

麥考利·卡爾金,當代最富有的超級童星,1980年8月26日出生在紐約曼哈頓,他在家裡七個孩子中排行第三,以《小鬼當家》系列揚名全球,在美國VH1的“100位最偉大童星”中排行第二,父親克里斯多弗·卡爾金(Christopher Culkin)曾是舞台演員,擔任過卡爾金的經紀人,母親帕特麗夏·布倫楚(Patricia Brentrup)。麥克(Mac)是朋友和家人對卡爾金的暱稱。


  • 中文名:麥考利·卡爾金
  • 外文名:Macaulay Culkin
  • 別名:麥考利·金
  • 國籍:美國
  • 血型:A型
  • 身高:170CM
  • 體重:68kg
  • 出生地:紐約
  • 出生日期:1980年8月26日
  • 代表作品:《小鬼當家》,《危險小天使》



他四歲開始參加表演,在一系列非百老匯舞台劇中露面。八歲參演影片《火葬大海》(Rocket Gibraltar,1988)和《異性吸引力》(See You in the Morning,1989),並和其它一群小演員們一起接受雜誌《紐約客》和《紐約時代》的採訪。


麥考利的父親基特與母親帕特里夏同居了21年,膝下育有麥考利和基蘭等7個子女。麥考利自幼聰明伶俐,天真活潑,是塊演戲的料。一個偶然的機會。8歲的麥考利在成千上萬個候選人中脫穎而出,幸運地被美國20世紀福克斯電影公司的導演一眼相中,成為《小鬼當家》的男主角。(據《人物》節目說當時導演和製片人去他們家做客,製片人是麥考利爸爸的朋友,當時他們正在為《小鬼當家》物色演員,當導演看到麥考利後,一眼就相中了他,對製片人說,不用找了,就是他了)麥考利不負眾望,將該片小主人公的形象表演得惟妙惟肖的影片由於他的出色表演而大獲成功,為福克斯公司帶來了8.2億美元的巨額票房收入。麥考利本人也一炮而紅,成為世界聞名的童星,不僅贏得無數影迷的喜愛,更被好萊塢視為“一隻會下金蛋的雛雞”,成為製片商們趨之若鶩 、炙手可熱的搶手貨。大家都將他捧為“小國王”、“小上帝”,慣著他,寵著他,送給他的各種禮物堆積如山,不計其數。在眾人的吹捧、嬌慣和放縱下,小麥考利時不時擺出“大明星”的派頭,將自己的私人物品和水槍等玩具在攝製組裡亂扔亂放,不把別人放在眼裡,可誰也不敢對這個“會下金蛋的雛雞”發火。














1.麥考利第一次登台是4歲時出演紐約愛樂樂團的節目巴赫寶貝(Bach Babies)。


1990年導演克里斯·哥倫布接受編劇約翰·休斯的建議,在200多名候選人中選中卡爾金領銜出演了他們的影片《小鬼當家》(Home Alone,1990)。該片的美國本土票房達到兩億八千五百萬美元,打破了當時的票房紀錄,並使麥考利·卡爾金成為當時最受歡迎的影星之一。
他的下一部影片《寶貝小情人》(My Girl,1991)在些微爭議中仍然票房大賺。
1992年的《小鬼當家2》(Home Alone 2:Lost in New York,1992)在美國本土票房榜再次高達一億七千二百萬美元。
1993年,在《危險小天使》(The Good Son,1993)中,卡爾金首次擺脫兒童喜劇,扮演了一個邪惡的角色。他出演該片的片酬是五百萬美元,到了1994年,14歲的他的片酬已達八百萬美元,成為當時片酬最高的超級童星。


《Service Man/男服務生》(英國)(2011年)
《The Wrong Ferarri》(美國)(2011年)
性與早餐/Sex And Breakfast》(美國)(2007年).... James.(主演)
《Michael Jackson's Boys》(英國)(2005年).... Himself(archive footage).(主演)
《被拯救者/高校六甲生/Saved!》(美國)(2004年).... Roland.(主演)
《Jerusalemski Sindrom》(以色列)(2004年)....(主演)
《Foster Hall》(2004年).... Clark Hall.
《Comedy Central's Last Laugh'04》(美國)(2004年).... Himself(archive footage).(主演
妖精派對/派對怪獸/Party Monster》(荷蘭)(2003年).... Michael.(主演)
《Night Of Too Many Stars》(美國)(2003年).... Himself.(主演)
《Will And Grace》第五季第二十二集(2002年)....Jason Towne,Karen Walker的離婚律師(客串)
《The Making And Meaning Of'We Are Family'》(美國)(2002年).... Himself.(主演)
《Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration》(美國)(2001年).... Himself(uncredited).(主演)
《Madame Melville》(美國)(2000年)....Carl.
小鬼出招/Getting Even With Dad》(美國)(1994年).... Timmy Gleason.(主演)
時空大聖/Pagemaster》(美國)(1994年).... Richard Tyler.(主演)
《財神當家/Richie Rich》(美國)(1994年).... Richard'Richie'Rich Jr.(主演)
胡桃夾子/The Nutcracker》(美國)(1993年).... The Nutcracker.(主演)
《好兒子/危險小天使/The Good Son》(美國)(1992年).... Henry Evans.(主演)
《小鬼當家2/玩轉紐約/Home Alone ll: Lost In New York》(美國)(1991年).... Kevin McCallister.(主演)
《寶貝小情人/My Girl》(美國)(1991年).... Thomas J(ames)Sennett.(主演)
《男大當婚/Only The Lonely》(美國)(1991年).... Billy.(主演)
《Black Or White/黑與白》(美國)(1991年).... Blonde kid.(主演)
《Jacob's Ladder/異世浮生》(美國)(1990年).... Gabe Singer.
《小鬼當家1/寶貝智多星/Home Alone》(美國)(1990年).... Kevin.(主演)該電影獲美國喜劇獎:最好笑演員-電影類別、芝加哥影評人協會:最佳新秀獎、入圍-金球獎最佳演員:音樂、喜劇電影類。
異性吸引力/See You In The Morning》(美國)(1989年).... Billy Livingstone.(主演)
巴克叔叔/Uncle Buck》(美國)(1989年).... Miles Russell.(主演)
火葬大海/Rocket Gibraltar》(美國)(1988年).... Cy Blue Black.(主演)


《Robot Chicken/機器肉雞》(2005–2010年)...(配音)
《Kings》(2009年)...Andrew Cross
《Will & Grace》(2003年)...Jason "J.T." Towne aka Soupy
《Wish Kid》(1991年)...Nicholas McClary
《The Equalizer》(1988年)...Paul Gephardt
《The Midnight Hour》(1985年)...Halloween Kid


Don't cry because it is over smile because it happened
Buzz: I wouldn't let you sleep in my room... if you were growing on my ass.
Marv: There! What are we gonna do with him,Harry?
Harry: We'll do exactly what he did to us: we're gonna burn his head with a blowtorch.
Marv: And smash his face with an iron!
Harry: I like to slap him right in the face with a paint can.
Marv: And shove a nail through his foot!
Harry: First off,I'm gonna bite off his every little fingers one at a time.
(Just then,Marley knocks Harry and Marv with his shovel)
Kate: Kevin,get upstairs right now.
Kevin: Why?
Jeff: Kevin,you're such a disease.
Kevin: Shut up.
Peter: Kevin,upstairs.
Kate: Say good night,Kevin.
Kevin: "Good night,Kevin."
Kate: PETER! (They jump out of bed)
Kate and Peter: (shouting) We slept in!
Kevin: Buzz! I'm going through all your private stuff! You better come out and pound me!
Kevin: Guys,I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me!
Harry: (seeing Marv laugh) What's so funny? What's so funny? What are you laughing at? (Marv covers his mouth) You did it again,didn't you? You left the water running,didn't you? What's wrong with you? Why'd you do that? I told you not to do it.
Marv: Harry,it's our calling card.
Harry: Calling card.
Marv: All the great ones leave their mark. We're the Wet Bandits.
Johnny: (hears knock at door) Who is it?
Snakes: (Snakes comes in) It's me,Snakes. I got the stuff.
Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here!
Snakes: All right,Johnny,but what about my money?
Johnny: What money?
Snakes: Acey said you had some dough for me.
Johnny: That a fact? How much do I owe ya?
Snakes: Acey said 10%
Johnny: (smirks) Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more.
Snakes: What do you mean?
Johnny: He's upstairs taking a bath,He'll call you when he gets out.
Hey,I tell ya what I'm gonna give you,Snakes. (pulls out tommy gun)I'm gonna give you to the count of 10,to get your ugly,yella,no-good keister off my property,before I pump your guts full of lead!
Snakes: (wide eyed and calm) All right,Johnny,I'm sorry!,I'm going!
Johnny: 1,2,10! (starts unloading bullets into Snakes while laughing maniacally)
Keep the change,ya filthy animal!
Johnny: Who is it?
Pizza Man: It's Little Nero's,sir. I have your pizza.
Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here!
Pizza Man: Okay,but what about the money?
Johnny: What money?
Pizza Man: Well,you have to pay for your pizza,sir.
Johnny: How much do I owe you?
Pizza Man: That'll be $11.80,sir. (Kevin drops $12 cash from the door hatch)
Johnny: Keep the change,ya filthy animal!
Pizza Man: Cheapskate.
Johnny: Hey,I'm going to give you to the count of 10,to get your ugly,yella,no-good keister off my property,before I pump your guts full of lead! 1,2,10!
Kevin: A lovely cheese pizza,just for me.
Gangster Johnny: Get the hell outta here!
Snakes: All right,Johnny,but what about my money?
Gangster Johnny: What money?
Snakes: Acey said you had some dough for me.
Johnny: That a fact? How much do I owe ya?
Snakes: Acey said 10%
Johnny: (smirks) Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more.
Snakes: What do you mean?
Johnny: He's upstairs taking a bath,He'll call you when he gets out.
Hey,I tell ya what I'm gonna give you,Snakes.
Marv: Snakes?
Gangster Johnny:I'm gonna give you to the count of 10,to get your ugly,yella,no-good keister off my property,before I pump your guts full of lead!
Snakes: (wide eyed and calm) All right,Johnny,I'm sorry!,I'm going!
Johnny: 1,2,10! (starts unloading bullets into Snakes while laughing maniacally)
Keep the change,ya filthy animal!
Kate: No,he's just home alone.
Buzz: (shouting) Kevin! What did you do to my room!
Harry: Why the hell did take your shoes off?
Marv Why the hell are you dressed like a chicken?


