codebook Based on Fuzzy Geometry for Large-Scale Image Classification. Pattern Recognition. 48: 3125-3134, 2015.
[5]. Shi J, Jiang QK, Zhang Q, Huang QH(通信作者), and Li XL. Sparse Kernel Entropy Component Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction of Biomedical Data. Neurocomputing . 168: 930-940, 2015.
[6]. Wang T, Wu JM, andHuang QH(通信作者). Parallelized extended-field-of-view ultrasound for musculoskeletal tissues.Current Medical Imaging and Reviews. 10(4): 237-245, 2014.
[7]. Yang FB, Huang QH(通信作者), Jin LW, and Liew AWC. Segmentation and Recognition of Multi-Model Photo Event. Neurocomputing (2013年10月投稿,2014年8月錄用)
[8]. Li YS, Liu WM, Huang QH(通信作者), and Li XL. Fuzzy Bag of Visual Words for Social Image Description. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2014年6月錄用,已線上發表)
[9]. Huang QH, Yang FB, Liu LZ, and Li XL. Automatic Segmentation of Breast Lesions for Intelligent Interaction in Ultrasonic Computer-Aided Diagnosis. Information Sciences. Vol. 314, pp. 293-310, 2015.
[10]. Chang HL, Chen ZP, Huang QH(通信作者), Shi J, and Li XL. Graph-Based Learning for Segmentation of 3D Ultrasound images. Neurocomputing. 151: 632-644, 2015
[11]. Li YS, Liu WM, Li XT, Huang QH(通信作者), and Li XL. GA-SIFT: A new scale invariant feature transform for multispectral image using geometric algebra. Information Sciences 281: 559-572, 2014.
[12]. Guo LH, Xiong YC, Huang QH(通信作者), and Li XL. Image Aesthetic Assessment Using Both Visual and Semantic Features. Neurocomputing. 143: 14-26, 2014.
[13]. Fu J, Wei G, Huang QH(通信作者), Ji F, and Feng YZ. Barker Coded Excitation Using Linear Frequency Modulated Carrier in Ultrasound Imaging. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 13: 306-312, 2014.
[14]. Huang QH, Chen BS, Wang JD, and Mei T. Personalized Video Recommendation through Graph Propagation. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 10 (4), Article no. 32, 2014.
[15]. Huang QH, Bai X, Li YG, Jin LW, and Li XL. Optimized graph-based segmentation for breast ultrasound.Neurocomputing, 129: 216-224, 2014.
[16]. Huang QH, Yang Z, Hu W, Jin LW, Wei G, and Li XL. Linear tracking for 3D medical ultrasound Imaging. IEEE transactions on Cybernetics (原名:IEEE transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B-Cybernetics), 43(6):1747-1754, 2013.
[17]. Huang QH, Lee SY, Liu LZ, Lu MH, Jin LW, and Li AH. A robust graph-based segmentation method for breast tumors in ultrasound images.Ultrasonics. 52 (2): 266-275, 2012.
[18]. Huang QH, Tao DC, Li XL, and Liew AWC. Parallelized evolutionary learning for detection of biclusters in gene expression data.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 9(2): 560-570, 2012.
[19]. Zheng SH, Huang QH(通信作者), Jin LW, and Wei G. Real-time Extended-Field-of-View ultrasound based on a standard PC. Applied Acoustics. 73 (4): 423-432, 2012.
[20]. Huang QH. Discovery of time-inconsecutive co-movement patterns of foreign currencies using an evolutionary biclustering method. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 218 (8): 4353-4363, 2011.
[21]. Huang QH, Tao DC, Li XL, and Jin LW. Exploiting local coherent patterns for unsupervised feature ranking. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics. 41 (6): 1471-1482, 2011.
[22]. Huang QH, Zheng YP, Lu MH, Wang TF, and Chen SP. A new adaptive interpolation algorithm for 3D ultrasound imaging with speckle reduction and edge preservation. Computerized Medical Imaging & Graphics. 33 (2): 100-110, 2009.
[23]. Huang QH, Lu MH, Zheng YP, and Chi ZR. Speckle suppression and contrast enhancement in reconstruction of freehand 3-D ultrasound images using an adaptive distance-weighted method. Applied Acoustics. 70 (1): 21-30, 2009.
[24]. Huang QH, and Zheng YP. Volume reconstruction of freehand three-dimensional ultrasound using median filters.Ultrasonics. 48 (3): 182-192, 2008.
[25]. Huang QH, and Zheng YP. An adaptive squared-distance-weighted interpolation for volume reconstruction in 3D freehand ultrasound. Ultrasonics. 44: E73-E77, 2006.
[26]. Huang QH, Zheng YP, Robert Li, and Lu MH. 3-D measurement of body tissues based on ultrasound images with 3-D spatial information. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 31 (12): 1607-1615, 2005.
[27]. Huang QH, and Zheng YP. A new scanning approach for limb extremities using a water bag in freehand 3-D ultrasound. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 31 (4): 575-583, 2005.
[28]. Huang QH, Zheng YP, Lu MH, and Chi ZR. Development of a portable 3D ultrasound imaging system for musculoskeletal tissues. Ultrasonics. 43 (3): 153-163, 2005.


