







  • 書名:英語你得小心說:商務往來
  • 作者: 江濤 
  • 出版社: 石油工業出版社
  • 出版時間: 2010-1-1
  • 開本:16開
  • 字 數:251000


I S B N : 9787502174934




Unit 1 初次交鋒 Initial Confrontation
Topic 1 機場接待Airport Reception
Scene One Thank you for going off sick to visit our company.謝謝您抽空來參觀我們公司。
Scene Two He is the general manager's blue-eyed boy.他是總經理的心腹。
Scene Three l want to sell you on the idea.我希望你接受我的意見。
Scene Four You are totally maxed out.你一定累壞了。
Scene Five Give me five.你好啊!
Topic 2 互換名片Exchanging Name Cards
Scene One Mr. Smith will take the chair at the meeting today.今天史密斯先生將會主持會議。
Scene Two He is an American China merchant.他是一個做對華貿易的美國商人。
Scene Three He is a confident man.他是個充滿自信的人。
Scene Four I have looked up to your name.久仰您的大名。
Scene Five I've hear dab out you.久仰您的大名。
Topic 3 行李搬運Carrying Luggage
Scene One He is in the habit of doing things by halves.他做事總是半途而廢。
Scene Two It can'tbelessinterestin9.太無聊了。
Scene Three I don't want to put you out.我不想給您添麻煩。
Scene Four I think you are killing time.我認為你是在浪費時間。
Scene Five Get on the stick!趕快!
Topic 4 介紹日程Introducing Schedule··
Scene One Ten to one he'11 be late.他十有八九會遲到。
Scene Two How about at the eleventh hour?最後時刻怎么樣?
Scene Three The meeting is coming of fat 2 p.m..會議下午兩點鐘開始。
Scene Four I'd like to make a personal comment.我想發表一下個人建議。
Scene Five You cannot be too careful.你再小心都不為過。
Topic 5 商務用餐Business Dinner
Scene One Me t00.我也要。
Scene Two I can't agree with your suggestion more.我非常贊同你的提議。
Scene Three He is capable of anything.他什麼壞事都做得出來。
Scene Four He double-talked tome.他對我說話含糊其辭。
Scene Five She is out with the boss.她和老闆在外面。
Unit 2 知己知彼Knowing Cooperators and Yourself
Topic l 參觀訪問Visitin9
Scene One The manager will cry up the products you supported to US.經理會大加稱讚你們提供給我們的產品的。
Scene Two I'm afraid that he is on the go fight now.恐怕他現在很忙。
Scene Three He is out for lunch.他出去吃午飯了。
Scene Four He is burying his head in the sand.他正在逃避現實。
Scene Five They gathered once a week in camera for designing new products.他們為設計新產品每周秘密聚會一次。
Topic 2 討教方法Asking for Advice”
Scene One C company and an institution are hand and glove together.公司和一家機構相互勾結。
Scene Two Never cut comers.不要投機取巧。
Scene Three Do you have any juice?你有什麼關係(門路)嗎?
Scene Four Hem a de my blood boil.他把我的肚皮都氣炸了。
Scene Five You must get on the ball.你們必須要用心做。
Topic 3 交換意見Exchanging Ideas”
Scene One The boss beats his chest.老闆拍拍胸脯(保證某事能成功)。
Scene Two The machines must work well if they're going to be the cash COW we want them to be.如果要讓這些機器如我們所願成為搖錢樹的話,就不能出亂子。
Scene Three It is really a cheap shot.真是一種卑鄙的手段。
Scene Four Don'tgetmewron9.不要誤會我。
Scene Five You don't say!真的嗎?
Topic 4 推銷產品Promoting Products”
Scene One His eloquence brought down the house.他的口才博得了滿堂喝彩。
Scene Two You can have arty first.您可以先試一試。
Scene Three Your products have an edge on the competition.你們的產品很有競爭力。
Scene Four Don't play his game.別和他鬥了。
Scene Five He is an honest man.他是個誠實可靠的人。
Topic 5 化解質疑Resolving Doubts
Scene One What you have done made me have to eat my words.你們所做的一切使我不得不收回我所說過的話。
Scene Two Could I have an appointment with you?我能跟您預約一下嗎?
Scene Three He is an easygoing person,but he always keeps a straight face.雖然他很隨和,但他總是板著一張臉。
Scene Four Our company is off the hook.我們公司已經擺脫困境了。
Scene Five This is a frank criticism of Tom.這是對湯姆坦率的批評。
Unit 3 軟磨硬泡
Unit 4 大功告成


