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  • 中文名:薛小平
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 所在單位:同濟大學電子與信息工程學院
  • 研究方向:寬頻無線通信、網路路由協定等
  • 職稱:教授









[1]Xue, Xiaoping; Ding, Jia,LPA: A New Location-based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in VANET, Security and communication networks, 2012.1.
[2] Xue Xiaoping; Liu Mingyang; Lin Nizhong,et.al.,Time slice-based Location Verification for VANET, China Communications,2011.9.
[3]Dong Ping; Guan Jianfeng; Xue Xiaoping et. Al., Attack-Resistant Trust Management Model Based on Beta Function for Distributed Routing in Internet of Things, China Communications, China Communications, 2012.4.
[4]Chen, Jingnian; Zhang, Caiming; Xue, Xiaoping et.al., Fast instance selection for speeding up support vector machines , KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, JUN 2013.
[5] Xue, Xiaoping;Li, Guobin;Liu, Luoxian;Liu, Mingyang,Perspectives on internet of things and its applications, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, ICCASM 2012, ICCASM 2012, p 0020-0024, 2012.
[6] Xue, Xiaoping;Lin, Nizhong;Ding, Jia;Ji, Yiwen,A trusted neighbor table based location verification for VANET routing, IET conference 2010.10.
[7] Chen, Jingnian;Xue, Xiaoping;Tian, Fengzhan;Huang, Houkuan, An algorithm for classifying incomplete data with selective bayes classifiers, Proceedings - CIS Workshops 2007, 2007 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops, CISW 2007.
[8] Ding, Jia;Xue, Xiaoping;Li, Gang , RSS method and fuzzy logic combined vertical handoff decision algorithm, IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing, CCWMC 2009.
[9] Xue, Xiaoping;Sun, Lijun;Guo, Guangsheng, Implementation of ATM multicast using MIN, Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, v 24, n 7, p 37-39, 1998.
[10] He, M.D.;Xue, X.P.;Qiu, Y. Study of ATM switching performance based on multicast distribute, Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, v 27, n 5, p 107, May 2001
[11] Wenting, Si;Xiaoping, Xue;Xiaoping, Wang , An ontology-based event matching dealing with semantic heterogeneity in Pub/Sub systems, Proceedings of 2009 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2009, p 1225-1230, 2009
[12]Xiaolin Shen, Shaoyin Wang, Daqing Wang, Xiaoping Xue, Fault Injection for SCADE Models, International Conference onInformation Science and Computer Applications(ISCA2013)




[1]Xue, Xiaoping; Ding, Jia,LPA: A New Location-based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in VANET, Security and communication networks, 2012.1.
[2] Xue Xiaoping; Liu Mingyang; Lin Nizhong,et.al.,Time slice-based Location Verification for VANET, China Communications,2011.9.
[3]Dong Ping; Guan Jianfeng; Xue Xiaoping et. Al., Attack-Resistant Trust Management Model Based on Beta Function for Distributed Routing in Internet of Things, China Communications, China Communications, 2012.4.
[4]Chen, Jingnian; Zhang, Caiming; Xue, Xiaoping et.al., Fast instance selection for speeding up support vector machines , KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, JUN 2013.
[5] Xue, Xiaoping;Li, Guobin;Liu, Luoxian;Liu, Mingyang,Perspectives on internet of things and its applications, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, ICCASM 2012, ICCASM 2012, p 0020-0024, 2012.
[6] Xue, Xiaoping;Lin, Nizhong;Ding, Jia;Ji, Yiwen,A trusted neighbor table based location verification for VANET routing, IET conference 2010.10.
[7] Chen, Jingnian;Xue, Xiaoping;Tian, Fengzhan;Huang, Houkuan, An algorithm for classifying incomplete data with selective bayes classifiers, Proceedings - CIS Workshops 2007, 2007 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops, CISW 2007.
[8] Ding, Jia;Xue, Xiaoping;Li, Gang , RSS method and fuzzy logic combined vertical handoff decision algorithm, IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing, CCWMC 2009.
[9] Xue, Xiaoping;Sun, Lijun;Guo, Guangsheng, Implementation of ATM multicast using MIN, Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, v 24, n 7, p 37-39, 1998.
[10] He, M.D.;Xue, X.P.;Qiu, Y. Study of ATM switching performance based on multicast distribute, Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, v 27, n 5, p 107, May 2001
[11] Wenting, Si;Xiaoping, Xue;Xiaoping, Wang , An ontology-based event matching dealing with semantic heterogeneity in Pub/Sub systems, Proceedings of 2009 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2009, p 1225-1230, 2009
[12]Xiaolin Shen, Shaoyin Wang, Daqing Wang, Xiaoping Xue, Fault Injection for SCADE Models, International Conference onInformation Science and Computer Applications(ISCA2013)


