
蘇峰華,男,1980年生,湖南茶陵人,中共黨員,現為華南理工大學機械與汽車工程學院 教授/研究員,博士生導師。2007年獲中國科學院研究生院(蘭州化物所)博士學位,2012年國家留學基金委公派澳大利亞聯邦科學與工業研究組織訪問學者。2007.07進入華南理工大學工作任講師,2010年晉升副研究員,2015年晉升教授/研究員,2016年批准為博士生導師。兼任中國機械工程學會摩擦學分會委員,中國機械工程學會高級會員,中國機械工程學會表面工程分會表面技術與裝備專委會委員。


  • 中文名:蘇峰華
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1980年
  • 學位/學歷: 博士後




3. 科研項目情況:主持的項目中已結題包括:中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目、教育部博士點新教師專項基金、中國博士後科學基金面上項目、中央高校基本科研業務費面上項目及多項企事業單位委託合作項目。
1)國家自然科學基金青年基金 長支鏈聚丙烯的超臨界CO2反應擠出製備及其分子結構沿程演變與控制 2010.1-2012.12
2)廣東省教育部產學研結合項目 汽車模具形腔超音速火焰噴塗強化及工業化套用 2012.01-2013.12
3)廣州珠江科技新星專項 代硬鉻的鈷基納米合金鍍層超臨界電沉積製備及其摩擦學性能研究 2012.07-2015.06
4)中央高校基本科研業務費重點項目 納米晶鈷基合金電沉積層的多層梯度結構調控及摩擦學性能研究 2012.01-2013.12
5)固體潤滑國家重點實驗室開發課題 2012.01-2014.12
4. 近年發表的代表論文及專利:第一作者在the Journal of Supercritical Fluid、Composites Science and Technology 、Composites Part A、 Wear、 Composites Part B、 Materials Science and Engineering A、Polymer Engineering and Science、Journal of Applied Polymer Science、Advance in Polymer Technology,Appplied Composites Material,Rubber plastic and Composites及《摩擦學學報》、《材料研究學報》、《北京科技大學學報》及《高分子材料科學與工程學報》等期刊發表論文30多篇,其中SCI收錄24篇,EI收錄7篇,申報國家發明專利多項。是國際期刊Nano、Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences和Advance in Polymer Technology等的資深審稿人。


1)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang. Supercritical carbon dioxide-assisted reactive extrusion for preparation long-chain branching polypropylene and its rheology. the Journal of Supercritical Fluid 56 (2011) 114-120
2)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Wei-min Liu. Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Nomex fabric composites filled with Polyfluo 150 wax and Nano-SiO2. Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007): 102-110
3)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Fang Guo, Xue-hu Men, Wei-min Liu. Friction and wear properties of fabric/phenolic with plasma treated hybrid glass/PTFE fabric. Composite Science and Technology 67 (2007): 981-988
4)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang, Yang Zhao. Microstructure and mechanical properties of polypropylene /poly (ethylene-co-octene copolymer) /clay ternary nanocomposites prepared by melt blending using supercritical carbon dioxide as a processing aid. Composites Part B 42 (2011) 421-428
5)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Wei-min Liu. Tribological behavior of hybrid glass/PTFE fabric composites with phenolic resin binder and nano-TiO2 filler. Wear, 264 (2008): 562-570
6)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Wei-min Liu: Friction and wear behavior of hybrid glass/PTFE fabric composites reinforced with surface modified nano-ZnO. Wear, 265 (2008): 311-318
7)Feng-hua Su*, Jia-hua Yang, Han-xiong Huang. Structure and melt rheology of long-chain branching polypropylene/clay nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 119 (2011)1230-12139
8)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang. Rheology and melt strength of long chain branching polypropylene prepared by reactive extrusion with various peroxides. Polymer Engineering and Science 50 (2010) : 342-351
9)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang. Rheology and Thermal Behavior of Long Branching Polypropylene Prepared by Reactive Extrusion. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 113 (2009) 2126-2135
10)Feng-hua Su*, Han-xiong Huang. Mechanical and Rheological Properties of PP/SEBS/OMMT Ternary Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112 (2009): 3016-3023
11)Feng-hua Su*, Zhao-zhu Zhang. Friction and wear behavior of glass fabric/phenolic resin with surface modified-glass fabric. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112 (2009): 594-601
12)Feng-Hua Su, Zhao-Zhu Zhang, Kun Wang, Wei Jiang, Xue-Hu Men, Wei-Min Liu. Friction and wear properties of carbon fabric composites filled with nano-Al2O3 and nano-Si3N4. Composites Part A 37 (2006): 1351-1357
13)Feng-hua Su, Zhao-zhu Zhang, Fang Guo, Hao-jie Song, Wei-min Liu. Tribological properties of the composites made of pure and plasma treated-Nomex fabrics. Wear 261 (2006): 293-300


1)蘇峰華,黃平,劉燦森,姚創海。一種鈷-鎢納米合金鍍層及其製備方法.發明專利,公開號 CN102337569 A
2)蘇峰華,姚創海,黃平。一種聚醯亞胺基自潤滑耐磨塗層材料及其製備方法。發明專利,公開號 CN102286248 A
3)蘇峰華,鄒余敏,宋怡靜,黃漢雄。一種聚丙烯/蒙脫土納米複合材料及其製備方法。發明專利,公開號 CN101880421 A


