



  • 中文名:肖仰華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:江蘇洪澤
  • 出生日期:1980年9月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:博導


1. 在科研方面,以項目第一負責人承擔包括國家自然科學基金青年基金、復旦優秀青年基金、復旦211基金、教育部博士點新教師基金在內的多項。作為項目主要參與人,參與多項國家自然科學基金面上項目、江蘇省自然科學基金、IBM中國研究院基金、 微軟亞洲研究院、平安保險等多項企業資助項目。
2. 累積發表高質量科研論文30篇,多數發表包括計算機學會A區及B區會議和SCI影響因子1.5以上的國際期刊。會議包括SIMOD、ICDE、EDBT、ICSE、CIKM、OOPSLA、COMPSAC、ICSM、ICWS等等。期刊包括 Plos One, Physical review E, Pattern Recognition.
3. 擔任國家自然科學基金評審人,擔任江蘇省自然科學基金審稿人。擔任SCI期刊Frontier of Computer Science的青年副主編;常年擔任一區學術會議SIGKDD,ICDE, WWW以及二區學術會議CIKM、ICDM以及其他重要國際會議包括WAIM、GDM等程式委員會委員;常年擔任TKDE(Transaction ofKnowledge and Data Engineering),Knowledge andInformation System、Journal of Computer Science andTechnology(JCST),WWW Journal, 的審稿人等。
4. 在SIGMOD12、Hotdb2011、Hotdb2012等重要國際會議做Tutorial;應中國計算機學會、YOCSEF、上海市科技協會、中科院上海計算所、北京航空航天大學、北京大學、微軟亞洲研究院、IBM中國研究院等邀請,累積作特邀報告10多次。
5. 曾獲2010 年度中國計算機學會優秀博士論文提名獎、復旦大學優秀博士論文獎, 教育部科研成果二等獎
6. 應邀訪問美國貝勒醫學院人類基因組測序技術中心,從事海量生物序列數據處理方面的研究工作;受微軟亞洲研究院“鑄星計畫”資助,訪問微軟亞洲研究院,從事大圖數據管理研究和海量規模知識圖譜研究工作。



  1. Wanyun Cui,Yanghua Xiao*, Haixun Wang, Yangqiu Song, Seung-won Hwang, Wei Wang, KBQA: Learning Question Answering over QA Corpora and Knowledge Bases, (VLDB 2017),CCF Rank A Conference
  2. Jiaqing Liang, Yi Zhang,Yanghua Xiao*, Haixun Wang, Wei Wang and Pinpin Zhu, On the Transitivity of Hypernym-hyponym Relations in Data-Driven Lexical Taxonomies, (AAAI 2017)CCF Rank A Conference
  3. Jiaqing Liang,Yanghua Xiao*, Yi Zhang, Seung-Won Hwang and Haixun Wang, Graph-based Wrong IsA Relation Detection in a Large-scale Lexical Taxonomy, (AAAI 2017)CCF Rank A Conference


  1. Xiangyan Sun, Haixun Wang,Yanghua Xiao*, Zhongyuan Wang, Syntactic Parsing of Web Queries, (EMNLP 2016)CCF Rank B Conference
  2. Hongbin Ma, Bin Shao,Yanghua Xiao, Liang Jeff Chen, Haixun Wang, G-SQL: Fast Query Processing via Graph Exploration, (PVLDB) Vol 9, 2016CCF Rank A Conference
  3. Bo Xu, Chenhao Xie, Yi Zhang,Yanghua Xiao*, Haixun Wang and Wei Wang, Learning Defining Features for Categories, (IJCAI 2016)CCF Rank A Conference
  4. Wanyun Cui,Yanghua Xiao*, Wei Wang, KBQA: An Online Template Based Question Answering System over Freebase, (IJCAI 2016)CCF Rank A Conference
  5. Bo Xu, Yi Zhang, Jiaqing Liang,Yanghua Xiao*, Seung-won Hwang and Wei Wang. Cross-Lingual Type Inference. (DASFAA 2016)CCF Rank B Conference
  6. Wanyun Cui, Xiyou Zhou, Hangyu Lin,Yanghua Xiao*,Seungwon Hwang,Haixun Wang and Wei Wang, Verb Pattern: A Probabilistic Semantic Representation on Verbs, (AAAI 2016)CCF Rank A Conference


  1. Towards Topic Following in Heterogeneous Information Networks, (ASONAM 2015)
  2. An Inference Approach to Basic Level of Categorization, (CIKM 2015),CCF Rank B Conference
  3. A Graph-based Recommendation across Heterogeneous Domains, (CIKM 2015),CCF Rank B Conference
  4. Xiangyan Sun,Yanghua Xiao, Haixun Wang, Wei Wang, On Conceptual Labeling of a Bag of Words, (IJCAI 2015),CCF Rank A Conference
  5. Deqing Yang,Yanghua Xiao, An Integrated Tag Recommendation Algorithm Towards Weibo User Profiling, (DASFAA 2015),CCF Rank B Conference
  6. Liangyue Li, Hanghang Tong,Yanghua Xiao, Fast Graph Kernel Tracking on Dynamic Graphs, (SDM 2015),CCF Rank B Conference
  7. Hui Wang, Wanyun Cui,Yanghua Xiao*, Hanghang Tong, Robust Network Construction against Intentional Attack, (BigComp 2015),Invited Paper


  1. Kezun Zhang,Yanghua Xiao*, Hanghang Tong, Haixun Wang, Wei Wang, WiiCluster: a Platform for Wikipedia Infobox Generation, (CIKM 2014),CCF Rank B Conference
  2. Wanyun Cui,Yanghua Xiao*, Haixun Wang, Wei Wang, Local Search of Communities in Large Graphs, (SIGMOD 2014),CCF Rank A Conference
  3. Lu Wang,Yanghua Xiao*, Bin Shao, Haixun Wang, How to Partition a Billion-Node Graph, (ICDE 2014), 7(1): 61-72,CCF Rank A Conference
  4. Deqing Yang*,Yanghua Xiao, Yangqiu Song, Junjun Zhang, Kezun Zhang, Wei Wang, Tag Propagation Based Recommendation across Diverse Social Media, (WWW 2014),CCF Rank B Conference
  5. Hui Wang, Jinyuan Huang, Xiaomin Xu,Yanghua Xiao*, Damage Attacks in Complex Networks,Physica A, 2014,SCI, IF=1.6
  6. Lei Zou,Kun Xu, Jeffery Xu Yu, Lei Chen,Yanghua Xiao, Dongyan Zhao, Efficient Processing of Label-Constraint Reachability Queries in Large Graphs,Information System, Vol 40: 47-66 (2014)SCI, IF=1.8


  1. Zichao Qi,Yanghua Xiao*, Bin Shao, Haixun Wang, Toward a Distance Oracle for Billion-Node Graphs, (PVLDB 2013), 7(1): 61-72,CCF Rank A Conference
  2. Xiaomin Xu, Yiqi Lu, Sheng Huang,Yanghua Xiao*, and Wei Wang, Incremental Sensor Placement Optimization on Water Network, (ECML/PKDD 2013), 467-482,CCF Rank B Conference
  3. Wanyun Cui,Yanghua Xiao*, Haixun Wang, Yiqi Lu, Wei Wang, Online Search of Overalpping Communities, (SIGMOD 2013), 277-288,CCF Rank A Conference
  4. Yaoliang Chen, Ji Hong, Wanyun Cui, Jacques Zaneveld, Wei Wang, Richard Gibbs,Yanghua Xiao*and Rui Chen*, CGAP-align: A High Performance DNA Short Read Alignment Tool,Plos One, 2013, 8(4): e61033,SCI, IF=4


  1. Xiaomin Xu,Sheng Huang, Yanghua Xiao* and Wei Wang, SCuV: a novel Software Clustering and Visualization Tool, ACM conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2012), CCF Rank A Conference
  2. Deqing Yang, Yanghua Xiao*, Bo Xu, Hanghang Tong, Wei Wang, and Sheng Huang, Which Topic Will You Follow? Europen Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, (ECML/PKDD 2012)(Full Research Paper), Bristol, UK, 24-28 Sept. 2012CCF Rank B Conference
  3. Sheng Huang , Xiaomin Xu, Yanghua Xiao*, Wei Wang, Cloud based Test Coverage Service, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2012), CCF Rank B Conference
  4. Sheng Huang, Yiqi Lu, Yanghua Xiao*, Wei Wang, Yu Wang, XMLSnippet: A XML Configuration Snippet Recommendation Tool for Coding Assistance,The 36th Annual IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2012)(Full Research Paper), Izimir, Turky, 16-20 July 2012, CCF Rank B Conference
  5. Sheng Huang, Yiqi Lu, Yanghua Xiao*, Wei Wang, Mining Application Repository to Recommend XML Configuration Snippets, IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012) (Demo), CCF Rank A Conference
  6. Bin Shao, Haixun Wang, Yanghua Xiao, Managing and Mining Large Graphs: Systems and Implementations, ACM SIG on Data Management (SIGMOD 2012)(Tutorial), CCF Rank A Conference
  7. Yanghua xiao, Ji Hong, Wanyun Cui, Zhenying He, Wei Wang, Guodong Feng, Branch Code: An Efficient Labeling Scheme for Query Answering on Trees, IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE 2012) (Full Research paper), Arlington, Virginia USA, April 01-April 05, CCF Rank A Conference
  8. Quan Shi, Yanghua Xiao*, Nik Bessis, Yiqi Lu, Yaoliang Chen, and Richard Hill, Optimizing K2 trees: A case for validating the maturity of network of practices, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, SCI, IF=1.5


  1. Xianmang He, Yanghua Xiao, Yujia Li, Qing Wang, Wei Wang, and Baile Shi: Dynamic Anonymization for Marginal Publication. (SSDBM 2011): Pages: 451-460,CCF Rank B Conference
  2. Sheng Huang, Zhong Jie Li, Ying Liu, Jun Zhu, Yanghua Xiao, Wei Wang, "Regression Testing as a Service", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2011), Pages 13-20, CCF Rank B Conference
  3. Quan Shi, Bo Xu, Xiaomin Xu, Yanghua Xiao*, Wei Wang, and Hengshan Wang, Diversity of social ties in scientific collaboration networks, Physica A, Volume 390, Issues 23-24, 1 November 2011, Pages 4627-4635,SCI, IF=1.4, Most Read Papers of Physica A Links
  4. Sheng Huang, Zhong Jie Li, Jun Zhu, Yanghua Xiao* and Wei Wang. A Novel Approach to Regression Test Selection for J2EE Applications. 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM)(ICSM2011),Page 484-491, CCF Rank B Conference.
  5. Kun Xu, Lei Zou, Jeffery Xu Yu, Lei Chen, Yanghua Xiao*, Dongyan Zhao. Answering Label-Constraint Reachability in Large Graphs. (CIKM2011), Pages 1595-1600,CCF Rank B Conference.


  1. Wentao Wu, Yanghua Xiao, Wei Wang, Zhenying He and Zhihui Wang, K-Symmetry Model for Identity Anonymization in Social Networks, 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT’10), CCF Rank B Conference.
  2. Hua Dong , Li Luo , Shengjun Hong , Hoicheong Siu , Yanghua Xiao , Li Jin , Rui Chen and Momiao Xiong, Integrated analysis of mutations, miRNA and mRNA expression in glioblastoma, (BMC Systems Biology), 2010, 4:163, SCI, IF=3.6


  1. Yanghua Xiao,Wentao Wu, JianPei, Wei Wang, Zhenying He, Efficiently Indexing Shortest Path by Exploiting Symmetry in Graphs. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'09), March 23-26, 2009, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Comment from referees:” A pioneer work”, CCF Rank B Conference


  1. Yanghua Xiao, Hua Dong, Wentao Wu, Momiao Xiong, Wei Wang,Baile Shi, Structure-based Graph Distance Measures of High Degree of Precision. Pattern Recognition, Vol 41, 2008, page: 3547 - 3561, SCI, IF=3
  2. Yanghua Xiao, Wentao Wu, Wei Wang, Zhengying He. Efficient Algorithms for Node Disjoint Subgraph Homeomorphism Determination. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA'08), 2008 ,New Delhi, India . A full-length version is available at ArXiv0709.1227, CCF Rank B Conference.
  3. Yanghua Xiao, Ben.D.MacArthur, Hui Wang, Momiao Xiong, Wei Wang. Network Quotients: Structural Skeletons of Complex Systems. Physical Review E, Vol 78,Page: 046102, 2008, Selected in October 15, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research. Comment from referees of PRE: “……This manuscript makes a substantial contribution to the topic of finding the ‘structural skeleton’ of complex networks, a topic of considerable interest in the network science literature……”, SCI, IF=2.5
  4. Yanghua Xiao, Wentao Wu, Hui Wang, Momiao Xiong, Wei Wang. Symmetry-based Structure Entropy of Complex Networks. Physica A, 2008, Vol.387, Page:2611-2619, SCI, IF=1.4
  5. Yanghua Xiao, Momiao Xiong, Wei Wang, Hui Wang. Emergence of Symmetry in Complex Networks. Physical Review E, Vol.77, Issue.6, 2008, page: 066108, SCI, IF=2.5


