


  • 中文名:馬勁風
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:西北大學地質學系教授
  • 畢業院校:長春地質學院


1994.9-1998.6 西北大學地質系 在職攻讀博士學位
1988.9-1991.6 西北大學地質系 攻讀碩士學位
1981.9-1985.7 長春地質學院 地球物理系本科學習







1998.3-2001.11 主持863計畫海洋領域重大項目三級子課題“海上多波地震資料的地質地球物理綜合反演與解釋方法研究(8200502-03-10)”研究工作。研製的“海上多波地震資料處理系統研製及解釋方法研究”獲陝西省科技進步二等獎,陝西省教育委員會科技進步二等獎。
2002.1-2002.12 主持國家自然科學基金(H40144017)“縱波與轉換波(P-SV)彈性阻抗的聯合反演”課題。
2003.5-2004.10 在加拿大University of Saskatchewan地球科學系參加Lithoprobe項目(加拿大自然科學與工程基金Canada NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN261610-03),進行270公里長的s-2-b(Trans-Hudson Orogen)測線的地震資料處理和岩性反演研究。
2005.1-2007.12 主持國家自然科學基金(40474045)“聯合PP波與PS波各向異性彈性參數分步反演成像”課題。
2006.3-2006.6年 加拿大University of Saskatchewan地球科學系高級訪問學者,進行Blackfoot 3D3C資料的處理與岩性反演工作。
2007.1-2009.12 主持國家自然科學基金(40674041)“中下地殼地震反射亮點的岩石物性識別振幅分析方法研究”課題。
2006.12-2009.12 主持“十一五”國家863計畫海洋領域專題課題“佐普立茲(Zoeppritz)彈性阻抗儲層預測技術(2006AA09Z313)” 課題。
2006.9-2011.9 主持“十一五”國家973計畫”深部煤炭資源賦存規律、開採地質條件與精細探測基礎研究(2006CB202200)”下三級專題”深層煤礦床快速探測的地震判識標誌研究(2006CB202208-4)”課題。
2007.9-2009.9 獲得教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金資助。
2007.11-2008.11 獲得國家人事部留學回國人員科技活動擇優資助項目資助。
2008.6-2010.6 參加加拿大國際合作項目Weyburn Phase II CO2 Sequestration and Monitoring Project,進行四維地震的CO2封存與監測處理與反演方法研究


Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov, 2010, AVO modeling in of Pressure-Saturation effects in Weyburn CO2 Sequestration, The Leading Edge, Vol.29(2), 178-183
Igor B. Morozov and Jinfeng Ma, 2009, Accurate poststack acoustic-impedance inversion by well-log calibration, Geophysics,Vol.74(5),R59-R67
張憲旭、馬勁風,程建遠,王曉玉,沈曉昱,2009,深部煤層的AVO屬性分析,煤炭學報, 2009年第9期, 1179-1183
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov, 2007, Structure of the Wollaston Lake Reflector (Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada) from reflection AVO analysis: fractured diabase intrusion, fluids,or silicified shear zone? Tectonophysics, Vol.441,97-114, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.04.010.
馬勁風,傅旦丹,劉一峰,王桂水,高樂. 轉換波人工合成地震記錄標定層位及其與縱波資料對比方法研究.石油地球物理勘探,2004,Vol.39(1),60~67
許升輝,馬勁風.多井條件下的子波提取方法研究. 地球物理學進展,2003,Vol.20(4),623~627.
馬勁風. 地震勘探中廣義彈性阻抗的正反演,地球物理學報,2003,Vol.46(1),118~124.
Jinfeng Ma. 2003. The Generalized Elastic Impedance Forward Modeling and Inversion Method. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 46,159~168.
馬勁風,許升輝,王桂水,高樂. 地震道反演面臨的問題與進展,石油與天然氣地質,2002,Vol.23(4):321~324
王學軍,馬勁風. 考慮振幅隨偏移距變化的人工合成地震記錄製作方法.石油地球物理勘探,2001,Vol.36(1) :30~36
馬勁風,王學軍,賈春環,趙建勛. 波阻抗約束反演中的約束方法研究, 石油物探,2000, Vol.39(2):52~63
馬勁風,王學軍,謝言光,許亞軍,鐘俊. 波阻抗反演中低頻分量構造的經驗與技巧, 石油物探,2000,Vol.39(1):27~34
馬勁風,張忠偉,王家珉. 垂直入射假設對井旁地震道子波提取的影響及改進措施,石油與天然氣地質,2000,Vol.21(3):191~196
馬勁風,賈春環,李慶春,程建遠,朱光明. 轉換波人工合成地震記錄與速度反演方法研究,石油地球物理勘探,1999,Vol.34(5):509~519
馬勁風,王學軍,趙聖亮,趙建勛. 波阻抗初值選擇與地震道反演的多解性,石油地球物理勘探,1999,Vol.34(3):332~340
馬勁風,王學軍,鐘俊,許亞軍. 測井資料約束的波阻抗反演中的多解性問題,石油與天然氣地質,1999,Vol.20(1):7~10


Jinfeng Ma, Igor Morozov.2009, Pressure-Saturation effects on AVO in Weyburn CO2 Sequestration, 2009 SEG Summer Research Workshop, CO2 Sequestration Geophysics ,23-27 August 2009,Banff, Canada
Le Gao, Jinfeng Ma, Igor Morozov, Receiver Function to improve PS wave statics for Weyburn 4D-3C processing, 2009, SEG 2009 Summer Research Workshop – CO2 Sequestration Geophysics
Jinfeng Ma, Le Gao, Igor Morozov.2009, Time-lapse repeatability in 3C-3D dataset from Weyburn Co2 sequestration project, 2009 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada
Jinfeng Ma, Le Gao, Igor Morozov.2009, P-P and P-S data Correlation in Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea, 2009 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada
Igor Morozov, Jinfeng Ma, 2009, Fast and accurate impedance inversion by well-log calibration, 2009 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada
Xiaoyu Shen, Jinfeng Ma and Binfeng Pan,2009, Pressure-dependent AVO response of fractured-aperture rock, CPS/SEG 2009 Conference and Exhibition, Geophysics’ Challenge,Opportunity,and Innovation, April 25-27, Beijing,China
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov.2008, Quantitative AVO error analysis in layered model, 2008 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada,35-39
Jinfeng Ma, Igor B. Morozov and Jianyuan Cheng.2008, AVO attributes of deeper coal seam, 2008 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada,47-51
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2007,The exact elastic impedance for P-SV wave,77th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,AVO,288-292,San Antonio, Texas,USA
Xingchun Wang, Jinfeng Ma and Le Gao. 2007,AVO sensitivity and its beyond critical angle,Challenges in Seismic Rock Physics, 2007 SEG/EAGE Summer Workshop,June 23-29,Beijing,China
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2007,A fluid detection study from Zoeppritz Elastic Impedance,Challenges in Seismic Rock Physics, 2007 SEG/EAGE Summer Workshop,June 23-29,Beijing,China
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2006,Effects on conventional AVO analysis of Wollaston Lake Reflector TRANS HUDSON OROGEN, 12th International Symposium on Deep Structure of the Continents and their Margins, Hayama, Japan
Igor B. Morozov and Jinfeng Ma. 2006,Wollaston Lake Reflector revisited:Fluids,Massive fractured intrusion,or Silicified shear zone? 12th International Symposium on Deep Structure of the Continents and their Margins, Hayama, Japan
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2006,A fluid detection study from Zoeppritz Elastic Impedance,76th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,284-288,New Orleans,Louisiana,USA
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov.2006, Properties of Zoeppritz Elastic Impedance,2006 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov.2006,Approximation-Free AVO attributes, 2006 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists CSEG/CSPG/CWLS Joint Convention,AVO. Calgary, Canada
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2005,The Exact Elastic Impedance as a Ray-path and Angle of Incidence Function, 75th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 269~272.Houston,Texas,USA
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2005,The Exact Elastic Impedance,2005 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists National Convention, AVO. Calgary, Canada
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2004,Wollaston Lake Reflector and AVO analysis of Lithoprobe’s reflection line S2b, Trans-Hudson Orogen. 11th International Symposium on Deep Structure of the Continents and their Margins, Quebec, Canada.
Jinfeng Ma and Igor B. Morozov. 2004,Ray-path elastic impedance,2004 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists National Convention (CSEG),AVO. Calgary, Canada
Jinfeng Ma, 2004, The extending of elastic impedance and generalized elastic impedance,CPS/SEG Beijing 2004 International Geophysical Conference and Exposion,Beijing,China
Jinfeng Ma. 2003, Generalized Elastic Impedance. 73th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 254~257.Dallas,Texas,USA




