
賈相平,男,2008年德國霍恩海姆大學(University of Hohenheim)獲農業經濟學博士,現為為中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所副研究員。


  • 中文名:賈相平
  • 性別:男
  • 學位:博士
  • 職務:中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所副研究員







1. Jia, X.*, Luan, H., J. Huang, S. Li, and S. Rozelle. (forthcoming). "Marketing Transformation at Dairy Farm-gate after Milk Scandal in China: Evidence From Greater Beijing." Agribusiness: An International Journal
2. Xiang, C., X. Jia*, and J. Huang. (forthcoming). "Microfinance Through Non-governmental Organizations and Its Effects On Formal and Informal Credit: Evidence From Rural China." China Agricultural Economic Review
3. Jia, X., C. Xiang, and J. Huang. 2013. "Microfinance, self-employment, and entrepreneurs in less developed areas of rural China
4. Jia, X., J. Huang, C. Xiang, F. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Cui, L. Hou, and H. Bergmann. 2013. "Farmer’s Adoption of Improved Nitrogen Management Strategies in Maize Production in China: An Experimental Knowledge Training." Journal of Integrative Agriculture
5. Jia, X.*, J. Huang, and Z. Xu. 2012. "Marketing of Farmer Professional Cooperatives in the Wave of transformed agro-food market in China." China Economic Review
6. Huang, J., C. Xiang, X. Jia*, and R. Hu. 2012. "Impacts of Training on Farmers’ Nitrogen Use in Maize Production in Shandong, China." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
7. Jia, X., J. Huang, H. Luan, S. Rozelle, and J. Swinnen. 2012. "China’s Milk Scandal, Government Policy and Production Decisions of Dairy Farmers: The Case of Greater Beijing." Food Policy
8. Mo, D., J. Huang, X. Jia, H. Luan, J. Swinnen, and S. Rozelle. 2012. "Have Post-Milk Scandal Policies Changed the Structure of the Dairy Sector?" Journal of Dairy Science
9. Jia, X.*, and J. Huang. 2011. "Contractual arrangements between farmer cooperatives and buyers in China." Food Policy
10. Jia, X.*, F. Heidhues, and M. Zeller. 2010. "Credit Rationing of Rural Households in China." Agricultural Finance Review
11. Guo, P., and X. Jia. 2009. "The Structure and Reform of Rural Finance in China." China Agricultural Economic Review
12. Jia, X.*, and P. Guo. 2008. "Evolution of Rural Finance in China: Institutional "Lock in" or Gradualism? ." Savings and Development


Jia, X., and J. Bijman (2013) Contract Farming: Synthetic Themes for Linking Farmers to Demanding Markets. In: Contract Farming for Improved Market Access. FAO, Rome.
Jia, X. 2008. Credit Rationing and Institutional Constraint: Evidence from Rural China. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.


