



  • 中文名:鄭晨光
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:解碼大腦神經網路中的複雜電活動
  • 任職院校:天津大學醫學工程與轉化醫學研究院


2018.09 -,天津大學精密儀器與光電子工程學院生物醫學工程系,教授




近年來主持承擔多項國家自然科學基金項目,在國際神經領域重要期刊及學術會議上發表論文20餘篇,包括學術科研論文19篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者發表論文15篇,均發表於Nature Neuroscience、Neuron、Nature Communications、Hippocampus、eNeuro等神經科學領域頂級期刊及重要期刊,曾多次被邀請參加國際國內會議並做口頭報告,擔任多個神經科學類期刊審稿人。
[1] Zheng C*, Colgin LL* (2017) A neuronal mechanism for recall of bad events.
[2] Zheng C*, Bieri KW, Hsiao Y, Colgin LL* (2016) Spatial sequence coding differs during slow and fast gamma rhythms in the hippocampus. Neuron. 89(2): 398-408.
[3] Zheng C, Colgin LL* (2015) Beta and gamma rhythms go with the flow. Neuron. 85(2): 236-237.
[4] Zheng C*, Bieri KW, Hwaun E, Colgin LL* (2016) Fast gamma rhythms in the hippocampus promote encoding of novel object-place pairings. eNeuro. 3(2).
[5] Zheng C*, Bieri KW, Trettel SG, Colgin LL* (2015) The relationship between gamma frequency and running speed differs for slow and fast gamma rhythms in freely behaving rats. Hippocampus. 25(8): 924-938.
[6] Alexander GM, Farris S, Pirone JR, Zheng C, Colgin LL, Dudek SM* (2016) Social and novel contexts modify hippocampal CA2 representations of space. Nature Communications. 7: 10300.
[7] Zheng C, Zhang T* (2015) Synaptic plasticity-related neural oscillations on hippocampus-prefrontal cortex pathway in depression. Neuroscience. 292: 170-180.
[8] Zhang M1, Zheng C1, Quan M, An L, Yang Z, Zhang T* (2011) Directional indicator on neural oscillations as a measure of synaptic plasticity in chronic unpredictable stress rats. Neurosignals. 19(4): 189-197.
[9] Xu X1, Zheng C1, An L, Wang R, Zhang T* (2016) Effects of dopamine and serotonin systems on modulating neural oscillations in hippocampus-prefrontal cortex pathway in rats. Brain Topography. 29(4): 539-551.
[10] Zheng C, Quan M, Zhang T* (2012) Decreased thalamo-cortical connectivity by alteration of neural information flow in theta oscillation in depression-model rats. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 33(3): 547-558.
[11] Zheng C, Quan M, Yang Z, Zhang T* (2011) Directionality index of neural information flow as a measure of synaptic plasticity in chronic unpredictable stress rats. Neuroscience Letters. 490(1): 52-56.
[12] Li Q1, Zheng C1, Cheng N, Wang Y, Yin T, Zhang T* (2016) Two generalized algorithms measuring phase–amplitude cross-frequency coupling in neuronal oscillations network. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 10(3):235-243.
[13] Zheng C, Zhang T* (2013) Alteration of phase-phase coupling between theta and gamma rhythms in a depression-model of rats. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 7(2): 167-172.
[14] Hsiao Y, Zheng C and Colgin LL* (2016) Slow gamma rhythms in CA3 are entrained by slow gamma activity in the dentate gyrus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 116(6): 2594-2603.
[15] Xu X, Zheng C, Zhang T* (2013) Reduction in LFP cross-frequency coupling between theta and gamma rhythms associated with impaired STP and LTP in a rat model of brain ischemia. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 27.
[16] Quan M, Zheng C, Zhang N, Han D, Tian Y, Zhang T, Yang Z* (2011) Impairments of behavior, information flow between thalamus and cortex, and prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity in an animal model of depression. Brain Research Bulletin. 85(3-4): 109-116.






