

《轉型經濟中的企業管理與變革》由九個版塊組成:轉型經濟中領導與組織行為,轉型經濟中人力資源管理,轉型經濟中金融管理、會計與貿易投資 ,轉型經濟中戰略管理,轉型經濟中企業的國際化,轉型經濟中市場行銷,供應鏈管理與電子商務,轉型經濟中企業文化與企業倫理,轉型經濟中中日經濟發展與企業管理,轉型經濟中企業技術與信息管理,探討了轉型經濟中的企業管理與變革。


  • 書名:轉型經濟中的企業管理與變革
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 頁數:715頁
  • 開本:16
  • 作者:趙曙明
  • 出版日期:2008年5月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787305054358




Table of Contents
Part I Leadership and organizational Behavior in a Transitional Economy
The Dynamic Model of Virtual Team Learning:A Multi—case、Study
Contributions of Positive Mood,Negative Mood,and Supervisory Behaviors to Intentional
Oganizational Forgetting
The Effect of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Behavior on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
The Investigation tO the Influence Mechanism of Job Satisfaction to Organization Commitment
Transformation Dilemma of Chinese State—owned Enterprises under 0rganizational Uncertainty
Research on the Innovation of Organization:Conditions{女Methods
Values,Beliefs and Important Aspects of a Job:Job Satisfaction in Central&Eastern European Transition Countries
Research On the Relationship between Management Communication and Employee Performance
Using and Creating of the Complexity of Organization Change
Supplier’S Bargaining Power and Their Business Value in the Chinese Market:
A Perspective on Social Capital
A Comprehensive Review of Workplace Incivility Research
Research on Relationship between Personality and Commitment Escalation in Chinese Culture Background
Maximizing Organizational Effectiveness:Using Mixture Modeling in Improvement of Person—organization Fit
Empirical Study on the Relationship between Boards of Directors and Other Internal Governance Mechanisms in China

PartⅡ Human Resource Management in a Transitional Economy
Seven Paradoxes of Chinese Human Resource Management
The Research on Appraisal of Competence Model
Tripartite Consultation in China:A First Step Towards Collective Bargaining?
An Empirical Study of Pay Gap and Performance of Family Enterprise
Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management:A Comparative Analysis of Foreign—owned and
Chinese-owned Cosmetic Firms
Methods tO Evaluate Active Labour Market Programmes Used by Governments tO Upgrade the
Capability of the Labour Force
Research on Human Resource Management System and Organizational Performance:A Test of the Role of
Employee Ability and Employee Incentive
The Innovation Tactics of Enterprise’S Knowledge Worker Based on Psychological Contract
A Comparative Study of the Competencies of Chinese Male and Female Business Managers
Employees’Career Development and the Key Elements of Competency
The Implementation of a New Employment Relations System and Employees’Responses in a Chinese
Manufacturing Enterprise
Changing Human Resource Management StrategY and the Slustainable Development of N0"state-owned
Enterprises in China
The Effects of Human Resource Management on Worker’S Well being:A Comparison between Two Joint
Venture Automobile Workplaces
Study on the Diffusion and Synergy Innovation of Intellectual Capital in Enterprise Mergers&Acquisitions

PartⅢ Financial Management,Accounting,Trade and Investment in a Transitional Economy
Product Market Competition and Identities of Ultimate Owners:Performance Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies
Market Impediments and Regulatory Arbitrage:Evidence from China’S Trade Figure Manipulation
Trade Credit of Chinese Listed Manufacturing Companies:A Panel Analysis
Intellectual Capital’S Leverage on Corporate Value
International Economic Relations and the Application of Fair Value Accounting in China
Is Activity based Costing Popular among Chinese Firms?——A Survey of China’s Manufacturers on the Implementation of Activity-based Costing
Short—term Foreign Funds,a Comparative Study between China and Victim Countries of the 1997 Asian
Financial Crisis
Does the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission Honor Its Promise?——EVidences from China’S
lasted Corporations Conducting Split Share Structure Reform
The Analysis of the Reason for the Withdrawal of Direct Investments by Taiwan Businessmen in
Mainland China
A Study of R&D Efficiency of Biochemical Pharmaceutical Enterprises Based on DEA

Part 1V Enterprise Strategic Management in a Transitional Economy
Comparison of Knowledge Assimilation and Exploitation with Different Ownership
Analysis and Selection of Supplier Integration Patterns after Corporate Horizontal Mergers
The Four Strategic Changes to Surpass the Traditional Competition
Mission Statements and Strategic Intentions of Vehicle Manufacturing Firms in China
Grasping the Great Elephant:Paradigms and Methodology of Strategic Management
Part V Enterprise Internationalization in a Transitional Economy
Absorptive Capacity,Competitive Advantage,and Cross—border M&A from Chinese Companies
Intra industry Information—signaling of Foreign Acquisitions:Evidence from China
International Entrepreneurship Risk and Case Study:Based on International Entrepreneurship Model
Foreign Assignments and Knowledge Flows in Multinational Enterprises”
A Study of Lenovo’S Overseas Acquisition and Integration
Structural Knowledge and Capabilities:A Comparative Study of the Evolution of International
Strategies of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises
Entry Order and Performance of Foreign Invested Firms:Empirical Evidence from China
Integration-responsiveness Framework for Chinese MNCs:An Area for Future Study

PartⅥ Marketing,Supply Chain Management and E—commerce in a Transitional Economy
Quality Assurance and Upgrading in Global Supply Chains:Implications for Management in a
Transition Economy
Supply Chain of Management Information System:Two Platform—based Structures
Case Study of Private Banking of Citibank in China:Chamberlain Service—orientation
Internet Banking Adoption by Chinese Americans
Trust and Learning as Moderators in Achieving Supply Chain Competitiveness:Evidence from the
Chinese Auto Component Sectors:
Modeling Global Supply Chains:Intelligent Tools for Strategic Supply Chain Management
Managing Stakeholder Relations on the Internet in a Transitional Economy:An Empirical


