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陳德奇,男,博士,重慶大學能源與動力工程學院副教授、博士生導師。2004年於重慶大學動力工程學院熱能與動力工程專業本科畢業;並於2010年6月博士畢業並被授予博士學位。研究領域涉及核反應堆熱工水力及安全、航空發動機氣動熱力、工程熱物理;包括沸騰相變、兩相流動、強化傳熱及熱管理、複雜結構及湍流流動等方面的研究。相關研究得到了多個重要項目支持,包括國防工業國家重大基礎研究計畫(課題)、國家自然科學基金、重慶市自然科學基金、博士後基金、教育部高等學校博士學科點科研基金等等;以及多項來自中國核動力研究設計院、中核核反應堆熱工水力技術重點實驗室、北京動力機械研究所(航天三院)等重要研究院所的項目支持。相關研究成果發表在國內外本領域的重要學術期刊(如:《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Nuclear Engineering and Design》等)。同時也是本領域多個國際學術期刊的審稿人。


  • 中文名:陳德奇
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:重慶大學能源與動力工程學院博士生導師


2007.12-2008.12:Florida International University,博士聯合培養







[1]Haidong Liu,Deqi Chen*, Lian Hu, Dewen Yuan, Hong Gao.Numerical investigations on flow-induced vibration of fuel rods with spacer grids subjected to turbulent flow[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2017 (325): 68–77.(SCI)
[2]Qi Lu,Deqi Chen*, Yanping Huang, Dewen Yuan, Xueqiang He.Visual investigation on the coalescence process and the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the two-phase interface morphology in narrow vertical channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [J]. Agu. 2017 (115PB): 537-550. (SCI)
[3]Qi Lu,Deqi Chen*, Chong Li, Xueqiang He.Experimental investigation on flow boiling heat transfer in conventional and mini vertical channels [J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [J]. Apr. 2017 (107): 225-243. (SCI)
[4]Lian Hu,Deqi Chen*, Yanping Huang, Xiang Li, Dewen Yuan, Yanling Wang.JFNK method with a physics-based preconditioner for the fully implicit solution of one-dimensional drift-flux model in boiling two-phase flow [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. Jan. 2017 (116): 610-622. (SCI, EI)
[5]Lian Hu,Deqi Chen*, Shiqiu Gao, Yiding Cao. Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Analyses of a S-CO2 Brayton Cycle as the Heat Transport System of a Nuclear Reactor [J], Heat Transfer Research, Aug., 2016, 47(9): 1–19. (SCI)
[6]Deqi Chen*, Yi Xiao, Shijie Xie, Dewen Yuan, Xuemei Lang, Zile Yang,Yunke Zhong , Qi Lu. Thermal-hydraulic performance of a 5×5 rod bundle with spacer grid in a nuclear reactor [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. May, 2016: 1416-1426.(SCI)
[7]Qi Lu,Deqi Chen*, Chong Li.Visual investigation on the breakup of high superheated molten metal during FCI process [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. Apr., 2016, 98: 962–975. (SCI)
[8]Deqi Chen*, Zile Yang, Yuke Zhong, Yi Xiao, Lian Hu. Numerical investigation on the characteristics of two-phase flow in fuel assemblies with spacer grid. KERNTECHNIK [J]. Mar., 2016, 81 (3): 1–10. (SCI)
[9]Qi Lu,Deqi Chen*, Qinghua Wang.Visual Investigation on the Interface Morphology of Taylor Bubble and the Characteristics of Two-Phase Flow in Mini-Channel [J],Chemical Engineering Science, Sep2015, 134 (29): 96-107. (SCI)
[10]Lian Hu,Deqi Chen*, Yanping Huang, Le Li, Yiding Cao, Dewen Yuan, Junfeng Wang, Liangming Pan. Investigation on the performance of the supercritical Brayton cycle with CO2-based binary mixture as working fluid for an energy transportation system of a nuclear reactor [J]. Energy, Jul, 2015, 89: 874-886. (SCI)


