



  • 書名:英語你得小心說:為人處世
  • 作者:江濤
  • ISBN:9787502174538
  • 定價:¥26.80
  • 出版社:石油工業出版社
  • 出版時間: 2010-1-1
  • 開本:16開
  • 字數:245000






Unit 1 待人接物
Topic 1 貼心問候
Scene One: My parents at no time play cards.我父母從不打牌。
Scene Two: My brother is behind the bar.我弟弟在吧檯後面。
Scene Three: They were on their uppers.他們簡直就是一貧如洗。
Scene Four: My parents are in the drawing room.我父母在客廳里。
Scene Five: I have heard that your father is a career man.我聽說你的父親是個外交官。
Topic 2 接待客人
Scene One: My gooseis cooked.我完蛋了。
Scene Two: I will take the rest home in a doggy bag.我會把剩下的打包帶回家。
Scene Three: I bought a baker's dozen of biscuits.我買了13塊餅乾。
Scene Four: This restaurant serves all kinds of food.這個餐館提供各式各樣的食物。
Scene Five: My wife runs a dry goods store.我太太經營著一家布店。
Topic 3 鼓勵孩子
Scene One: Baby,you have to pHI up your socks.寶貝,你必須鼓足力氣。
Scene Two: Your uncle's child is as good as gold.你叔叔的孩子很乖。
Scene Three: Take your time.別著急,慢慢來。
Scene Four: Even though you are unable to conquer the difficulty,you have to faceup to it.即使你不能戰勝困難,也要勇敢地面對。
Scene Five: Don't kick your heels.不要白白浪費時間了。
Topic 4 激勵朋友
Scene One: I believe you can carry it off.我相信你能處理好這件事。
Scene Two: You’d better give him a big hand when he makes progress.當他取得進步,你就要為他鼓掌喝彩。
Scene Three: Just holdyou rhorses.耐心些,別著急。
Scene Four: You can hardly keep the wolf from the door.你幾乎要挨餓。
Scene Five: You should carry on your plan.你應該堅持你的計畫。
Topic 5 表達感謝
Scene One: Give it a name.你要什麼,說吧。
Scene Two: I bought it in a game store,which was discovered by accident during my journey.我是在一家野味店裡買到的,我在旅途中偶然發現了這家店。
Scene Three: Thank you SO much for your generous hospitality.非常感謝您的盛情款待。
Scene Four: Although the gift is small,it’S invaluable.雖然禮物很小,但它是無價的。
Scene Five: I sat above the salt.我坐了上座。
Unit 2 笑看成敗
Topic 1 接受批評
Scene One: I was dressed down by the boss.我被老闆狠狠地訓斥了一番。
Scene Two: I will take your advice in good part.我會欣然接受你的勸告。
Scene Three: You can give me a piece ofyour mind.你可以教訓我一頓。
Scene Four: My new plan was indeed a leap in the dark.我的新計畫確實有點冒險。
Scene Five: I went off the deep end when facing problems.每當遇到問題的時候,我就會感情用事。
Topic 2 總結原因
Topic 3 祝賀對手
Topic 4 自我勉勵
Topic 5 接受祝賀
Unit 3 機智做人
Unit 4 能屈能伸


