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本書總結了幾十年來西夏瓷器研究的成果,在儘可能全面地收集占有國內外已知的西夏瓷器資料的基礎上,詳細介紹了多處西夏瓷窯、西夏瓷器的胎釉、器類、裝飾手法和裝燒工藝,縷析了西夏瓷器與唐宋(金)時期中原地區瓷器及遼代陶瓷的淵源關係,由此推斷了西夏瓷器的創燒年代。 本書認為,在當時北方地區的主要瓷器類型中,西夏瓷器是質量僅遜於定窯系和耀州窯系瓷器的高質量產品,其剔劃花產品則是兼具獨創性和高度藝術性的古陶瓷經典作品。 本書公布的資料,絕大多數系首次發表,某些曾被公布過的各地文博部門的藏品,也是首次以清晰的彩色圖片面世。除此而外,本書中還有許多的第一次: 第一次採用考古類型學的方法,以西北地區窯口紀年器及其他標準器為依據,對一些博物館和收藏家手中的某些“西夏瓷”藏品進行詳細的考辨,將名不符實的各種金、元、明、清瓷器產品剔除出去,進一步明確了西夏瓷器的概念; 第一次根據西夏瓷標本尤其是具銘文標本,比較全面深入的地探討西夏“貢瓷”的問題; 第一次創造性地利用西夏瓷窯所產的瓷塑人像,繪製、還原了多種西夏髡髮樣式。 …… 本書兼具學術性、資料性、創新性與可讀性,是目前關於西夏瓷器研究的內容最全面、圖片最豐富、考述最詳實、論證最深入的專著。


  • 書名:西夏瓷器
  • 作者:杭天
  • ISBN:ISBN 978-7-5010-2977-8
  • 頁數:374
  • 定價:360
  • 出版社:文物出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年7月第一版
  • 裝幀:精裝








感謝北京青年陶瓷研究社、中國文物保護基金會、中國社會科學院文學研究所劉平先生、寧夏回族自治區博物館哈艷女士、海原縣文管所龐紹蘭女士、美國南卡羅來納大學Tomas Cooper圖書館、南卡華人協會、南卡孔子學院及院長葉坦先生的幫助。


Xixia Ceramics
Author: Hang Tian
Publisher: Cultural Relics Press (July, 2010, Beijing, China)
Language: Chinese, with forward, preface and
contents in English and Japanese.
ISBN: 978-7-5010-2977-8
Size: 8.5 x 11.25 inches (21.6 x 28.5 cm)
Weight: 4 pounds
374 pages, over 500 color illustrations and 360 color plates.
About the Author
Hang Tian is an artist and independent scholar with a broad range of interests. Lately he has dedicated his time to the study and collection of ancient Chinese ceramics, doing much research on Song, Liao, Xia and Jin Dynasty ceramics, especially Cizhou type ceramics and Xixia ceramics. He has made numerous field trips to Henan, Hebei, Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and other places to survey ancient kiln sites and ancient ruins, and has surveyed the collections of major domestic and international museums, He began work on Xixia Ceramics in January 2007, and the manuscript was published in July, 2010. In addition to his work researching ceramics, he has experience with authentication and pricing of antiques. Hang Tian also pursues his interest in art by teaching Chinese calligraphy and painting for the Confucius Institute at the University of South Carolina.
Xixia Ceramics is a reexamination and reevaluation of stoneware from the Xixia Kingdom, in power in what is now Northwest China from 1038 until 1227. Very few artifacts from the Xixia Kingdom survive today; after Genghis Khan died in the Xixia Kingdom in 1227 it was almost completely destroyed by the Mongols. Because it is so rare and perhaps because it comes from the non-Han borderlands, Xixia ware has been undervalued in the Chinese antique world, and Xixia Ceramics attempts to correct many misperceptions about its quality and history.
The book summarizes decades of research into Xixia ceramics, with a large portion given to presenting illustrations. Most of the known examples of Xixia ceramics, both in China and overseas, are collected and displayed in this volume. There is a specific focus on those in the cut-glaze style, the most representative of Xixia decorative artifacts. The book introduces the primary kiln sites of the Xixia, the glaze and the mud of the ceramics, the form, the decoration style and the firing techniques. After a close comparison with ceramics from other northern kilns of the Tang, Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties, Hang Tian dates the beginnings of the creation of Xixia ceramics. He then argues that in terms of the glaze and mud used in its production, the quality of Xixia ceramics is close to Ding and Yaozhou kilns, and superior to many specimens of Cizhou ceramics. In terms of the multiplicity of design Xixia does not reach the level of Cizhou, but in certain artistic areas such as cut-glazed work, Xixia ware is its equal.
Most of the pieces, as well as the photographs of the Xixia sites in this book, are being published for the first time and are a significant contribution to our understanding of Xixia ceramics. In addition, the author presents many breakthroughs in the study of Xixia ceramics, for example: Using dated ceramic ware from Northwestern kilns as evidence, this study corrects many of the errors in classification of poor quality pieces as belonging to Xixia ware, pointing out which of the pieces are actually brown and black glazed ceramics from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, in order to clarify the concept of Xixia ware. Additionally, the book comprehensively presents the use of Xixia ceramics as tribute. Moreover, by studying ceramic figures in the Lingwu kiln site, Hang Tian was also able to creatively reveal many different hairstyles of the Tangut people.
There is clearly a need for a study that systematically develops a new understanding of Xixia ceramics by presenting readers with a comprehensive history, ample illustrations, and detailed argument; this book is an effort to fill the gap.
After the archaeology department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published a report on their groundbreaking excavation of the Ningxia Lingwu Ciyaopu kiln site some other Xixia kiln sites were discovered in the Northwest, primarily around Wuwei, and people living the region were found to have some carefully crafted, undamaged pieces of Xixia ceramics in their possession. The appearance of ceramics from the excavation and also items in private collections proved that regardless of quantity, quality, or artistic style, Xixia ceramics forms its own system, taking an important position among the many schools of Chinese ceramics. Despite this evidence of excellence, in relation to other kilns the understanding of Xixia ware in both academic and collectors' circles remains extremely shallow, with very few published books on the subject. This situation is out of balance with the importance of Xixia ceramics. There is clearly a need for a study that systematically develops a new understanding of Xixia ceramics by presenting readers with a comprehensive history, ample illustrations, and detailed argument; this book is an effort to fill the gap.
The author begins his study by explaining the origins of the Dangxiang, Xixia's main nationality, and goes on to discuss the history of the kingdom's founding, development, and disappearance.
Chapter two argues that early Xixia ceramics was influenced by Northern kilns such as Cizhou, Ding, and Liao kilns, since the late Tang and Five Dynasties period and especially during the early Northern Song Dynasty, but about half a century after the founding of the Xixia Kingdom Xixia people began to systematically develop their own tradition of decoration, style, and form. Moreover, in the relatively closed society their own ceramic arts developed quickly and steadily, so that in the middle period of the Xixia dynasty, especially with influence of Yaozhou and Hunyuan kilns from the Northwest during the Jin Dynasty, the central kiln site – Lingwu Kiln -- took on its own form, and following this, the craft and style of firing reached its peak. Ceramics with characteristics of the Xixia style continued to be produced at the same kiln sites up until the early Yuan Dynasty. This conclusion is an extension of the results of the 1986 excavation of the Lingwu Ciyaopu kiln site, and an attempt to give a comprehensive periodization of Xixia ceramics.
In chapter three the primary kiln sites of the Xixia are introduced. First the author presents the situation in the Xixia ruins, old storage sites, and graves. Next he explains the different kiln sites at Ciyaopu, Huiminxiang, and Taerwan in Wuwei, as well as entering into a discussion of a possible undiscovered kiln site in Ikh Juu League in Inner Mongolia.
Following the presentation of the history of Xixia ceramics production the author comprehensively analyzes the periodization, firing methods, types, and decoration of Xixia ceramics. By studying numerous different examples of Xixia ceramics, which display the unique qualities of Xixia style, reveal the sites in which they were collected, and contain many different types, the author discovered new techniques the Xixia used in firing, such as the method of firing the ceramic hooks by mounting them on other pieces and the use of multiple point balances in the firing process; in methods of decoration such as brown brushwork on a light green background and incisions under light green glaze, and the “cut and double layered” method; and examples of previously unknown forms of Xixia ceramics such as statues of Veda, compressed circular canteens with incised designs, and meipings with brown blossom designs against a light background. It is also the first time a large number of samples have been used to definitively show the Huiminxiang kiln produced pieces imitating the famous incised thread on green-yellow glaze design style of the Yaozhou kiln. For the first time in such a comprehensive manner the author further discusses the use of Xixia ceramics as tribute. By studying some ceramic figures that were found in the Lingwu kiln site, the author was also able to creatively reveal many different hairstyles of the Tangut people. Through research into carvings on an inkstone the author has discovered that Xixia people also produced high quality inkstones in a place called Tanyaofeng (today it is known as Ciyaopu), as their neighbors in Song China did.
Since the concept of Xixia ceramics was put forward only recently, left out of Chinese art history, few people truly understand it. Additionally, Xixia ceramics has been misrepresented in the unhealthy environment of the collecting world, where items often have value based on word of mouth and reputation rather than intrinsic quality. Because scholars and collectors living in Northwest China lack a deep understanding of ceramics produced in commoners' kilns in other regions of ancient China they accepted the prejudice against Xixia ceramics and therefore feel that the ceramics coming from their local kilns was not comparable to products from those kilns. After a close comparison with ceramics from other northern kilns of the Song and Jin Dynasties, it is evident that in terms of the glaze and mud used in its production, Xixia ceramics is very close to Ding and Yaozhou kilns in terms of quality, and superior to many specimens of Cizhou ceramics. In terms of the multiplicity of design Xixia does not reach the level of Cizhou, but in certain artistic areas such as cut-glazed work, Xixia ware is its equal.
It has become common practice to improperly classify poor quality ceramics as Xixia ware, which has added to the misconceptions of Xixia ceramics. Using dated ceramic wares from Northwestern kilns as evidence, this study corrects many of the errors in classification of those poor quality pieces as belonging to Xixia ware, pointing out which of the pieces are actually brown and black glazed ceramics from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, in order to clarify the concept of Xixia ware.
After making these arguments in the book, a large portion is given to presenting illustrations. Most of the known examples of Xixia ceramics, both in China and overseas, are collected and displayed in this volume. There is a specific focus on those in the cut-glaze style, the most representative of Xixia decorative artifacts. The pieces displayed in this book come primarily from four areas; the first are pieces in the national collection, some of which were acquired from official digs and displayed in museums, some of which were acquired by various regional cultural offices and published in magazines, and some of which had been passed down in families and are now housed in museums. The second source of material for this book is items in private collections, which include pieces in excellent condition and fragments that can be restored to their original form. The only pieces in this section that cannot be restored to their original form are figures of people, primarily Buddhist worshipers, that are included for their importance as well as the fact that they can be independently appreciated. The third area consists of items overseas, particularly those which were taken from China in the first half of the twentieth-century and are now housed in museums or in private collections around the world. The final area is comprised of a large amount of ceramic fragments, kiln instruments, and molds. The photos of all of the pieces in private collections in China and, all of the fragments, kiln instruments, molds, and about half of those in Chinese museums were taken by the author himself. Many of these pieces, as well as the photographs of the Xixia sites in this book, are being published for the first time and are a significant contribution to our understanding of Xixia ceramics.
The tables in this volume are formatted in the following style:
1. The photographs in the body text are marked with T and a number at the lower left corner, and those in the appendix are marked with TB and a number at the lower left corner.
2. When photographs that have been misdated in their original publications are used in this book their dates have been corrected. If the dimensions or place of origin cannot be identified it is not printed with the picture of the piece. Names of styles that differ in various sources have been formatted with the same name here.
3. Some examples of Xixia earthenware and other pottery that is not strictly considered ceramics are also included for their reference value.
4. As we understand today, the main kilns of the Xixia Kingdom are Ciyaopu, Huiminxiang, Chaqigou, and the Taerwan kiln in Wuwei. When the kiln of origin of a piece is known, it is listed in the caption, and the kiln site is not given if it is unknown. If it is unclear whether or not the piece is from Ciyaopu or Huiminxiang it is marked as “Lingwu Kiln” because both of those kiln sites are very close together in the city of Lingwu. Through experience with numerous pieces of Xixia ceramics the author believes there is an undiscovered Xixia kiln in Ikh Juu League, Inner Mongolia. Some of the unidentified pieces are believed to be from that kiln, and are marked as “Probably from kilns in Ikh Juu League, Inner Mongolia”.


