



  • 中文名:陳曉鋼
  • 出生日期:1959年
  • 職業:副教授
  • 畢業院校西安工程大學


陳曉鋼博士在三維紡織結構的工程設計及套用、三維紡織複合材料的結構與性能、防彈紡織材料的理論與實驗研究、紡織結構建模與有限元分析方面具有較高的學術造詣,已取得了較好的科研效果。在多項基礎研究和套用研究(EPSRC、DTI、TCS、KTP、MOD)中擔任項目負責人,研究項目總金額達220多萬英鎊,取得了很好的成果。積極參與本科生教學及碩士和博士培養工作,被聘為武漢紡織大學“楚天學者”講座教授、“陽光學者”特聘教授,同時,先後被蘇州大學、青島大學、河北科技大學、中原工學院等高校聘為客座教授。他的研究成果在Materials & Design 26 (2005), 424-438、International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology、Textile Research Journal、J. Text. Inst上發表和報導。他的研究能力和研究成果受到多方高度評價。


1.X. Chen, R. T. Knox, D.F. McKenna, R.R. Mather, Automatic Generation of Weaves for the CAM of 2D and 3D Woven Textile Structures, J. Text. Inst., 1996, 87, Part 1, No. 2, p356-370
2.X. Chen and P. Potiyaraj, CAD/CAM of Complex Woven Fabrics, Part 2 Multi-layer Fabrics, J. Text. Inst., 1999, 90, Part 1 No. 1, p73-90
3.X. Chen and P. Potiyaraj, CAD/CAM of the Orthogonal and Angle-interlock Woven Structures for Industrial Applications, Text. Res. J, 69(9), 1999, p648-655
4.X. Chen and G.A.V. Leaf, Engineering Design of Woven Fabrics for Specific Properties, Text. Res. J, 70(5), 2000, p437-442
5.X. Tan, X. Chen, Parameters affecting energy absorption and deformation in textile composite cellular structures, Materials & Design 26 (2005), 424-438
6.M. A. Nazarboland, X. Chen, J. W. S. Hearle, R. Lydon, and M. Moss, Modelling and simulation of filtration through woven media, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2008, 150-260
7.X Chen, D Yang, Use of 3D Angle-interlock Woven Fabric for Seamless Female Body Armour, Part:Ballistic Evaluation, Text. Res. J., Vol. 80(15): 1581–1588, 2010
8.X. Chen, Mathematical modelling of 3D woven fabrics for CAD/CAM software, Text. Res. J.,Vol. 81(1), 42-50, 2011
9.X. Chen, L.W. Taylor, L-J. Tsai, An Overview on Fabrication of 3D Woven Textile Preforms for Composites, Textile Research Journal, Vol.81(9), 932-944, 2011
10.Modelling and predicting textile behaviour, ed. X. Chen, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2010,ISBN 978-1-84569-416-6


