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  • 中文名:胡偉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:法國中央理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:工程地質
  • 職務:教授
  • 主要成就:優青
2009.09-2010.09, 法國中央理工大學土木與力學系, 博士後;
主持自然科學基金項目兩項(青年項目和面上項目),主要負責自然科學基金重大項目子題一項,主持國土資源部公益性項目一項,主持四川省傑出青年科學基金一項。在本領域知名國際期刊上發表SCI檢索論文16篇(第一/通訊作者論文14篇),其中包括Geology一篇,Geophysical Research Letters兩篇,Géotechnique兩篇,Geomorphology一篇,Engineering Geology三篇,Landslide一篇等。擔任工程地質領域SCI源刊雜誌“Journal of Mountain Science”編委,國際雜誌“Geoenvironmental Disasters”編委。國際大滑坡協會(iRALL)秘書,工程地質協會青年委員會委員。為Geology,Engineering Geology,Géotechnique等6種國際期刊審稿人。於2015年獲得中國青年地質科技獎——銀錘獎;入選2016年國土資源部傑出青年科技人才;2014年獲四川省傑出青年基金項目;2014年入選四川省學術帶頭人後備人選。在重要國際會議上做特邀報告三次,擔任分會場主席兩次。在國內重要學術會議上做特邀報告四次,擔任分會場主席3次。
1. Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China,Wei Hu(胡偉),Gianvito Scaringi, Qiang Xu, Theo W.J. Van Asch,, Runqiu Huang, Wenxi HanEngineering Geology,Volume 237, 10 April 2018, Pages 1-11(SCI)
2. Seismic precursor to instability induced by internal erosion in loose granular slopes,W. Hu(胡偉)P.-Y. HicherG. ScaringiQ. XuT. W. J. van AschG. Wang,Geotechnique(SCI)https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.17.p.0793. Mineral changes quantify frictional heating during a large low-friction landslideWei Hu(胡偉),Runqiu Huang,Mauri McSaveney,Xiang-hui Zhang,Lu Yao,Toshi Shimamoto,Geology,(SCI)DOI:https://doi.org/10.1130/G39662.1
4.Shear-Rate-Dependent Behavior of Clayey Bimaterial Interfaces at Landslide Stress Levels,Gianvito Scaringi , Wei Hu*(胡偉), Qiang Xu, and Runqiu Huan,Geophysical Research Letters, 45.https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL076214(SCI)
1. Sensitivity of the initiation and runout of flowslides in loose granular deposits to the content of small particles: An insight from flume tests,Hu, Wei(胡偉) Scaringi, Gianvito; Xu, Qiang; Pei, Zhuan; Van Asch, Theo W.J.; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Engineering Geology, v 231, p 34-44, 14 December 2017(SCI)
2. Shear Resistance Variations in Experimentally Sheared Mudstone Granules: A Possible Shear-Thinning and Thixotropic Mechanism.Hu, Wei(胡偉; Xu, Qiang; Wang, Gonghui; Scaringi, Gianvito; Mcsaveney, Mauri; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Geophysical Research Letters, v 44, n 21, p 11,040-11,050, November 16, 2017(SCI)
3. Characterisation of the ultimate particle size distribution of uniform and gap-graded soils,Zhang, Xiaoyan; Baudet, Béatrice A.; Hu, Wei; Xu(胡偉), Qiang Source:Soils and Foundations, v 57, n 4, p 603-618, August 2017(SCI)
1. Initiation processes for run-off generated debris flows in the Wenchuan earthquake area of China,W. Hu(胡偉), X.J. Dong, Q. Xu, G.H. Wang, P.Y. HicherGeomorphology, Volume 253, 15 January 2016, Pages 468-477(SCI)
1. Sensitivity of the initiation of debris flow to initial soil moisture.Hu, W(胡偉). Xu, Q.; Wang, G.H.; van Asch, T.W.J.; Hicher, P.-Y. Source:Landslides,v 12, n 6, p 1139-1145, December 1, 2015(SCI)
2. An instrumented flume to investigate the initiation mechanism of the post-earthquake huge debris flow in the southwest of China,Hu, W.(胡偉); Xu, Q.; Rui, C.; Huang, R.Q.; van Asch, T.W.J.; Zhu, X.; Xu, Q.Q. Source: Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, v 74, n 2, p 393-404, May 1, 2015(SCI)
1. The effect of size on the strength of coarse rock aggregates and large rockfill samples through experimental dataOvalle, CarlosFrossard, Etienne; Dano, Christophe; Hu, Wei(胡偉); Maiolino, Siegfried; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source: Acta Mechanica, v 225, n 8, p 2199-2216, August 2014,Recent Advances in the Mechanics of Granular Media(SCI)
2. Experimental study on the initiation of debris flow
Hu, W.(胡偉); Xu, Q.; Van Asch, T.W.J. Source:Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2014, v 2, p 1295-1298, 2014,Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2014
3. Flume tests to study the initiation of huge debris flows after the Wenchuan earthquake in S-W China.Hu, W.(胡偉); Xu, Q.; van Asch, T.W.J.; Zhu, X.; Xu, Q.Q. Source:Engineering Geology, v 182, n PB, p 121-129, November 09, 2014(SCI)
1. Influence of grain breakage on critical state
Hu, Wei(胡偉); Yin, Zhen-Yu; Dano, Christophe; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, p 173-177, 2013,Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials : Advances and New Applications
1. Rockfill shear strength evaluation: A rational method based on size effects.Frossard, E.; Hu, W.(胡偉); Dano, C.; Hicher, P.-Y. Source:Geotechnique, v 62, n 5, p 415-427, May 2012(SCI)
2. Constitutive relations for granular materials considering particle crushing: Review and development.Yin, Zhen-Yu; Xu, Qiang; Hu, Wei(胡偉)Source:Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v 34, n 12, p 2170-2180, December 2012 Language: Chinese
1. Effect of sample size on the behavior of granular materials.Hu, Wei(胡偉); Dano, Christophe; Hicher, Pierre-Yves; Le Touzo, Jean-Yves; Derkx, François; Merliot, Erick Source:Geotechnical Testing Journal, v 34, n 3, May 2011(SCI)
3. Constitutive study of crushable granular materials.Hu, Wei(胡偉); Yin, Zhen-Yu; Dano, Christophe; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, v 32, n SUPPL.2, p 159-165, August 2011 Language: Chinese
4. A constitutive model for granular materials considering grain breakage.Hu, Wei(胡偉); Yin, Zhenyu; Dano, Christophe; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Science China Technological Sciences, v 54, n 8, p 2188-2196, August 2011,Special Topic on Dynamics and Control of Structures and Systems (1943-2106)
1. Method to evaluate the shear strength of granular material with large particles. Hu, Wei(胡偉); Frossard, Etienne; Hicher, Pierre-Yves; Dano, Christophe Source:Geotechnical Special Publication, n 200 GSP, p 247-254, 2010,Soil Behavior and Geo-Micromechanics - Proceedings of the 2010 GeoShanghai International Conferenc
2. A two yielding surface elasto-plastic model with consideration of grain breakage
Wei, Hu(胡偉); Christophe, Dano; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Geotechnical Special Publication, n 200 GSP, p 109-116, 2010,Soil Behavior and Geo-Micromechanics - Proceedings of the 2010 GeoShanghai International Conference
3. Experiments on a calcareous rockfill using a large triaxial cell
Wei, Hu(胡偉); Dano, Christophe; Hicher, Pierre-Yves Source:Geotechnical Special Publication, n 200 GSP, p 255-260, 2010,Soil Behavior and Geo-Micromechanics - Proceedings of the 2010 GeoShanghai International Conference


