

人物名, 著名人物為山東大學教授,博士,山東大學長江學者特聘教授,博士生導師,組合化學研究所所長。

1982年1月畢業於山東大學化學系,獲學士學位。1986年赴美國哥倫比亞大學化學系學習,師從著名生物有機化學家Koji Naknish教授,並於1990年獲博士學位。

1990年至1993年先後師從英國劍橋大學/生理學研究所著名教授Peter A. McNaughton和美國休斯頓德克薩斯微生物和分子基因所世界著名教授John L. Spudich進行博士後研究工作。


  • 中文名:閆兵
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:山東大學長江學者特聘教授
  • 畢業院校:美國哥倫比亞大學博士畢業


1993年至1999年受聘於位於新澤西的Novartis Biomedical Research Institute。他負責創建的研究團隊是美國最先投入組合化學研究的團隊之一,最先建立了組合化學中套用於固相高通量合成技術中的分析和檢測方法及反應動力學研究,推動了固相合成和組合化學的發展。
據不完全統計,閆兵博士在1996年發表在Journal of Organic Chemistry 上該領域內的首創性論文被144次引用,他在該領域發表的7篇主要論文被引用次數迄今為止已超過625次。其研究成果很快得到了國際學術界的公認和好評,並被美國化學學會ACS 出版發行的Chemical Engineering News (April6, 1998)報導。
1998年,他和其他學術帶頭人在Anthony Czarnic 博士的帶領下為美國化學學會創刊發行了Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (JCC),並擔任兩屆編委至今。現任該雜誌副主編。
1999年至2005年,他受聘於美國Discovery Partners International和Bristal-Myers Squibb,在組合化學中的合成、純化和質量控制及用於早期藥物開發的高通量篩選領域從事研究工作。
2001年當選為Sigma Xi成員,並於2002及2004年應邀在匹茲堡會議上組織和主持了兩次國際專題研討會:PittCon 2002 和 PittCon 2004。
閆兵博士組織並主持國際學術會議6次,17次應邀在國際學術會議上作大會報告或特約報告,在分析化學和組合化學分析領域撰寫專著4部,主編著作4部,並發表了11部書章節或綜述文 章,在Nature, Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, Curr.Opin.Chem.Biol., Acc. Chem.Res., Biochemistry, Biophys. J., Nano Lett., J.Med.Chem., Anal.Chem., J. Biol.Chem.和J.Comb.Chem.等雜誌上發表論文74篇,發表論文被他人引用超過1530次。


主要從事組合化學、納米醫藥及納米毒理學和新型抗癌藥物研發等領域的研究。他負責創建的研究團隊是國際上最先投入組合化學研究的團隊之一,最先提出了大量組合化學中套用於固相高通量合成技術中的分析和提純方法,推動了固相合成和組合化學的全面發展。據不完全統計,1996年他發表在Journal of Organic Chemistry上該領域內的首創性論文被130次引用,他的7篇主要論文被引用次數迄今為止已超過500次。其在組合化學中的合成、純化和質量控制及用於早期藥物開發的高通量篩選領域的研究達到世界領先地位,許多由他及其助手開發出的化合物被用於藥物的臨床實驗。主持國家自然科學技基金委項目 “套用組合化學和高通量篩選技術開發新型特效飲用水除砷劑”(項目批准號 20577029),2006。在分析化學和組合化學分析領域撰寫專著4部,參與另外11部書章節或綜述文章的編寫工作,在高影響因子SCI雜誌上發表論文70餘篇,發表論文被他人正面引用超過1280次。


We use modern discovery tools such as combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, computation and biological techniques to study some fundamental problems and processes in biology and medicine. Our research directions are two fold: the first is to modulate biological specificities of nanomaterials by controlling their surface chemistry to study their surface structure-activity and structure-toxicity relationships and discover biocompatible and cancer targeting nanomedicine and nanodiagnostics; the second is to develop anti-cancer chemical agents that target drug resistant cancers or molecular probes to understand biological processes. The drug development is a very long process. Our focus is to discover and optimize lead compounds, study the mechanism of action, and complete preclinical research for top candidates. We also develop various drug discovery and analytical chemistry technologies to assist our research goals and train graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.) and postdoctoral fellows.


1. Gao NN, Zhang Q, Mu QX, Bai YH, Li LW, Zhou HY, Butch E, Powell T, Snyder SE, Jiang GB, Yan B.* Steering Carbon Nanotubes to Scavenger Receptor Recognition by Nanotube Surface Chemistry Modification Partially Alleviates NF¦ÊB Activation and Reduces Its Immunotoxicity. ACS Nano, Web Publication Date: May 19, 2011.
2. Li LW, Zhang Q, Liu AF, Li, XE, Zhou HY, Liu Y, Yan B.* Proteome Interrogation Using Nanoprobes to Identify Targets of a Cancer-killing Molecule. J Am Chem Soc 2011, 133(18), 6886-6889.
3. Zhou HY, Jiao PF, Yang L, Li X, Yan B.* Enhancing Cell Recognition by Scrutinizing Cell Surfaces with a Nanoparticle Array. J Am Chem Soc 2011, 133(4), 680-682.
4. Yu C, Zhang J, Chen L*, Li J, Liu P, Wang W, Yan B.* ¡°Off-On¡± Based Fluorescent Chemosensor for Cu2+ in Aqueous Media and Living Cells. Talanta 2011, in press.
5. Liu YJ, Zhang B, Yan B.* Enabling Anticancer Therapeutics by Nanoparticle Carriers: The Delivery of Paclitaxel. Int J Mol Sci2011, in press.
6. Andersson AK, Miller DW, Lynch J, Lemoff AS, Cai Z, Pounds SB, Radtke I, Yan B, Schuetz JD, Rubnitz JE, Ribeiro RC, Raimondi SC, Zhang J, Mullighan CG, Shurtleff SA, Schulman BA, Downing JR. IDH1 and IDH2 Mutations in Pediatric Acute Leukemia. Leukemia, Web Publication Date: June 7, 2011.
7. Hurdle JG, Heathcott AE, Yang L, Yan B, Lee RE. Reutericyclin and Related Analogues Kill Stationary Phase Clostridium Difficile at Achievable Colonic Concentrations. J Antimicrob Chemother Web Publication Date: May 31, 2011.
8. Tekobo S, Richter AG, Dergunov SA, Pingali SV, Urban VS, Yan B, Pinkhassik E. Synthesis, Characterization, and Controlled Aggregation of Biotemplated Organic Nanodisks. J Nanoparticle Research, Web Publication Date: May 11, 2011.
9. Zhou QF, Dergunov SA, Zhang Y, Li X, Mu QX, Zhang Q, Jiang GB, Pinkhassik F, Yan B.* Safety profile and cellular uptake of biotemplated nanocapsules with nanometer-thin walls. Nanoscale, Web Publication Date: April 20, 2011.
10. Wu L and Yan B.* Discovery of Small Molecules that Target Autophagy for Cancer Treatment. Current Medicinal Chemistry 2011, 18(12), 1866-1873.
11. Yan B. Impacts of Nanotechnology on Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery. Current Medicinal Chemistry 2011, 18(14), 2044.
12. Jiao P, Zhou H, Chen L, Yan B.* Cancer-Targeting Multifunctionalized Gold Nanoparticles in Imaging and Therapy. Current Medicinal Chemistry2011, 18(14), 2086-2102.
13. Yan B, Editorial: Nano-Combinatorial Chemistry and Associated Technologies, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 2011, 14(3), 146.
14. Zhang W, Penmatsar H, Ren A, Punchihewa C, Lemoff A, Yan B, Fujii N and Naren AP. Functional Regulation of CFTR-Containing Macromolecular Complexes: A Small-Molecule Inhibitor Approach. Biochemical Journal 2011, 435, 451¨C462 (Highlighted by Commentary "Targeting the regulation of CFTR channels" by Paul DWE and Christine EB, Biochem J 2011, 435, e1¨Ce4).
15. Liu Y, Yan B.* Characterizing the Surface Chemistry of Nanoparticles: An Analogy to Solid-Phase Synthesis Samples. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening2011, 14(3), 191-197.
16. Li X, Zhou HY, Yang L, Du GQ, Pai-Panandiker A, Huang XF, and Yan B.* Enhancement of Cell Recognition in vitro by Dual-Ligand Cancer Targeting Gold Naoparticles. Biomaterials 2011, 232, 2540-2545.
17. Gasser M, Rothen-Rutishauser B, Krug HF, Gehr P, Nelle M, Yan B and Wick P. The Adsorption of Biomolecules to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes is Influenced by Both Pulmonary Surfactant Lipids and Surface Chemistry. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2010, 8:31.
18. Liu YY, Su GX, Zhang B, Jiang GB, Yan B.* Nanoparticle-Based Strategies for Detection and Remediation of Environmental Pollutants. Analyst 2011, 136(5), 872-877 (Designated by Royal Society of Chemistry as one of the top five most-read articles from the online version of Analyst for February 2011).
19. Wang GQ, Chen ZP, Wang WH, Yan B and Chen LX. Chemical Redox-Regulated Mesoporous Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods for Colorimetric Probing of Hg2+ and S2-. Analyst, 2011, 136(1), 174-178.
20. Wang F, Zhai SM, Liu XJ, Li LW, Wu S, Dou QP* and Yan B.* A Novel Dithiocarbamate Analogue with Potentially Decreased ALDH Inhibition has Copper-Dependent Proteasome-Inhibitory and Apoptosis¨CInducing Activity in Human Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Letters 2011, 300(1), 87-95.
21. Mu, Q.X., Li, Z.W., Li, X., Mishra, M.R., Zhang, B., Si, Z.K., Yang, L., Jiang, W., Yan, B.* (2009) Characterization of Protein Clusters of Diverse Magnetic Nanoparticles and Their Dynamic Interactions with Human Cells. J Phys Chem C (In press). New!
22. Ma, X.F., Shi, R.R., Zhang, B., Yan, B.* (2009) Kinetics of Resin-Supported Mitsunobu Esterification and Etherification Reactions. J Comb Chem (In press). New!
23. Du, F.F., Zhou, H.Y., Chen, L.X., Zhang, B., Yan, B.* (2009) Structure Elucidation of Nanoparticle-Bound Organic Molecules by H NMR. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 28(1), 88-95. New!
24. Zhou, H.Y., Du, F.F., Li, X., Zhang, B., Li, W., Yan, B.* (2008) Characterization of Organic Molecules Attached to Gold Nanoparticle Surface Using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning H NMR. J Phys Chem C 112(49), 19360-19366. New!
25. Yu, Y.M., Zhang, Q., Mu, Q.X., Zhang, B., Yan, B.* (2008) Exploring the Immunotoxicity of Carbon Nanotubes. Nanoscale Research Letters 3(8), 271-277. New!
26. Lemoff. A and Yan, B.* (2008) Dual Detection Approach to a More Accurate Measure of Relative Purity in High-Throughput Characterization of Compound Collections. J Comb Chem 10(5), 746-751. New!
27. Zhou, H.Y., Mu, Q.X., Gao, N.N., Liu, A.F., Xing, X.Y., Gao, S.L., Zhang, Q., Qu, G.B., Chen, Y.Y., Liu, G., Zhang, B., Yan, B. (2008) A Nano-Combinatorial Library Strategy for the Discovery of Nanotubes with Reduced Protein-Binding, Cytotoxicity, and Immune Response. Nano Letters 8(3), 859-865. New!
28. Qi, M.H., Zhou, H.Y., Ma, X.F., Zhang, B., Jefferies, C., Yan, B. (2008) Feasibility of a Self-Calibrated LC/MS/UV Method to Determine the Absolute Amount of Compounds in Their Storage and Screening Lifecycle. J Comb Chem 10(2), 162-165.
29. Mu, Q.X., Liu, W., Xing, Y.H., Zhou, H.Y., Li, Z.W., Zhang, Y., Ji, L.H., Wang, F., Si, Z.K., Zhang, B., Yan, B. (2008) Protein Binding by Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Is Governed by the Surface Chemistry of Both Parties and the Nanotube Diameter. J Phys Chem C 112(9), 3300-3307.
30. Zhou, H.Y., Wu, S.H., Zhai, S.M., Liu, A.F., Sun, Y., Li, R.S., Zhang, Y., Ekins, S., Swaan, P.W., Fang, B.L., Zhang, B., Yan, B. (2008) Design, Synthesis, Cytoselective Toxicity, Structure-Activity Relationships, and Pharmacophore of Thiazolidinone Derivatives Targeting Drug-Resistant Lung Cancer Cell. J Med Chem 51(5), 1242-1251.
31. Zhou, H., Liu, A., Li, X., Ma, X., Feng, W., Zhang, W., Yan, B. (2008) Microwave-Assisted Fluorous Synthesis of 4-Aryl-Substituted Thiazolidinone and Thiazinanone Libraries. J Comb Chem 10(2), 303-312. Hot! (One of the Most Accessed Article 2008 from ACS Publications)
32. Zhang, B., Li, X.F., Yan, B. (2008) Advances in HPLC Detector-Towards Universal Detection. Anal Bioanal Chem 390(1), 299-301.
33. Yu, Z.Y., Wang, F., Milacic, V., Li, X.F, Cui, Q.C, Zhang, B., Yan, B., Dou, Q.P. (2007) Evaluation of Copper-Dependent Proteasome-Inhibitory and Apoptosis-Inducing Activities of Novel Pyrrolidine Dithiocarbamate Analogs. Int J Mol Med 20(6), 919-925.
34. Xu, P., Qiu, J.H., Zhang, Y.N., Chen, J., Wang, P.G., Yan, B., Song, J., Xi, R.M., Deng, Z.X., Ma, C.Q. (2007) Efficient Whole-Cell Biocatalytic Synthesis of N-Acetyl-D-Neuraminic Acid. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 349(10), 1614-1618.
35.Yan, B., Shi, R., Zhang, B., Kshirsagar, T. (2007) A Kinetic Study of Product Cleavage Reactions from the Solid Phase by a Biocompatible and Removable Cleaving Reagent, HCl. J Comb Chem 9(4), 684-689.
36. Shi, R., Wang, F., Yan, B. (2007) Site-Site Isolation and Site-Site Interaction - Two Sides of the Same Coin. Int J Pept Res & Therapeutics 13(1-2), 213-219.
37. Chen, D., Cui, Q.C., Yang, H., Barrea, R.A., Sarkar, F.H., Sheng, S., Yan, B., Reddy, G.P.V., Dou, Q.P. (2007) Cliquinol, a Therapeutic Agent for Alzheimer’s Disease, Has Proteasome-inhibitory, Apoptosis-inducing and Anti-tumor Activities in Human Prostate Cancer Cells and Xenografts. Cancer Res 67(4), 1636-1644.
38. Yan, B., Zhao, J., Leopold, K., Zhang, B., Jiang, G. (2007) The Structure Dependent Response of Chemiluminescence Nitrogen Detector (CLND) for Organic Compounds with Adjacent Nitrogen Atoms Connected by a Single Bond. Anal Chem 79 (2), 718-726.
39. Daniel, K.G., Chen, D., Yan, B., Dou, Q.P. (2007) Copper-Binding Compounds as Proteasome Inhibitors and Apoptosis Inducers in Human Cancer. Front Biosci 12, 135-144.
40. Zhai, S., Liu, W., Yan, B. (2007) Recent Patents on Treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery 2(1), 1-10.
41. Chen, L., Choo, J., Yan, B. (2007) The Microfabricated Electrokinetic Pump: A Potential Promising Drug Delivery Technique. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 4(2), 119-129.
42. Landis-Piwowar, K.R., Milacic, V., Chen, D., Yang, H., Zhao, Z.Y., Chan, T.H., Yan, B., Dou, Q.P. (2006) Discovering Novel Anticancer Drugs and Chemo-Sensitizers by Using the Proteasome as a Potential Target. Drug Resistance Update 9, 263-273.
43. Wu, S., Guo, W., Teraishi, F., Pang, J., Kaluarachchi, K., Zhang, L., Davis, J., Dong, F., Yan, B., Fang, B. (2006) Anticancer Activity of 5-Benzylidene-2-Phenyllimino-1,3-Thiazolidin-4-one (BPT) Analogs. Med Chem 2(6), 597-605.
44. Cheng, X., Yan, B., Gao, L., Tang, H., Fan, Y., Anderson, S. N., Affleck, R., Burns, D. (2005) Compound Transfer Efficiency from Polystyrene Surfaces-Application to Micro-Arrayed Compound Screening. J Biomolecular Screening 10(4), 293-303.
45. Irving, M., Krueger, C. A., Wade, J. V., Hodges, J. C., Leopold, K., Chan, C., Shaqair, S., Shornikov, A., Stock, M., Collins, N., Yan, B. (2004) High-Throughput Purification of Combinatorial Libraries II: Automated Separation of Single Diastereomers from a 1920-Member 4-Amidopyrrolidinone Library. J Comb Chem 6, 478-486.
46. Yan, B., Collins, N., Wheatley, J., Irving, M., Leopold, K., Chan, C., Shornikov, A., Fang, L., Lee, A., Stock, M., Zhao, J. (2004) High-Throughput Purification of Combinatorial Libraries I: A High-Throughput Purification System Using an Accelerated Retention Window Approach.J Comb Chem 6, 255-261.


