
陳龍泉,工學博士(Dr.-Ing.),國家“青年千人計畫”、四川省“青年千人計畫”入選者,教授、博士生導師。2007年於重慶大學套用物理學系獲得理學學士學位, 2009年獲取香港科技大學機械工程學系哲學碩士(M.Phil.)學位,2013年於德國達姆施塔特工業大學機械工程學系獲得工學博士學位。主要從事界面流體力學及微納製造研究,已發表研究論文近20篇,其中14篇第一作者(共同第一作者)SCI論文發表在Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Applied Physics Letters, Soft Matter, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等國際物理、工程材料以及化學權威期刊,SCI他引200餘次。受邀擔任Scientific Reports,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Langmuir等期刊審稿人


  • 中文名:陳龍泉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:界面流體力學及微納製造研究
  • 畢業院校:新加坡南洋理工大學
2010.09-2013.11 德國達姆施塔特工業大學,機械工程學系,博士研究生
2007.08-2009.07 香港科技大學,機械工程學系,碩士研究生
2003.09-2007.07 重慶大學,套用物理系,大學本科
2014.03-2015.02 新加坡南洋理工大學,物理與套用物理系,博士後研究員
2013.11-2014.02 德國達姆施塔特工業大學,智慧型界面中心(DFG Excellent Cluster-259),博士後副研究員
2009.08-2010.08 香港科技大學,機械工程學系,助理研究員
(1) 界面流體力學
(2) 微納製造
[1]2016-2018 四川省“青年千人計畫”人才項目
[2]2015-2017 中組部“青年千人計畫”人才項目
[3]2015-2017 西南交通大學國際科技合作基地(青苗計畫)
2014.11 the 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Divison of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, California, USA (口頭報告)
2013.03 the 9th Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Meeting of the German Colloid Society, Essen, Germany (口頭報告)
2012.06 the 86th ACS Colliod and Surface Science Symposium, Baltimore, USA (口頭報告)
2012.03 the 8th Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Meeting of the German Colloid Society, Darmstadt, Germany (口頭報告)
2011.05 the 18th Ostwald Kolloquium, Mainz, Germany (展板報告)
2010.01 the 23th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong (展板報告)
2009.06 the 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Denver, USA (展板報告)
Scientific Reports
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS
Langmuir, ACS
Journal of Aircraft, AIAA
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Springer
Fibers and Polymers, Springer
HKIE Transaction
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Elsevier (JTICE)
Turkish Journal of Chemistry
[J1]K. Zhang**, A. Geissler, M. Standhardt, S. Mehlhase, M. Gallei,L.Q. Chen, C. M. Thiele, “Moisture-responsivefilms from cellulosestearoyl esters,”Scientific Reports, 2015 (accepted).
[J2]C.U. Chan*,L.Q. Chen*, M. Arora, C.-D. Ohl**, “Collapse of Surface Nanobubbles,”Physical Review Letters114, 114505, 2015. (*共同第一作者,被Physics TodayPhysical Review Letters報導)
[J3]X. Wang,L. Q. Chen, E. Bonaccurso**, “Comparison of Spontaneous Wetting and Drop Impact Dynamics of Aqueous Surfactant Solutions on Hydrophobic Polypropylene Surfaces: Scaling of the Contact Radius,”Colloid and Polymer Science293, 257, 2015.
[J4]L.Q. Chen, E. Bonaccurso**,"Effects of surface wettability and liquid viscosity on the dynamic wetting of individual drops,"Physical Review E90, 022401, 2014.
[J5]L.Q. Chen, E. Bonaccurso**, "Electrowetting — From statics to dynamics",Advances in Colloid and Interface Science210, 2, 2014.
[J6]L.Q. Chen**, A. Geissler, E. Bonaccurso, K. Zhang**, “Transparent, Slippery Surfaces Made with Sustainable Porous Cellulose Lauroyl Ester Films,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces6, 6969, 2014.
[J7]X. Wang,L.Q. Chen, E. Bonaccurso**, J. Venzmer, "Dynamic wetting of hydrophobic polymers by aqueous surfactant and superspreader solutions,"Langmuir29, 14855, 2013.
[J8]A. Geissler*,L.Q. Chen*, K. Zhang**, E. Bonaccurso, M. Biesalski, “Superhydrophobic surfaces fabricated from nano- and microstructured cellulose stearoyl esters,”Chemical Communications49, 4962, 2013.(*共同第一作者)
[J9]L. Q. Chen, E. Bonaccurso**, M. E. R. Shananhan**, “Inertial to viscoelastic transition in early drop spreading on soft surfaces,”Langmuir29, 1893 2013.
[J10]L. Q. Chen, C. L. Li, N. F. A. van der Vegt, G. K. Auernhammer, E. Bonaccurso**, “Initial electrospreading of aqueous electrolyte drops,”Physical Review Letters110, 026103, 2013.
[J11]L. Q. Chen, L.-O. Heim, D. S. Golovko, E. Bonaccurso**, “Snap-in dynamics of single particles to water drops,”Applied Physics Letters101, 031601, 2012.
[J12]L. Q. Chen, G. K. Auernhammer, E. Bonaccurso**, “Short time Wetting Dynamics on Soft Surfaces,”Soft Matter7, 9084, 2011.
[J13]L. Q. Chen, J. Wu, Z. G. Li, Y. H. Yao**, “Evolution of entrapped air under bouncing droplets on viscoelastic surfaces,”Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects1, 726, 2011.
[J14]L. Q. Chen**, Z. Y. Xiao, P.C.H. Chan, Y.-K. Lee, Z.G. Li**, “A Comparative Study of Droplet Impact Dynamics on a Dual-scaled Superhydrophobic Surface and Lotus Leaf,”Applied Surface Science257, 8857 2011.
[J15]L. Q. Chen, X. Wang, W. J. Wen, Z. G. Li**, “Critical Droplet Volume for Spontaneous Capillary Wrapping,”Applied Physics Letters97, 1, 2010.
[J16]L. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Xiao, P.C.H. Chan, Y.-K. Lee**, “Static and Dynamic Characterization of Robust Superhydrophobic Surfaces Built from Nano-flowers on Silicon Micro-Post Arrays,”Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering20, 105001, 2010.
[J17]L. Q. Chen, Z. G. Li**, “Bouncing Droplets on Nonsuperhydrophobic Surfaces,”Physical Review E82, 016308, 2010.
[P1]L. Q. Chen, Y.-K. Lee**, “New Dimensionless Number for Superhydrophobicity Study of Micron/Submicron Patterned Surfaces,” Proc. 23rd IEEE International Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS 2010), pp.1051-1054, 2010.
[P2]L. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Xiao, P.C.H. Chan, Y.-K. Lee**, “Dual-Scaled Superhydrophobic Nano-Flower Surfaces,” Proc. 15th International Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystem (Transducers 2009), pp.441-444, 2009.
[1]2016-2018 四川省“青年千人計畫”人才項目
[2]2015-2017 中組部“青年千人計畫”人才項目
[3]2015-2017 西南交通大學國際科技合作基地(青苗計畫)
2014.11 the 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Divison of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, California, USA (口頭報告)
2013.03 the 9th Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Meeting of the German Colloid Society, Essen, Germany (口頭報告)
2012.06 the 86th ACS Colliod and Surface Science Symposium, Baltimore, USA (口頭報告)
2012.03 the 8th Zsigmondy Kolloquium, Meeting of the German Colloid Society, Darmstadt, Germany (口頭報告)
2011.05 the 18th Ostwald Kolloquium, Mainz, Germany (展板報告)
2010.01 the 23th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong (展板報告)
2009.06 the 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Denver, USA (展板報告)
Scientific Reports
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS
Langmuir, ACS
Journal of Aircraft, AIAA
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Springer
Fibers and Polymers, Springer
HKIE Transaction
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Elsevier (JTICE)
Turkish Journal of Chemistry
1、2015 四川省“青年千人計畫”人選
2、2014 中組部“青年千人計畫”人選
3、2012 國家優秀自費留學生獎學金
胡逸男 (西南交通大學本科)
鄒松 (四川大學本科)
江鑫 (哈爾濱工程大學本科)


