



數字幾何處理,計算機圖形學,圖像處理等。相關研究工作發表在IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, Computer-Aided Design等國際知名刊物上以及在Eurographics,Pacific Graphics等知名圖形學國際會議上。共發表20多篇SCI/EI論文,其中以第一作者身份發表SCI二區論文4篇,一篇被谷歌學術統計引用100多次。曾獲“微軟學者”稱號,主持國家青年自然基金2項、浙江省自然科學基金1項等。


Zhongping Ji, Mei e Fang, Yigang Wang, and Weiyin Ma. Efficient decolorizationpreserving dominant distinctions. The Visual Computer, 31, 2015, <SCI>.
Zhongping Ji, Li gang Liu, and Deok soo Kim. An armature structure for 3dshapes. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 29(4):422–437, 2014,<SCI>.
Zhongping Ji, Xianfang Sun, Shi Li, and Yigang Wang. Real-time bas-relief genera-tion from depth-and-normal maps on GPU. Computer Graphics Forum, 33(5):75–83,2014, <SCI>.
Zhongping Ji, Weiyin Ma, and Xianfang Sun. Bas-relief modeling from normal imageswith intuitive styles. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,20(5):665–675, 2014, <SCI>.
Zhongping Ji, Yigang Wang, and Xiangyang Wu. Feature preserving mesh simpli-fication based on corner cutting. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and ComputerGraphics (In Chinese), 25(10):1990–1995, 2013, <EI>.
Mei e Fang, Zhongping Ji, and Guozhao Wang. Orthogonalization of unified andextended bézier basis and its transformation. Computer Aided Drafting, Design andManufacturing, 23(1):41–46, 2013.
Zhongping Ji, Yigang Wang, Mei e Fang, and Cheng Gao. Intrinsic feature preservedchinese-painting style rendering for 3d models. Journal of Computer-Aided Design andComputer Graphics (In Chinese), 24(9):1151–1156, 2012, <EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Mei e Fang, Yigang Wang, and Xiangyang Wu. Edge-preserving andcontrast-enhancement image scaling. Journal of Image and Graphics (In Chinese),17(2):178–182, 2012.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Bin Wang, and Wenping Wang. Feature enhancement byvertex flow for 3d shapes. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 8(5):649–664,2011, <EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, and Yigang Wang. B-mesh: A modeling system for basemeshes of 3d articulated shapes. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of PacificGraphics), 29(7):2169–2177, 2010, <SCI,EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Yigang Wang, and Dongmei Zhang. approximated skeletonextraction of planar shape with feature preservation. Journal of Computer-AidedDesign and Computer Graphics (In Chinese), 22(7):1110–1115, 2010, <EI>.
Min Meng, Zhongping Ji, and Ligang Liu. Sketching mesh segmentation based onfeature preserving harmonic field. Journal of Computer-Aided Design and ComputerGraphics, 20(9):1146–1152, 2008, <EI>.
Ligang Liu, Chiew-Lan Tai, Zhongping Ji, and Guojin Wang. Non-iterative ap-proach for global mesh optimization. Computer-Aided Design, 39(8):772–782, 2007,<SCI,EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Zhonggui Chen, and Guojin Wang. Easy mesh cutting.In Proc. of Eurographics (Computer Graphics Forum, 2006, 25(3)), pages 283–291,2006,<SCI,EI,ISTP>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, and Guojin Wang. Feature preserving mesh simplifica-tion based on corner cutting. Computer Research and Development (In Chinese),43(12):2144–2155, 2006, <EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, and Guojin Wang. Mesh simplification based on localpolynomial fitting. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) (In Chinese),40(12):2083–2087, 2006, <EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, and Guojin Wang. A novel axial deformation algorithmwithout local self-intersection. Chinese Journal of Computers (In Chinese), 29(5):828–834, 2006, <EI>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, and Guojin Wang. A global laplacian smoothing approachwith feature preservation. In Proc. of The 9th International Conference on ComputerAided Design and Computer Graphics, pages 269–274, 2005, <ISTP>.
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, and Guojin Wang. Non-iterative global mesh smoothingwith feature preservation. International Journal of CAD/CAM, 6(1):85–93, 2006,<EI>.
Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Zhongping Ji, and Guojin Wang. Manifold parameterization.In Proc. of 24th Computer Graphics International Conference, pages 160–171, 2006,<SCI,EI,ISTP>.


