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錢婧,管理學博士,副教授。博士研究生導師。北京師範大學管理與組織心理學研究中心主任。主要研究領域為組織與管理心理學、腦認知與組織行為、商業模式創新與戰略決策。發表SSCI論文32篇。主持國家自然科學基金等6項基金項目。多次參與美國管理學會年會(AOM)、澳大利亞與紐西蘭管理學會年會(ANZAM)、中國管理研究國際學會(IACMR)等國際學術會議,並宣講學術報告。擔任國家自然科學基金等機構的通訊評審專家,Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI)期刊編委,International Journal of Human Resource Management等SSCI期刊評審專家。

帶領團隊長期關注本土企業發展,目前就高德、氪空間、獵豹移動、大朴、住范兒、700Bike等企業開發的案例發表於《中歐商業評論》、《清華管理評論》等主流商業雜誌及案例庫。所著案例入選全國百優案例,並多次榮獲中國工商管理案例中心 “卓越開發者”案例大獎。


  • 中文名:錢婧
  • 出生日期:1985
  • 畢業院校:澳大利亞國立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:組織行為/積極心理學
  • 職務:副教授


2016.9- 北京師範大學組織與管理心理學研究中心 主任
2015.9- 北京師範大學經濟與工商管理學院 副教授
2015.8.1-2015.10.31 國家留學基金委選派,高等教育教學法出國研修項目(管理學專業一線教師),加拿大阿爾伯塔大學(選派類別:訪問學者)
2012.10-2015.8 北京師範大學經濟與工商管理學院 講師


  1. 人與人之間的關係(領導與下屬、導師與學徒、父母與子女、情侶之間)
  2. 積極行為與組織心理(反饋尋求行為、情緒調節、壓力管理)
  3. 工作與家庭的平衡(職場人的社會與家庭角色、父母對子女發展的影響)
  4. 腦認知與組織行為
  5. 商業模式創新與戰略決策
  6. 心理測量與認知選拔


  1. 2017-2020年:主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“反饋尋求行為對工作結果的影響:基於神經生理學視角的研究”。
  2. 2014-2016年:主持國家自然科學基金青年項目“中層領導尋求反饋行為的發展及其影響:一項追蹤研究”。
  3. 2014-2015年:主持教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目“導師制對員工焦慮症狀的影響”(第47批:教外司留[2013]1792號)。
  4. 2014-2015年:主持北京師範大學自主科研基金項目“導師制對員工壓力的影響:基於權變視角的實證研究”。
  5. 2012-2014年:主持北京師範大學經濟與工商管理學院青年教師前期資助項目“導師制效果的非線性研究”。
  6. 2016-2018年:參與國家自然科學基金青年項目“探索兒童情緒調節在家庭因素影響焦慮症狀過程中的中介效應”(第一參與人)。
  7. 2014-2015年:參與北京市自然科學基金青年項目“家庭累計危機對初顯期成年心理病症的影響:神經生理反應與情緒調節的中介效應”(第一參與人)。
  8. 2014-2015年:參與北京師範大學自主科研基金項目“焦慮症狀兒童情緒調節與家庭病因分析”(第一參與人)。
  9. 2014-2015年:參與北京師範大學自主科研基金項目“企業綠色創新行為的影響因素與形成路徑研究——從管理者環境態度與壓力感知的視角”。
  1. Xia, A., Wang, B., Song, B., Zhang, W., & Qian, J. Online. How and when workplace ostracism influences task performance: Through the lens of conservation of resource theory. Human Resource Management Journal (SSCIABS 4星期刊), 1–18.
  2. Qian, J., Yang, F., Wang, B., Huang, C., & Song, B. Online. When workplace ostracism leads to burnout: the roles of job self-determination and future time orientation. International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCIABS 3星期刊), 1–17.
  3. Yang, F., Liu, J., Huang, X., Qian, J., Wang, T., Wang, Z., & Yu, H. (2018). How supervisory support for career development relates to subordinate work engagement and career outcomes: The moderating role of task proficiency. Human Resource Management Journal (SSCIABS 4星期刊), 28(3), 496–509.
  4. Qian, J., Yang, F., Han, Z. R., Wang, H., & Wang, J. (2018). The presence of a feedback-seeking role model in promoting employee feedback seeking: a moderated mediation model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCIABS 3星期刊), 29(18), 2682–2700.
  5. Lin, X. S., Chen, Z. X., Ashford, S. J., Lee, C., Qian, J. (2018). A self-consistency motivation analysis of employee reactions to job insecurity: The roles of organization-based self-esteem and proactive personality. Journal of Business Research (SSCIABS 3星期刊), 92, 168-178.
  6. Yang, F., Qian, J., Liu, J., Huang, X., Chau, R., & Wang, T. (2018). Bridging the Gap: How Supervisors’ Perceptions of Guanxi HRM Practices Influence Subordinates’ Work Engagement. Applied Psychology (SSCI, ABS 3星期刊), 67(4), 589–616.
  7. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M., & Chen, Z. X. (2018). How does growth need strength influence employee outcomes? The roles of hope, leadership, and cultural value. International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCIABS 3星期刊), 29(17), 2524–2551.
  8. Yang, F., Qian, J., & Liu, J. (2018). Priming employees’ promotion focus: How and when servant leadership enhances customer service behaviors. Management Decision (SSCIABS 2星期刊), 56(11), 2308–2324.
  9. Qian, J., Li, X., Song, B., Wang, B., Wang, M., Chang, S., & Xiong, Y. (2018). Leaders’ Expressed Humility and Followers’ Feedback Seeking: The Mediating Effects of Perceived Image Cost and Moderating Effects of Power Distance Orientation. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 9(APR), 1–10.
  10. Huang, C., Qian, J., Jin, Z., & Wang, B. (2018). Unlocking the Mask: a Close Look at how Servant Leaders Influence People. Current Psychology (SSCI), 37(4), 958–965.
  11. Qian, J., Song, B., & Wang, B. (2017). Abusive Supervision and Job Dissatisfaction: The Moderating Effects of Feedback Avoidance and Critical Thinking. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 8(MAR), 1–10.
  12. Qian, J., Wang, B., Han, Z., & Song, B. (2017). Ethical Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange and Feedback Seeking: A Double-Moderated Mediation Model of Emotional Intelligence and Work-Unit Structure. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 8(JUL), 1–11.
  13. Qian, J., Han, Z. R., Guo, Z., Yang, F., Wang, H., & Wang, Q. (2016). The relation of feedback-seeking motives and emotion regulation strategies to front-line managers’ feedback source profiles: A person-centered approach. Journal of Management & Organization (SSCI), 22(01), 68–79.
  14. Han, Z. R., Lei, X., Qian, J., Li, P., Wang, H., & Zhang, X. (2016). Parent and child psychopathological symptoms: the mediating role of parental emotion dysregulation. Child and Adolescent Mental Health (SSCI), 21(3), 161–168.
  15. Yang, F., Qian, J., Tang, L., & Zhang, L. (2016). No longer take a tree for the forest: A cross-level learning-related perspective on individual innovative behavior. Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 22(3), 291–310.
  16. Qian, J., Lin, X., Han, Z. R., Tian, B., Chen, G. Z., & Wang, H. (2015). The impact of future time orientation on employees’ feedback-seeking behavior from supervisors and co-workers: The mediating role of psychological ownership. Journal of Management & Organization (SSCI), 21(03), 336–349. [Listed as one of the most-read papers in 2015. 入選2015年該學報閱讀量最高的15篇文章之一]
  17. Han, Z. R., Qian, J., Gao, M., & Dong, J. (2015). Emotion Socialization Mechanisms Linking Chinese Fathers’, Mothers’, and Children’s Emotion Regulation: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Child and Family Studies (SSCI), 24(12), 3570–3579.
  18. Qian, J., Han, Z., Wang, H., Li, X., & Wang, Q. (2014). Power distance and mentor-protégé relationship quality as moderators of the relationship between informal mentoring and burnout: evidence from China. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (SSCI), 8(1), 51.
  19. Qian, J., Lin, X., Han, Z. R., Chen, Z. X., & Hays, J. M. (2014). What matters in the relationship between mentoring and job-related stress? The moderating effects of protégés’ traditionality and trust in mentor. Journal of Management & Organization (SSCI), 20(05), 608–623.
  20. Qian, J., Wang, H., Han, Z. R., Wang, J., & Wang, H. (2015). Mental health risks among nurses under abusive supervision: The moderating roles of job role ambiguity and patients’ lack of reciprocity. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (SSCI), 9(1), 22.
  21. Wang, X., Cai, L., Qian, J., & Peng, J. (2014). Social support moderates stress effects on depression. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (SSCI), 8(1), 41.
  22. Qian, J., Lin, X., & Chen, G. Z.-X. (2012). Authentic leadership and feedback-seeking behaviour: An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China. Journal of Management & Organization (SSCI), 18(3), 286–299.
  1. 錢婧,屈逸,張偉. 2018. 碰撞、融合和本地化:獵豹移動的跨文化管理實踐. 獲中國工商管理案例中心首屆“卓越開發者”案例大獎賽二等獎。
  2. 錢婧,孫宇彤,屈逸,徐沛翔,張惠茜,張偉,陳萌. 2018. 蝸牛睡眠:打開睡眠世界的創業之旅. 獲中國工商管理案例中心首屆“卓越開發者”案例大獎賽三等獎。
  3. 錢婧,屈逸,王斌,陳萌. 2018. 跳出思維盒子,顛覆英語課堂 ——盒子魚的品牌定位之道.中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  4. 錢婧,屈逸,孫宇彤,徐逸凡,張偉,陳萌,楊付. 2018. 猿圈測評:基於效果的創業之路. 中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  5. 錢婧,王斌,宋百合,夏銘,王夢含,方一雲. 2017. 回歸本心,不畏浮雲——高德地圖的競爭戰略。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  6. 錢婧,宋百合,王斌,黃楚英,楊梓蔚. 2017. 大朴網——家居行業的破局者。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  7. 錢婧,屈逸,王斌,肖可可. 2017. 切中痛點,無往不“氪” ——企業服務平台氪空間的突圍。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  8. 錢婧,王斌,方一雲,金宇珂,宋百合. 2017. 住范兒:家裝行業的突圍者。中國工商管理國際案例庫(The Global Platform of China Cases)。
  9. 錢婧,王夢含,宋百合,王斌. 2017. 起始於圖,通達智略——捷泰的地理之道。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  10. 錢婧,王斌,楊付,宋百合,歐芮利. 2016. “700Bike,一種生活”——700Bike社群行銷策略。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。入選第七屆“全國百篇優秀管理案例”。
  11. 錢婧,王斌,高天茹,楊付. 2016. 揮手自茲去,三年創業情——銳派科技沉浮記。中國管理案例共享中心案例庫。
  12. 錢婧,王斌,高天茹. 2016. “多棲”IP養成記——《秦時明月》的得與失(編號:15041).中國工商管理國際案例庫(The Global Platform of China Cases)。
  13. 錢婧,王斌,高天茹,趙嘉辰. 2015. 跌落神壇的PM. 中國套用心理學案例中心案例庫。
  14. 韓卓,錢婧,王斌. 2015. 羅傑的故事. 中國套用心理學案例中心案例庫。
  1. 錢婧,屈逸,王斌. 2018. 盒子魚:科技翻轉英語課堂. 《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 5,106-112.
  2. 王斌,錢婧. 2018. 方太,何以因愛偉大. 《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 4, 96-102.
  3. 錢婧,王斌. 2017. 住范兒:年輕的家裝“攪局者”. 《中歐商業評論》(CEIBS Business Review),2,97-103.
  4. 錢婧,王斌. 2017. 親子貓:徒步教育從心出發.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 3, 107-112.
  5. 錢婧,王斌. 2016. 700Bike:撬動傳統行業.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review), 5, 100-106.
  6. 錢婧,王斌. 2016. 垂衣:掘金直男經濟.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review),7-8,124-128.
  7. 錢婧,王斌. 2016. 智圖GeoQ:“看見”商業的可能.《清華管理評論》(Tsinghua Business Review),10,100-104.
  1. Zhang, X. Y., Qian, J., & Wang, B., 2018. Empowering Leadership and Employee Outcomes: Moderation and mediation effects. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's (SIOP) Annual Conference. Chicago, USA, 19-21 April.
  2. Qian, J., Song, B.H., Wang, B. 2018. You ask, I may tell: Leaders’ feedback seeking as a mediator of the relationship between authentic leadership and employees’ voice behavior. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Wuhan, China, 13-17 June.
  3. Chen, Z. J., & Qian, J. 2017. How Does Coworker Political Behavior Thwart Individual Taking Charge? Academy of Management Conference. Atlanta, USA, 4-7 August.
  4. Qian, J., Jin, Z. Y., Wang, B., & Wang, H. W. 2016. When workplace ostracism leads to burnout: role of job self-determination and future time orientation. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hangzhou, China, 15-19 June.
  5. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., & Chen, Z. X. 2014. Why will leaders choose transformational leadership to lead followers: an investigation from followers' perspective. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Beijing, China, 18-22 June.
  6. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., Chen, Z. X., Yuanyuan Yang, & Bowen Tian. 2014. What matters in the relationship between mentoring and job-related stress? The moderating effects of protégés’ traditionality and trust in mentor. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Beijing, China, 18-22 June.
  7. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Han, Z. R. 2013. The role of future time orientation in promoting employees' feedback-seeking behavior. Academy of Management Conference, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, 9-13 August.
  8. Lin, X. S., & Qian, J. 2013. Followers' influences on the emergence of transformational leadership: a dual-level study. Academy of Management Conference, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, 9-13 August.
  9. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M. & Chen, Z. X. 2011. How Does Growth Need Strength Influence Employee Outcomes? Roles of Hope, Leadership, and Culture. Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August.
  10. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. Authentic Leadership and Feedback-Seeking Behavior: An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 7-10 December.
  11. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. The Influencing Mechanisms of Authentic Leadership on Feedback Seeking: A Cognitive/Emotive Model. Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August.
  12. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. Hopeful Followers Achieve More: The Role of Hope in Relationships between Transformational Leadership and Follower Outcomes. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Shanghai, China, 16-20 June.
  13. Qian, J., Hays, J., Chen, Z. X., & Lin, X. S. 2009. Mentoring and Employee Job-induced Stress: An Examination of the Cultural Context on Mentoring Effects in China. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 December.
  1. 錢婧、林曉松、陳鎮雄,“暢想未來,腳踏實地——基於津巴多時間維度理論與實踐性希望理論對90後員工的激勵機制與績效管理的研究”,中國勞動學會勞動科學教育分會年會,西安,2012年10月(該論文被評為會議優秀論文)。
  2. 錢婧、王海灣,“領導的榜樣作用對員工尋求反饋行為的促進——一個調節的中介模型”,北京師範大學巨觀經濟管理與企業行為研討會,北京,2015年6月。
  3. 錢婧,“真我領導與中層領導尋求反饋行為:一個調節的中介模型”,第十屆中國管理學年會,合肥,2015年11月。
  4. 錢婧,“案例寫作與教學分享” 北京師範大學心理學部案例作者研討會”,北京,2017年5月。
  5. 錢婧,陳萌,“職場排斥對員工反饋尋求行為的影響機制——基於情感事件理論的視角”,第十三屆中國管理學年會,杭州,2018年11月。


