



  • 中文名:馬旅雁
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:科學家
  • 畢業院校北京農業大學
  • 主要成就:12/2001 - 1/2002 Award of IFS of Sweden ($108,730 SEK);
  • 研究領域環境微生物-細菌生物膜研究
  • 性別:女


1991年畢業於北京農業大學生物學微生物系獲學士學位, 1996年獲理學博士學位。1999年被聘為中國農業大學(原北京農業大學)微生物系副教授。曾先後在法國巴斯德研究所,美國Connecticut大學及Wake Forest大學做博士後及高級訪問學者。2008年起在俄亥俄州立大學 (Ohio State University, OSU)任助理教授,從事細菌生物膜(Biofilm)分子機理的研究。2010年以中國科學院‘百人計畫’入選者引進中國科學院微生物研究所。現為微生物資源前期開發國家重點實驗室研究員。曾從事近十年聯合固氮菌基因組結構及調控,和細菌細胞分裂及細胞骨架的研究。近五年的研究主要集中在細菌生物膜的形成及發育。在生物膜形成和發育以及細胞分裂等方面取得較顯著成績,已在 PLoS Pathogens,Mol. Microbiol., J. Bacteriol. 等國內外學術刊物上發表SCI收錄論文20餘篇。


主要從事生物膜形成分子機理的研究,目前的研究集中在與生物膜形成直接相關的胞外多聚物基質網(EPS matrix)關鍵組份的合成與代謝調控,包括微生物信號分子(Quorum Sensing signal molecular and Cyclic-di-GMP)如何調控生物膜及其基質網的形成和生物膜內的程式性細胞死亡(the program cell death)等。


1991 畢業於北京農業大學獲生物學學士學位
1996 畢業於中國農業大學獲理學博士學位
1996-1998 中國農業大學農業生物技術國家重點實驗室任講師
1998-1999 法國巴斯德研究所博士後
1999-2002 中國農業大學生物學院微生物系副教授
2000-2004 以訪問學者身份於美國康涅狄克大學(University of Connecticut) 醫學院進行細胞分裂機制的研究
2005-2008 於美國北卡羅來納州WAKE FOREST大學進行銅綠假單胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) 生物膜的研究
2008年10月-2010 俄亥俄州立大學(the Ohio State University) 任助理教授, 繼續進行生物膜的研究
2010-至今 中國科學院微生物研究所、百人計畫




1、05/2006 - 04/2009 The fellowship of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation;
2、9/2008 Travel awards from CMIB retreat, OSU, OH, USA;
3、2/2007 Travel award and a selected speaker for the 2007 Mid-Atlantic Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting, Wintergreen, VA, USA;
4、10/2007 A selected speaker for the 21st North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA;
5、12/2001 - 1/2002 Award of IFS of Sweden ($108,730 SEK);
6、03/2002 - Current Member of Microbiology Society of America。


1、Ma, L-Y., Ryder, C. and Wozniak, D.J. (2009) Pseudomonas aeruginosa controls its periphery exoploysaccharides by checkpoint enzyme, AlgC. (Manuscript prepared for Mol. Microbial.).
2、Byrd, M.S., Sadovskaya, I., Vinogradov, E., Lu, H., Sprinkle, A., Richardson, S., Ma, L-Y., Ralston, B., Parsek, M.R., Lam, J. and Wozniak, D.J. (2009) Genetic and Biochemical Analyses of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Psl Exopolysaccharide Reveals Overlapping Roles for Polysaccharide Synthesis Enzymes in Psl and LPS Production. Mol. Microbiol. 73(4) 622-638.
3、Starkey, M., Hickman, J.H., Ma, L-Y., Zhang, N., Long, S.D., Hinz, A., Palacios, S., Maoil, C., Kirisits, M., Starner, T., Wozniak, D.J., Hardwood, C.S. and Parsek, M.R. (2009) Pseudomonas aeruginosa rugose small colony variants have adtaptions that likely promote persistence in the cystic fibrosis lung. J. Bacteriol. 191:3492-3503.
4、Ma, L-Y., Conover, M., Lu, H., Parsek, M. R., Bayles, K. and Wozniak, D.J. (2009) Assembly and development of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix. Plos Pathogens 5: e1000354.
5、Huigens, R. W., Ma, L-Y., Gambino, C. D., Moeller, P.D., Basso, A., Cavanagh, J. D., Wozniak, J., and Melander, C. (2008) Control of bacterial Biofilms with marine alkaloid derivatives. Molecular Biosystems. 4(6):614-621.
6、Ma, L-Y., Parsek, M. R. and Wozniak, D.J. (2007) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Psl is a galactose- and mannose-rich exopolysaccharide. J. Bacteriol. 189:8353-8356.
7、Ma, L-Y., Jackson, K., Parsek, M. R. and Wozniak, D.J. (2006) Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa conditional Psl variants reveals roles for the Psl as an adhesin and in maintaining biofilm structure post-attachment. J. Bacteriol. 188:8213-8221.
8、Taghbalout, A., Ma, L-Y., Rothfield, L. (2006) Role of MinD-membrane association in Min protein interaction. J. Bacteriol. 188:2993-3001.
9、Cui, Y., Tu, R., Guan, Y., Ma, L-Y., Chen, S. (2006) Cloning, sequencing, and characrization of the Azospirillum brasilense flue Gene. Curr. Microbiol. 52(3):169-177.
10、Ma, L-Y., King, G., Rothfield, L. (2004) Positioning of MinE and MinC binding sites on the MinD surface provides a mechanism for activation of the E. coli MinD ATPase during division site selection. Mol. Microbial. 54(1):99-108.
11、Schimanski, B., Ma, L-Y., Gunzl, A.(2004) Failure to detect binding of Trypanosoma brucei SNAPc to U2 and U6 snRNA genes by in vitro transcription competition and pull-down assays. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology. 137:293-296.
12、Ma, L-Y., King, G., Rothfield, L. (2003) Mapping the MinE Site involved in interaction with the MinD division site selection protein of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 185:4948-4955.
13、Desnoues, N., Li, M., Guo, X., Ma, L-Y., Carreno-Lopez, R., Elmerich, C.(2003) Nitrogen fixation genetics and regulation in Pseudomonas stutzeri strain associated with rice. Microbiology. 149:2251-2262.
14、Wang, J , Chen, S-F., Ma, L-Y., , Li, J-L.(2001) Cloning , sequencing and expression pattern, functional analysis of nifA in Azospirillum brasilense Yu62. Acta Microbiologia Sinica. 41:655-661(in Chinese ).
15、Ma, L-Y., Wu, Y. Wang, J., Zhao, Y-S., Li, J-L.(1999) Site-directed mutagenesis analysis of draTG genes and their downstream region from Azospirillum brasilense Yu62. Chinese J. of Biotechnology 15:281-287 (in Chinese ).
16、Ma, L-Y. and Li, J-L.(1998) Advance in genetics researches of nitrogen fixation(a review). In Engineering of Agriculural Biology. Man, K-Q., Chen, S-Y., Li, J-L., Zhu, Y-D.(eds.). Chemical Industry Publisher. p15-48. (in Chinese ).
17、Ma, L-Y. and Li, J-L.(1997) Advance in genetics of Azospirillum and plant-root interactions (a review). High Technology letters 11:56-59. (in Chinese ).
18、Ma, L-Y. and Li, J-L.(1997) Sequencing and analysis of function of the upstream region of draTG genes from Azospirillum brasilense Yu62. Chinese J. of Biotechnology 13(4):343-349 (in Chinese and English).
19、Ma, L-Y. and Li, J-L.(1997) Cloning and sequencing of draTG genes and downstream region from Azospirillum brasilense Yu62. Chinese J. of Biotechnology 13(3):227-235 (in Chinese and English).
20、Yan, D-L., He, L-H., Ma, L-Y., Li, J-L.(1995) Effect of Klebsiella pneumoniae nifA on the regulation of nif gene expression by ammonia in Azospirillum brasilense. Chinese J. of Biotechnology 11(4):385-388. (in Chinese ).
21、Yan, D-L., He, L-H., Ma, L-Y., Li, J-L.(1995) Transcriptional activation of Azospirillum brasilense nifH promoter by NifA of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Chinese J. of Biotechnology 11(3):205-210. (in Chinese).
22、Ma, L-Y., Yan, D-L., He, L-H., Li, J-L.(1994) Insertion mutagensis used in nitrogen-fixing bacteria (a review). Microbiology 21:101-105 . (in Chinese ).
23、Nan, Q-X., Ren, F-ZH., Yang, Z-B., Zhang, X-J., Ma, L-Y.(1992) Studies on the forming process of milk fan in Yun nan province. Chinese J. of Animal Science 28(2):25-27.


