
薛紅前,教授,2005年法國CNAM大學(Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)力學專業博士畢業。


  • 中文名:薛紅前
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:CNAM大學
  • 主要成就:國內外發表研究論文30餘篇
  • 性別:男


  1. H.Q.Xue, P.L.Liu, P.Chen et al, Fatigue life assessment of a high strength steel 300M in the gigacycle regime,Theoretical & Applied mechanics letters,
2. H. Q Xue, T.Y.Wu and Bathias, C. Gigacycle fatigue behavior of cast aluminum in tension and torsion loading, Transactions of nanjing university of aeronautics & astronautics, 2011,28(1).
3. H. Q Xue, Bathias, C. Crack path in torsion loading in very high cycle fatigue regime。Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2010,77(11).
6. H.Xue, E. Bayraktar. Torsional fatigue behaviour in gigacycle regime and damage mechanism of the perlitic steel. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 1:391-397,2008
7. H.Xue, Development of a three-point bending fatigue testing methodology at 20kHz frequency. International Journal of Fatigue, 2007,29.
8. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar, C.Bathias. Thermographic analysis in ultrasonic fatigue tests. Fatigue Fract Engng Master Struct. 2006,Vol.29(7).
9. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar and C. Bathias. Fatigue behavior and energy dissipation characteristic of a nodular cast iron subjected to ultrasonic fatigue loading , Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 14(1-2): 251-254, 2006.




