
錢靜,女,清華大學心理學系 副教授,清華大學新雅書院常任導師心理學系倫理委員會委員。


  • 中文名:錢靜
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:北京外國語大學


1997-2001年 北京外國語大學 英語專業(國際經濟第二專業)學士
2001-2005年 英國華威大學 心理學專業 博士


2005-2007年 德國馬普研究所(Max Plank Institute) 人類發展研究中心 博士後
合作教授:Gerd Gigerenzer
2008-2009年 美國哥倫比亞大學商學院 博士後研究員
合作教授:Eric Johnson, Elke Weber
2009年-2016.12 清華大學心理學系 講師
2016.12-至今 清華大學心理學系 副教授。





行為經濟學, 判斷與決策模型
社會與認知, 數學模型模擬認知機制
認知心理學, 心理物理測量。


近年來,錢靜老師曾為以下期刊審稿: Global Business & Economic Review, International Conference for Cognitive Modeling, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitude and Social Cognition, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.。



Qian, J. & Brown, G.D.A. (2005). Similarity-based sampling: Testing a model of price psychophysics. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1785–1790). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Qian, J. & Garcia-Retemero, R. (2007). A sampling explanation for the formation of social stereotypes. Proceedings of the 2nd European Cognitive Science Conference (pp. 676-681). Hove, UK: Erlbaum.
Brown, G.D.A., Gardner, J., Oswald, A. & Qian, J. (2008). Does wage rank affect employee’s wellbeing? Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 47(3), 355-389. (authorship in alphabetical order).
Qian, J. (2009). The sequential effects and anchoring in price judgment. Annals of Economics and Fiance, 10-S, 165–177.。


Qian, J., Johnson, E.J., & Weber, E.U. The effect of age in Decision Making. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, MA, November 2009.
Qian, J. & Weber, E.U. The effect of age and gender in domain-specific risk taking. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Chicago, IL, November 2008.
Qian, J. & Olsson, H. The effect of information distribution on the communication of magnitudes. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Long Beach, CA, November 2007.
Qian, J. & Garcia-Retemero, R. Stereotype formation due to sampling asymmetry. Talk given on the 21th conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM), Warsaw, Poland, August 2007.
Qian, J. & Garcia-Retemero, R. A sampling explanation for the formation of social stereotypes. The 2nd European Cognitive Science Conference, Delphi, Greece, May 2007.
Qian, J. & Brown, G.D.A. A further investigation in Probability Weighting. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Houston, TA, November 2006.
Qian, J. The effect of information distribution on the communication in advice taking. Poster presented at ATDM (Advice and Trust in Decision Making) conference in London, UK, June 2006.
Qian, J. Generalised Exemplar Model of Sampling: Modeling propensity and contextual sensitivity for risks and utility. Computer-driven presentation given at FUR XII conference in Rome, Italy, June 2006.
Qian, J. & Brown, G.D.A. A psychophysical explanation of the Probability Weighting Function. Poster presented at Psychonomics 46th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, November 2005.
Qian, J. & Brown, G.D.A. Similarity-based sampling: Testing a model of price psychophysics. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Turin, Italy, July 2005.
Qian, J., Brown, G.D.A. & Oswald, A. Economic Psychophysics: Rank Dependence in Pay Satisfaction. Poster presented at Bounded Rationality Summer School, Berlin, Germany, August 2004.
Qian, J. Economic psychophysics: Studies on wage satisfaction and price perception. Talk given on 28th International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2004), Beijing, China, August 2004.
Brown, G.D.A., Gardner, J., Oswald, A. & Qian, J. Rank dependence in pay satisfaction. Poster presented at Annual meeting of the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Vancouver, Canada, November 2003.
Qian, J. & Brown, G.D.A. Price perception: Evidence for multiple reference points. Poster presented at Psychonomics 44th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, November, 2003.
ELSE/ABC Judgment and Decision Making Workshop, University College of London, UK, June 2003.
Qian, J. Contextual effect in probability weighting. Poster presented at MRC postgraduate workshop, York University, UK, June 2002.
Australian Cognitive Science Conference, Fremantle, Australia, April 2002.。


