

麥克麥瑟,Michael Messer。現代藍調音樂大師,1956年出生於英國,精通各類藍調音樂。被稱為為數不多的國寶級“藍調大師”。


  • 中文名:麥克麥瑟
  • 外文名:Michael Messer
  • 出生日期:1956年
  • 職業:藍調音樂大師


Blues Musician, specialized in playing resonator guitars and slide blues.
Michael Messer is a virtuoso slide guitarist whose playing encompasses the entire history of the style, but at the same time, is totally individual and contemporary. Born in 1956 in England, Michael Messer is slide guitar master.
Michael Messer,麥克·麥瑟,藍調音樂家,專長於演奏麗聲吉他藍調劃棒吉他
His obsessive appetite for knowledge of the art is virtually unequalled. The Amarican magazine, “spirit” listed Messer as one of the greatest slide guitarists ever, alongside Duane Allman, Debashish Bhattacharya, Bob Brozman and Ry Cooder.
他追求藝術造詣上的態度是無與倫比的。在美國雜誌“Spririt”上的,Michael Messer與Duane Allman, Debashish Bhattacharya, Bob Brozman 和Ry Cooder一起被列為最棒的滑棒大師之一。
Michael Messer是一位痴迷於布魯斯並成為大師的人,與Eric Clapton等大師不同的是,他更專心於滑棒。
可能國內很少有人熟悉Michael Messer,網上可以下載到的專輯也寥寥無幾。這位1956年出生於倫敦Middlesex的滑棒大師,少年時代鐘情於搖滾樂,二十出頭開始混跡於Nashville,參與Roy Acuff、Hank Snow、Johnny Cash等人的家庭音樂聚會。回到英國後,他開始埋頭鑽研三角洲滑棒布魯斯。
1985年,他組隊建立The Michael Messer Band,第一張專輯《Diving Duck》被《Q magazine》評價為:“《Diving Duck》幹了Ry Cooder該幹的事兒。 ”
1988 DIVING DUCK (vinyl LP) - PT Records
1990 SLIDEDANCE - Minidoka
1990 DIVING DUCK (CD) - Minidoka
1990 HUMMINGBIRD (CD single) - Minidoka
1993 RHYTHM OIL - Minidoka
1995 MOONBEAT - Appaloosa
1996 NATIONAL AVENUE - Scratch
1998 SLIDEDANCE (re-release) - Koch
1998 RHYTHM OIL (re-release) - Koch
2001 KING GUITAR - Catfish
2003 SECOND MIND - Catfish
2006 LUCKY CHARMS - Cooking Vinyl
2006 LUCKY CHARMS (single) - Cooking Vinyl
2006 SECOND MIND (re-release) - Cooking Vinyl
2006 KING GUITAR (re-release) - Cooking Vinyl
2007 SECOND MIND - Soyuz (Russia)
2007 KING GUITAR - Soyuz (Russia)
2007 LUCKY CHARMS - Soyuz (Russia)


Michael Messer’s accolades including a US ‘Living Blues’ number one album with ‘King Guitar’ (2001), and the award for ‘Best international Blues Guitar Album’ with ‘Second Mind’. Michael is included in the ‘Virgin Encyclopedia of the Blues’ where his name appears alongside many of the blues masters that inspired him as a young man. Johnny Cash was a fan of Messer’s music and wrote the liner notes for this album ‘Rhythm Oil’. Michael has appeared in his own blues guitar episode of the BBC TV series, ‘Zingzilla’. He also has his own successful brand of guitar products, including ‘Michael Messer Resonator Guitars’ and ‘Michael Messer National Guitar Strings’.
Michael Messer:
美國’Living Blues’第一名,得名專輯《King Guitar》(2001)
“全球最佳藍調吉他專輯”,得名專輯《Second Mind》(2003)
“維京百科全書-藍調”上,Michael Messer與那些激勵他的老一輩藍調大師們齊名。
Johnny Cash是Michael Messer音樂的冬粉,並為其專輯《Rhythm Oil》撰寫了文字。
Michael Messer與他的藍調吉他參與BBC電視節目《Zingzilla》的錄製。
他同時自己擁有著成功的音樂產品,包括“Michael Messer 麗聲吉他”和“Michael Messer系列的National琴弦”。


“In the hands of Jerry Douglas, Michael Messer & Stacy Phillips, the resophonic guitar has journeyed light years from its country-blues roots.” Guitar Buyer magazine.
“To say that Messer is a slide guitarist is like describing Mother Theresa as a nun! One of the best slide guitarists Britain has ever produced”. Time Out magazine.
“在Michael Messer,Jerry Douglas,Stacy Phillips的手上,麗聲吉他被從鄉村藍調的根源發展到了極大的程度,簡直就能以光年來形容”,出自《Guitar Buyer 》雜誌。
“如果說Michael Messer是一位滑棒大師,就好像說Theresa(特麗莎)是一位修女一樣!他是英國迄今為止出現過的最偉大的滑棒大師”。出自《Time Out》雜誌。


Hi Michael, Great honor to have this opportunity to make an interview with you.
It is my pleasure to do this interview for you.
Since you are an expert on playing resonator guitar, could you give some advices to new players who would like to play resonator guitars?
Resonator guitars are wonderful acoustic guitars. They were invented in the 1920s by John Dopyera, as a mechanical system for making loud acoustic guitars. This was back in the 1920s before electric guitars and electric amplifiers were invented. They are fun to play in any music style, but they are most famous for playing Slide Guitar in Blues and Country music. Some people think they are more difficult to play than other types of acoustic guitars, but that is not true. A resonator guitar is a beautiful instrument to own and play. A resonator guitar is a beautiful object and will always get people's attention!
藍調吉他(傳音器吉他、共鳴器吉他、Resonator guitar)是一個神奇的原聲樂器。1920年,John Dopyera創造了它,融合了獨特的力學系統、能發出更響亮的聲音,這追溯到那個還沒有發明放大器和電吉他的年代。它們適合於任何音樂形式,但在劃棒演奏、藍調音樂、鄉村藍調的音樂形式中尤為著名。有些人認為它比其他民謠琴更難彈奏,但事實上,藍調吉他非常容易上手,並且值得擁有。此外,美妙的藍調吉他,總能吸引到眾人的目光。
Since when you started to play resonator guitars? Any story?
I started to play resonator guitars in the late 1970s when I was in my early 20s. I had played guitar since I was a child, but until I discovered resonator guitars my life was not complete! At around 20 years old I became obsessed with listening to the blues, and in particular, it was the sound of slide guitar that captivated me. I bought a resonator guitar and started to teach myself to play slide guitar. This was the most exciting thing I had ever done and I became completely crazy about slide guitar! I studied many types of music, including - Blues, Country, Rock, Reggae, Folk, Jazz, Hawaiian, African and Indian music. By the time I was 26 years old I was a professional musician and had played slide guitar on a couple of LP albums (before CDs!!!!). In the 35 years since I started playing slide guitar, I have become a famous and respected musician and have made many CDs. I am very proud of my achievements with music…..especially playing my resonator guitars!
you have been invited to many music concerts or shows, which one gives you the deepest impression?您被邀請參加過非常多場次的演奏會以及音樂表演,有沒有特別令你印象深刻的?
This is a difficult question because I have played many concerts in many places for many people. I think the concerts that gave me the deepest impression, were playing with one of my heroes, the legendary bluesman, Louisiana Red. I have played in large concert halls, on enormous festival stages, and even in a cathedral in Italy - all of these concerts leave a deep impression on me. Every concert I do, whether it is with my rhythm guitarist for the past 30 years, Mr. Ed Genis, or with my band, Michael Messer and the Second Mind Band, leaves a deep impression on me because I give everything to the music and the audience.
這是一個相當難回答的問題,因為我實在去過太多地方為太多觀眾表演演奏了。我認為對我來說印象最深刻的一場演奏是和我心目中的英雄,傳奇藍人,Louisiana Red一同演奏。我曾經在大型音樂廳里演奏,在巨型節日舞台上演奏,甚至在義大利的教堂內演奏- 所有的這些演奏都在我心目中留下了不可磨滅的印象。我所參與的每一場音樂會,無論是在過往30年同我的節奏師Ed Genis先生一起合作,還是同我的樂隊(Second Mind第二感覺樂隊)一起演奏,這些都給我留下了難忘的記憶。因為每一場的演出我都傾盡所能的將最好的音樂帶給觀眾。
Have you ever count, how many concert have you involved in?
I have never counted….but it is many thousands of performances!!!!
I hope someday to be able to play my music for audiences in China.
Any big problems you ever meet when playing resonator guitars, have you ever think stop? What did you do to conquer it?
No, never any problems - I love my resonator guitars, they have been an important part of my life for 35 years. They bring me great pleasure and enjoyment. Some people believe they are only to be played in Blues & Country music, but this not true, they sound fantastic in any style of music, even Rock and Pop music. The only problems I ever have with resonator guitars is that I have so many in my collection, that they don't all fit in my house!!!!
Lots of friends want to know, does it cost a lot on playing resonator guitar?
When I first started playing resonator guitars, the only instruments available were very expensive antique resonator guitars from the 1920s and 1930s. These days, since I started producing Michael Messer Resonator Guitars, people can buy a beautiful instrument for a very reasonable and affordable price. This was my ambition, to design and manufacture a high quality professional musician's resonator guitar that everybody can afford to buy. I truly believe that Michael Messer Resonator Guitars are the best budget-priced resonator guitars in the world. I am very proud of my Michael Messer 'MM' Resonator Guitars! So the answer to your question is ......'no it does not cost a lot. Once you have bought your resonator guitar, it will last you a lifetime, and because it is very loud, you will not need to buy an amplifier or any other equipment'.
當我開始玩藍調吉他的時候,能買得到的藍調吉他在1920年代都是非常珍稀、非常昂貴的。現在,自從我開始致力於提供Michael Messer藍調吉他之後,人們只需花費完全可以接受的價格就可以買到這個美妙的樂器。這也是我的目標,設計並生產出每個音樂家都能付得起的、高質量的藍調吉他,並且我堅信Michael Messer吉他是全球性價比最高的,我為之自豪!
Since resonator guitar has caught more eyes, what do you think of the role, resonator guitar will be in the near future?
The role of resonator guitars has changed in recent years. I believe that in the future we will hear them played by young musicians playing Pop, Jazz, Folk, and Rock, as well as Blues and Country music. Their role in music will expand, but for many people they will always be the 'classic' and in some ways, the 'classical' guitar of the Blues. They have become so identified with the Blues that the two things, 'Blues' and 'Resonator Guitars' have become joined together forever.
What’s your opinion on development of resonator guitar and blues in China?
I am also interested to see how they develop in your country, China, because I believe that some traditional Chinese Folk and Classical Music would sound wonderful played on Resonator Guitars. I hope that next time I visit your country I can help people get interested in playing resonator guitars.
Sure, you are always welcome to China! Michael, at last, very appreciate your time on this interview.
Thank you for this interview,
June 2012 - London, UK.


