



  • 中文名:高尚
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士學位
  • 專業方向:機械製造及其自動化
  • 職務:副教授
2000. 9–2004. 7 大連理工大學機械學院,學士學位,專業:機械設計製造及其自動化
2004. 9–2005. 7 大連理工大學經濟學院,第二學士學位,專業:國際經濟與貿易
2005. 9–2007. 7 大連理工大學機械學院,碩士學位,專業:機械製造及其自動化
2007. 9–2013.11 大連理工大學機械學院,博士學位,專業:機械製造及其自動化
2014. 1–至今 大連理工大學機械學院,副教授 。
1. 中國博士後科學基金項目:基於摩擦化學反應的硬脆晶體低損傷磨削機理研究 (No. 2014M561225),2014.1–2017.12,負責人
2. 遼寧省教育廳科學研究一般項目:低損傷超精密磨削硬脆晶體的摩擦化學反應機理研究 (No. L2014015),2014.9–2015.12,負責人
3. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫“納米製造的基礎研究”集成項目:亞納米精度表面製造基礎研究 (No. 91323302),2014.1–2018.12,參與人
4. 國家科技重大專項“極大規模積體電路製造裝備及成套工藝”項目:300mm超薄晶圓減薄拋光一體化機研發與產業化 (No. 2014ZX02504001),2014.1–2017.12,參與人
5. 武器裝備預研先進制造技術“十二五”項目:藍寶石×××××××加工技術 (No. 51×××××××10), 2011.1–2015.12,參加人
6. 國家自然基金重大研究計畫培育項目:納米磨削減薄大尺寸矽片的變形與損傷無損檢測方法與裝置 (No. 91023019), 2011.1–2013.12,參加人
7. 國家自然基金重點項目:矽片與光電晶體基片的高效低損傷超精密磨削技術研究 (No. U0734008), 2008.1–2011.12,參加人
8. 國家自然基金面上項目:超薄硬脆晶體基片的耦合能量軟磨機理與關鍵技術研究 (No. 50675029), 2007.1–2009.12,參加人
9. 國家863計畫重點項目:大尺寸平面功能晶體基片超精密磨削技術與裝備 (No. 2008AA042505), 2008.3–2010.12,參加人
1. 精密與超精密加工技術
2. 半導體製造技術
[1] Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Zhigang Dong, Bi Zhang. Edge chipping of silicon wafers in diamond grinding. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2013,64: 31-37.
[2] Shang Gao, Zhigang Dong, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo. Design and evaluation of soft abrasive grinding wheels for silicon wafers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2013,227(4): 578-586.
[3] Zhigang Dong, Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Bi Zhang, Dongming Guo. Warping of silicon wafers subjected to back-thinning process. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.
[4] 高尚, 康仁科 , 董志剛, 郭東明. 工件旋轉法磨削矽片的亞表面損傷分布. 機械工程學報, 2013,49(3): 88-94.
[5] Renke Kang, Shang Gao, Zhuji Jin, Dongming Guo. Study on grinding performance of soft abrasive wheel for silicon wafer. Key Engineering Materials, 2009,416: 529-534.
[6] Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Quansheng Huang. Study on the subsurface damage distribution of the silicon wafer ground by diamond wheel. Advanced Materials Research, 2010,126-128: 113-118.
[7] Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Yan Li, Hang Gao. Surface and subsurface damages of cdznte substrates ground by diamond grinding wheel. Key Engineering Materials, 2011,487: 1-5.
[8] Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Zhuji Jin, Zhigang Dong. Research on the polishing performance of CMP slurry for the sapphire crystal. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,325: 457-463.
[9] Zhigang Dong, Shang Gao, Ping Zhou, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo. Grinding performance evaluation of the developed chemo-mechanical grinding (CMG) tools for sapphire substrate. Advanced Materials Research, 2012,565: 105-110.
[10] Hengzhen Dai, Zhuji Jin, Shang Gao, Zhanchun Tao. Research on the chemical-mechanical grinding (CMG) tools for Al2O3 ceramic. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,325: 270-275.
[11] Hengzhen Dai, Zhuji Jin, Shang Gao, Zhanchun Tao, Fengwei Huo. The research on the improved CMG tool for Al2O3 ceramic. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,121-126: 514-518.
[12] Renke Kang, Yanfen Zeng, Shang Gao, Zhigang Dong, Dongming Guo. Surface layer damage of silicon wafers sliced by wire saw process. Advanced Materials Research, 2013,797: 685-690.
[13] Haijun Liu, Renke Kang, Shang Gao, Ping Zhou, Yu Tong. Dongming Guo. Development of a measuring equipment for silicon wafer warp. Advanced Materials Research, 2013,797: 561-565.
[14] Yu Zhang, Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Xiaoguang Guo, Zhifu Lin. Grinding performance of diamond grinding tools for sapphire crystal. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 1017: 544-548.
[15] Bingjun Hao, Zhigang Dong, Shang Gao, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo. Investigation on properties of magnesia grinding wheels used in silicon wafer grinding. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 1017: 273-278.
[16] 高尚, 康仁科, 董志剛. 矽片機械磨削軟磨料砂輪的研製及其磨削性能研究. 2013年海峽兩岸平坦化技術研討會論文集, 2013: 181-189.
[1] 康仁科, 高尚, 金洙吉, 郭東明, 趙海軒. 用於檢測藍寶石基片表面層損傷的腐蝕劑. 發明專利, 專利號ZL 201010128953.8.
[2] 康仁科, 董志剛, 高尚, 李志明, 郭東明. 一種新型常溫固化結合劑軟磨料砂輪. 發明專利, 申請號ZL 201210199803.5, 公開號CN 102699826A.
[3] 康仁科, 高尚, 董志剛, 趙喜文, 郭東明. 一種內冷卻固結磨料研磨盤. 發明專利, 申請號ZL 201310123963.6, 公開號CN 103192325A.
[1]第四屆上銀優秀機械博士論文優秀獎, 中國機械工程學會, 2014.9.


