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  • 中文名:陳偉
  • 出生地:四川安岳
  • 職業:綿陽師範學院生態安全四川省重點實驗室教師
  • 性別
  • 學歷博士


陳偉,男,四川安岳人,博士,綿陽師範學院生態安全與保護四川省重點實驗室教師。四川省傑出青年基金獲得者,四川省學術技術帶頭人後備人選。綿陽師範學院碩士導師,長江大學校外兼職碩士導師,先後於西華師範大學和武漢大學生科院獲得動物學碩士和博士學位, 2011年來本實驗室工作一直工作至今,此期分別於2015年10月-2016年10月,在悉尼大學Rich Shine院士實驗室訪學,2018年7月—2018年9月,在赫爾辛基大學Juha Merilä教授實驗室訪學。從事過哺乳動物和鳥類的生態學研究,近10年來主要以青藏高原為研究地點,以高原兩棲類動物為研究對象,從進化生物學保護生物學和行為學角度進行相關的研究,探討高原兩棲動物與環境的適應機制及其生態功能。主持(或聯合主持)國家自然基金2項,四川省傑出青年基金1項,出國留學回國人才項目1項,作為主要研究人員先後參與國家自然基金項目3項,省廳級項目多項。在Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and evolution, Gene, Naturwissenschaften,Annales Zoologici Fennici, Behavioural Processes, Journal of Ethology,Herpetological Journal, North-Western Journal of Zoology, Mammalia, ActaHerpetologica, Current Zoology等國內外期刊上發表相關論文40餘篇。為Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,EthologyJournal of ZoologyJournal of Natural History, MammaliaHerpetological JournalNorth-Western Journal of ZoologyActa HerpetologicaPakistan Journal of ZoologyAsian Herpetological Research等國際期刊的特約審稿人。
Chen W, Peng LQ,Jiang LC, Pike DA, Friesen CR & Brown G. 2018.HighAltitude Frogs (Rana kukonoris) Adopta Diversified Bet-hedging Strategy in the Face of EnvironmentalUnpredictability. Asian Herpetological Research 2018, 9(1): 43–49
Jiang LC, You ZQ,Yu P, Ruan QP* & Chen W*. 2018. The first complete mitochondrial genomesequence ofNanorana parkeriandNanorana ventripunctata(Amphibia:Anura: Dicroglossidae), with related phylogenetic analyses. Ecology andEvolution.DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4214.
Chen W, Hudson CM, Jayna L, DeVore JL & Shine R*. 2017. Sex and weaponry: The distributionof toxin-storage glands on the bodies of male and female cane toads (Rhinellamarina).Ecology and Evolution.DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2914.
Jiang, LC, ZhaoL, Cheng DM, Zhu LL, Zhang M, Ruan QP*, Chen W*. 2017.The complete mitochondrial genome sequenceof the Sichuan Digging Frog,Kaloula rugifera(Anura: Microhylidae) andits phylogenetic implications. doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2017.05.039.
Chen W, Ren LN,He DJ, Wang Y & Pike DA. 2015. Reproductive ecology of Sichuan diggingfrogs (Microhylidae:Kaloula rugifera), Acta Herpetologic, 10(1):17-21.
Jiang LC, Zhao L,Shuai XL, Ren ZL, Shen H, Liu FC, Ruan QP* & Chen W*. Completemitochondrial genome sequence of the Sichuan digging frog Kaloula rugifera(Anura: Microhylidae). Mitochondrial DNA.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1115852.
Jiang LC, Ruan QP*& Chen W*. 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the XizangPlateau frog,Nanorana parkeri(Anura: Dicroglossidae). Mitochondrial DNA. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1007327.
Chen W, Guan TP,Ren LN, He DJ, Wang Y and Lu X. 2015. Prehibernation Energy Storage inHeilongjiang Brown Frogs (Rana amurensis) from Five Populations in NorthChina.Asian Herpetological Research, 6(1): 45-50.
Chen W, Jiang LC,You ZQ &Chen M. 2015. Breeding Biology of the Upland Buzzard (Buteohemilasius) on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Raptor Research, 49(3):320-324.
Chen W, Pike DA,Wang Y, He DJ, Ren. LN, Wang XY, Fan XG & Lu X. 2014. Altitude decreasestestis weight of a frog endemic to the Tibetan plateau. Herpetological Journal,24 (3): 183-188.
Chen W, Tang ZH,Fan XG, Wang Y & Pike DA. 2013. Maternal investment increases with altitudein a frog on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26:2710-2715.
Chen W. Zhao L,Wang Y, Li H, He DJ, Ren LN, Tang ZH & Lu X. 2013. Reproductive output ofthe brown frogRana kukunorisat high altitude of the Tibetan plateau.Acta Herpetologica, 8(2): 153-157.
Chen W, Wang XY& Fan XG. 2013. Do anurans living in higher altitudes have higherprehibernation energy storage? Investigations from a high-altitude frog.Herpetological Journal, 23: 45-49.
Chen W, Wu QG, SuZX* & Lu X. 2012. Age, body size and clutch size ofRana kunyuensis,a subtropical frog native to China. Herpetological Journal, 22: 203-206.
Chen W, Wu QG, HuJC, L u X & You ZQ. 2012. Seasonal habitat use of Chinese goral (Naemorhedusgriseus) in a subtropical forest. Russian Journal of Ecology, 43: 256-260.
Liao WB &Chen W*. 2012. Inverse Rensch’s rule in a frog with female-biased sexual sizedimorphism. Naturwissenschaften, 99: 427-431.
Liao WB, Liao YM,Xiao WM, Chen W, Mi ZP & Li C. 2012. Sexual dimorphism in hind limb musclemass of the Andrew’s Toad (Bufo andrewsi)in relation to sexualselection. North Western Journal of Zoology, 2: 252-256.
Chen W & HuJC. 2012. Seasonal differences in microhabitat use by tufted deer (Elaphoduscephalophus)in Tangjiahe Nature Reserve. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 32 (3):188 -192.
Chen W, Zhang LX& Lu X*. 2011. Pairs during hibernation in a temperate frog: An unusualmale mating strategy among anurans. Journal of Ethnology, 29: 15-21.
Chen W, Yu TL& Lu X*. 2011. Age and body size ofRana kukunoris, a high-elevationfrog native to the Tibetan plateau. Herpetological Journal, 21: 149-151.
Chen W & Lu X*.2011. Sex recognition and mate choice in maleRana kukunoris.Herpetological Journal, 21: 141-144.
Chen W & Lu X*.2011. Age and body size ofRana amurensisfrom northeastern China.Current Zoology, 57: 781-784.
Chen W, Zhang LX& Lu X*. 2011. Higher pre-hibernation energy storage in anurans from coldenvironments: a case study on a temperate frogRana chensinensisalongbroad latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 48:214-220.
Lu X, Chen W,Zheng LX & Ma XY. 2010. Mechanical constraint on size-assortative paringsuccess in a temperate frog: an experimental approach. Behavioural Processes,85: 181-184.
Chen W, Hu JC& Lu X*. 2009. Habitat use and separation between the Chinese serow (Capricornismilneedwardsi) and the Chinese goral (Naemorhedus griseus) inwinter. Mammalia, 73: 249-252. 陳偉,楊攀,符自娟,文琳,官天培,賈小東,劉昊,游章強. 2017.四川狹口蛙的求偶期鳴聲分析.綿陽師範學院學報.36( 8):23-26.
傅之屏,諶利民,楊遠兵,陳偉,劉雷,餘波,劉昊,何萬紅.2015.大熊貓保護區社區管理模式的現狀與發展.四川動物. 34( 3) : 468 -473.
陳偉,游章強,劉昊,唐中海,官天培,杜世章. 2013.兩棲動物生活史地理變異研究的綜述.綿陽師範學院學報. 32(8): 43-52.
陳偉,胡錦矗,諶利民,陳萬里,唐卓. 2013.唐家河國家級自然保護區斑羚夏季生境選擇研究.內江師範學院學報. 28(6): 21-25.
陳偉,杜世章,游章強. 2013.地方高校工程碩士研究生培養模式探討——以“服務國家特殊需求人才培養項目”環境工程專業碩士為例.綿陽師範學院學報. 32(2):143-145,155.
唐中海,游章強,劉昊,陳偉,賈小東,馬纓. 2013.飼糧添加油橄欖葉對育肥期獺兔生長、血液生化指標及抗氧化能力的影響.中國農業科學. 46(5): 1081-1086.
陳偉,郭宗明,胡錦矗,余志偉. 2006.四川南充市白頭鵯的繁殖習性及雛鳥的生長發育.動物學雜. 41( 2) : 107- 111.
陳偉,吳映梅,胡錦矗,余志偉,郭宗明. 2006.四川南充市城市白頭鵯的巢址選擇和巢材研究.四川動物. 25(3): 590-593.
郭宗明,陳偉,胡錦矗立. 2006.棕頭鴉雀的巢生境因子分析和雛鳥的生長發育.四川動物, 25(4): 858-861. 郭宗明,胡錦矗,孫治宇,陳偉. 2005.白腰文鳥(Lonchura striata)繁殖行為的觀察和雛鳥食性的分析.西華師範大學學報(自然科學版). 26(4): 273-376.
陳偉.唐家河國家級自然保護區中國斑羚種群生態學初步研究. 2007.西華師範大學,碩士畢業論文。
陳偉.藏北高原地山雀繁殖策略研究. 2011.武漢大學,博士畢業論文。




近五年來主要以青藏高原為研究地點,以高原兩棲類動物為研究對象,從進化生物學、保護生物學和行為學角度進行相關的研究,探討高原兩棲動物與環境的適應機制及其生態功能。作為主要研究人員先後參與國家自然基金項目3項,省廳級項目多項。在Journal of Evolutionary Biology,Naturwissenschaften, Annales Zoologici Fennici, Behavioural Processes, Journalof Ethology, Herpetological Journal, North-Western Journal of Zoology, Mammalia,Acta Herpetologica, CurrentZoology等國內外期刊上發表相關論文20餘篇。為Ethology,Journal of Zoology, Mammalia, Herpetological Journal, North-Western Journal ofZoology, Acta Herpetologica, Pakistan Journal of Zoology等SCI期刊的特約審稿人。


Chen W, Tang ZH, Fan XG, Wang Y & Pike DA.2013 Maternal investment increases with altitude in a frog on the TibetanPlateau. Journal of Evolutionary Biology,26: 2710–2715.
Chen W. Zhao L, WangY, Li H, He DJ, Ren LN, Tang ZH, Lu X. 2013. Reproductive output of the brownfrog Rana kukunoris at high altitude of the Tibetan plateau. ActaHerpetologica, 8(2): 153-157.
Chen W, Wang XY & Fan XG. 2013. Do anurans living in higher altitudes havehigher prehibernation energy storage? Investigations from a high-altitude frog.Herpetological Journal,23: 45-49.
Chen W, Wu QG, Su ZX & Lu X. 2012. Age, bodysize and clutch size of Rana kunyuensis, a subtropical frognative to China. Herpetological Journal, 22: 203-206.
Chen W, Wu QG, Hu JC, L u X & You ZQ. 2012.Seasonal habitat use of Chinese goral (Naemorhedus griseus) in asubtropical forest. Russian Journal of Ecology, 43: 256-260.
Liao WB & Chen W. 2012. Inverse Rensch’srule in a frog with female-biased sexual size dimorphism. Naturwissenschaften,99: 427-431.
Liao WB, Liao YM, Xiao WM, Chen W, Mi ZP &Li C. 2012. Sexual dimorphism in hind limb muscle mass of the Andrew’s Toad (Bufoandrewsi) in relation to sexual selection.North Western Journal ofZoology, 2: 252-256.
Chen W & Hu JC. 2012. Seasonal differencesin microhabitat use by tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus) in TangjiaheNature Reserve. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 32 (3): 188 -192.
Chen W, Zhang LX & Lu X. 2011. Pairs duringhibernation in a temperate frog: An unusual male mating strategy among anurans.Journal of Ethnology, 29: 15-21.
Chen W, Yu TL & Lu X. 2011. Age and bodysize of Rana kukunoris, a high-elevation frog native to the Tibetanplateau. Herpetological Journal, 21: 149–151.
Chen W & Lu X. 2011. Sex recognition andmate choice in male Rana kukunoris. Herpetological Journal,21:141–144.
Chen W & Lu X. 2011. Age and body size of Ranaamurensis from northeastern China. Current Zoology, 57: 781–784.
Chen W, Zhang LX & Lu X. 2011. Higherpre-hibernation energy storage in anurans from cold environments: a case studyon a temperate frog Rana chensinensis along broad latitudinal andaltitudinal gradients. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 48: 214–220.
Lu X, Chen W, Zheng LX & Ma XY. 2010.Mechanical constraint on size-assortative paring success in a temperate frog:an experimental approach.Behavioural Processes, 85: 181–184.
Chen W, Hu JC & Lu X. 2009. Habitat use andseparation between the Chinese serow (Capricornis milneedwardsi) and theChinese goral (Naemorhedus griseus) in winter.Mammalia, 73:249–252.


