
趙志遠,男,博士,講師。現任鹽城師範學院化學與環境工程學院教師。2008年獲東北大學學士學位,2011年獲吉林大學碩士學位,2016年獲荷蘭格羅寧根大學博士學位,於2016年8月進入鹽城師範學院新能源與化學儲能研究院進行研究工作。參與負責國家自然科學基金重點項目、Bernoulli Fellowship獎學金項目、以及歐洲ERC基金等多項科研項目。發表SCI論文十餘篇,申請國家發明專利1項。


  • 中文名:趙志遠
  • 職業:講師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:鹽城師範學院化學與環境工程學院教師






1、Zhiyuan Zhao, Gang Zhang, and Ryan C. Chiechi*,Transfer and Control of Orientation of 3D nanostructures Fabricated by Nanoskiving, Nanoscale Horizons,1,473-479
2、Zhiyuan Zhao, Zengmin Shi, Ye Yu, and Gang Zhang*, Ternary Particles with Controllable Patchness, Langmuir 2012, 28, 2382-2386. (IF: 4.457)
3、Zhiyuan Zhao, Junbo Chen, and Gang Zhang*, Fabrication and Assembly of Heterogeneous Asymmetric Particles with Controllable Patchiness,Chem. J. Chinese U. 2010, 31, 2283-2288. (IF: 1.504)
4、Ziwei Zhou, Zhiyuan Zhao, Bin Ai, Helmuth Möhwald, Ye Yu, Ryan C. Chiechi*, and Gang Zhang* From 1D to 3D: Tunable Sub-10 nm Nanogaps into Large Area, Advanced Materials 2016, 28, 2956-2963. (IF: 17.493)
5、Yanxi Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhao, Davide Fracasso, and Ryan C. Chiechi*, Bottom-Up Molecular Tunneling Junctions Formed By Self-Assembly, Isr. J. Chem. 2014, 54, 513-533. (IF: 2.221)
6、Gang Zhang*, Zhiyuan Zhao, and Dayang Wang, Colloidal Lithography-Construction and Application of Nanostructured Surfaces, Chem. J. Chinese U. 2010, 31, 839-854. (IF: 1.504)
7、G. A. Kalkman, Yanxi Zhang, Machteld E. Kamminga, Parisa Pourhossein, Pieter E. Oomen, Sarah A. Stratmann, Zhiyuan Zhao, Antoine van Oijgen, Elisabeth Verpoorte, and Ryan C. Chiechi*, Bisecting Microfluidic Channels with Metallic nanowires Fabricated by Nanoskiving, ACS Nano 2016, 10, 2852-2859. (IF: 12.881)
8、Ye Yu, Ziwei Zhou, Helmuth Möhwald, Bin Ai, Zhiyuan Zhao, Shunsheng Ye, and Gang Zhang*, Distorted colloidal arrays as designed template,Nanotechnology 2015, 26, 035301. (IF: 3.821)
9、Bin Ai, Limin Wang, Helmuth Möhwald, Ye Yu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Ziwei Zhou, Gang Zhang*, and Quan Lin, Real-Time Control of Uni-Directional Liquid Spreading on a Half-Cone Nanoshell Array, Scientific Reports 2014, 4, 6751. (IF: 5.578)
10、Gang Zhang*, Zhiyuan Zhao, Patent Number: 201010100390.1


